RAAF.Serial |
Type |
RAF.Serial |
History |
A58-1 |
F.VC |
AR510 |
38 MU 29/06/42, VSM
08/09/42 Fuel System mods(Volkes), 52 MU
05/10/42, shipped ex UK 13/10/42, SS Waroonga. Status card says it
was previously AR610. Delivered 25/12/42 to 1
AD, initial deliveries called Capstan's to
hide the fact Spitfire were here in Australia.
Still being erected 28/12/42. To 2 OTU
21/01/43. To 24 Sqn 27/02/43. To 2 OTU
05/04/43. To 452 Sqn 14/05/43 and coded QY-B.
Operational Loss 1700hrs 23/06/43, aircraft
suffered engine failure during interception,
with pilot baling out at 15000 feet and
aircraft crashing in Jaba Bay near Point
Margaret. Pilot F/O R.R.Williams Serv#402675
not injured. To 7 RSU 01/07/43. AMSE Approval
per File#9/16/904 Min#5 for conversion to
Components 22/07/43. |
A58-2 |
F.VC |
AR523 |
38 MU
29/06/42, VSM 08/09/42 Fuel System
mods(Volkes), 215 MU 27/09/42, shipped ex UK
13/10/42, SS Waroonga. Delivered 25/12/42 to 1
AD. Still being erected on 28/12/42. To 7 AD
20/01/43. To 2 OTU 23/02/43. To 84 Sqn
27/02/43. To 2 OTU 05/04/43. To 1 FW 09/05/43.
To 452 Sqn 14/05/43. Katherine strip NT early
1943 with 452 Sqn and coded "T".Later coded
QY-F. Noted as Missing during Enemy action on
30/06/43.Lost with PltOff Colin R Duncan
Serv#401778 30/6/43 452Sqdn Found near
Batchelor after crashed on 30/06/43 due to
Enemy Action. To 7 RSU 15/07/43. Written off
04/10/43. |
A58-3 |
F.VC |
AR526 |
38 MU
11/07/42, VSM 09/09/42 fuel sys mods(Volkes) ,
215 MU 27/09/42, ex UK SS Waroonga
13/10/42.Delivered 25/12/42 to 1 AD. Still
being erected on 28/12/42. To 7 RSU ex 1AD
19/01/43. To 457 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 24/02/43. To
7 RSU 13/04/43. to 457 Sqn 19/04/43 Coded
"ZP-V". Operational loss as Blue 1, during a 8
aircraft interception of 8 Enemy Bombers and 5
Zekes at 22000 feet over Milingimbi Island NT
1335hrs 28/05/43. Pilot; F/O Alfred "Harry"
Henry Blake Serv#400458, belived shot down at
sea and missing. AMSE Approval W/O per
File#9/16/865 08/07/43. |
A58-4 |
F.VC |
AR532 |
38 MU
17-7-42 VASM fuel syst mods. 215MU 27-9-42. SS
Waroonga 13-10-42. Rec 1 AD ex UK 25/12/42.
Still being erected on 28/12/42. To 7 RSU ex
1AD 09/03/43. Aircraft fitted with presurised
tanks 05/43. To 79 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 16/05/43.
To 1 AD 23/05/43 for Engine coating
modification. To 79 Sqn RAAF 07/06/43 and
coded UP-J. Collision with a stationary A58-28
(JG796) on takeoff/taxiing at Kiriwina
16/04/44. Pilot; F/O R. K. Hollow Serv#408843
not injured. To 12 RSU 17/05/44. Approved for
conversion to Components 27/05/44.Photo Held |
A58-5 |
F.VC |
AR558 |
in Australia on SS Porowydham 09/10/42.
Delivered 25/11/42 to 1 AD. Still being
erected on 26/11/42, 08/12/42 and finally
completed on 14/12/42. To 7 AD 08/01/43. To
457 Sqn 09/05/43 coded "ZP-G". To 7 RSU
11/05/43. To 457 Sqn 13/05/43 and coded
"ZP-?". Forced landed wheels up at Darwin
Civil Aerodrome 1600 hrs 18/08/43 due to
engine failure whilst passing overheard of
Darwin. Pilot F/O W.J.Turner Serv#403773 not
injured. To 7 RSU 19/08/43. To 452 Sqn RAAF
18/10/43. To 14 ARD 25/10/43. To 452 Sqn RAAF
28/10/43. To 14 ARD 21/06/44. Oleo leg
collapsed on landing when being delivered to 2
OTU when landing at Tennants Creek on 12th
August 1944. Pilot was F/Lt Bowden. 14ARD To
14 ARD 15/08/44. Approved for converted to
Components 28/05/45. To 8 CRD 16/07/45. |
A58-6 |
F.VC |
AR563 |
in Australia on SS Port Sydney 11/42.
Delivered 21/11/42 to 2 AD. Still being
erected on 26/11/42, completed 07/12/42. To 2
OTU 16/12/42. Accident at 2 OTU 16/01/43,
damage to airscoop, radiator, bellytank and
airscrew. To 24 Sqn 27/02/43. To 2 OTU
05/04/43. To 452 Sqn 16/05/43 and coded QY-R.
Forced landing near Darwin 05/08/43. Pilot was
F/O J.H.Bisley DFC Serv#402720* 452Sqdn RAAF
not injured. To 7 RSU 11/08/43. Approved for
conversion to components 28/08/43.Photo Held.
*Bisley was an "Ace" on arrival with 6 Kills
and 1 damaged to credit. |
A58-7 |
F.VC |
AR564 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 16/04/43. Delivered
1AD 20/04/43. Allotted 2OTU 07/06/43. Canc.
Allotted 452 Sqn RAAF 08/07/43. Allotted 1FW
07/07/43. Canc. Rec 54Sqn RAF 16/07/43 and
coded DL-L. Accident when night landing RAAF
Darwin 2045hrs 13/01/44 when taxying, aircraft
nosed over in ditch. Pilot; P/O A.E.
Featherstone RAF OK. Rec 7RSU 13/01/44. Issued
CRD ex 7RSU 02/02/44. AMSE approved Write-off
17/02/44. Converted to Components. |
A58-8 |
F.VC |
AR619 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 28/11/42. Delivered
1AD 04/12/42. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 20/01/43.Issued
54 Sqn RAF 24/02/43. Crashed during combat,
Darwin 15/03/43.Pilot Flt Sgt Francis Leslie
Varney 54Sqn RAF (20 yro Married from Sussex
UK) crashed nearby Kahlin Hospital near Myilly
Point NT.Died as result of injuries 16/03/43.
Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 19/03/43. AMSE Approval
Write-off 05/05/43. |
A58-9 |
F.VC |
AR620 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 28/11/42. DRec
06/12/42. Rec 7AD ex 1AD Storage 20/01/43.
Issued 54 Sqn RAF 24/02/43. Crashed into Sea
during combat 15/3/43, Darwin with FltSgt
Albert Edward Cooper 54Sqn RAF being killed.
AMSE Approval Write-off 06/04/43. |
A58-10 |
F.VC |
AR621 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 28/11/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 04/12/42. Modified for CAAG Pressure "G"
Suit development trials at 2OTU. Rec 2OTU ex
1AD Storage 19/03/43. Rec Special Duties
Flight (SDF) ex 2OTU 16/05/43. In use 1APU
10/01/44. Rec 1AD ex 1APU 06/06/44.Rec 2OTU ex
1AD 09/06/44. Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/44.
Landing Accident, Uranquinty 22/11/44 when
pilot landed wheels up. Pilot, F/O N B Beultey
not injured. Rec 2CRD ex 8OTU 24/04/45. ,
Recommended to be converted to components
A58-11 |
F.VC |
BS158 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 19/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec
54Sqn RAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Landing collision
1700 Hrs 5/2/43 with A58-41(then BR535,
piloted by Sgt A E Cooper Serv#94003 RAF),
Darwin piloted by Sgt P.McCarthy Serv#1271615
RAF 54Sqdn RAF who was killed. Rec 7RU ex
54Sqn RAF 09/02/43. AMSE approval to be
converted to components 08/03/43. |
A58-12 |
F.VC |
BS162 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42.Rec 1AD ex UK
21/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF ex 1FW 09/11/42.Coded "QY-F".Operational
loss 1045hrs 02/05/43, when as White #4 during
Darwin Raid #54 when after interception,
aircraft, heavily damaged by enemy aircraft
fire was returning from combat low level.
Fellow pilots from 457Sqn RAAF saw aircraft
break away and spiral dived towards sea level
some 6 miles south west of Darwin Harbour.
Crashed into Sea during combat some 20 miles
west of Perrin Island.Lost with Pilot , F/O
Alexander " Sandy" Charles McNab Serv# 405420
RAAF. AMSE Write-off per File#9/16/826
02/06/43 |
A58-13 |
F.VC |
BS165 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 29/10/42. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1AD 19/11/42.
Accident 25/11/42 when aircraft crashed near
Catfish Creek NSW following gycol fluid leak.
Pilot, Sgt Reid RAF bailed out too late and
was killed.The aircraft engine stopped with
aircraft going into spin at 1500 feet before
crashing in ball of fire. Rec 2AD ex 54 Sqn
RAF 29/11/42. |
A58-14 |
F.VC |
BS223 |
in Australia on SS Port Wyndan 21/11/42. Rec
1AD ex UK 25/11/42. Rec 2FS ex 1AD 28/02/43.
Rec 2OTU ex 2FS 26/03/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
2OTU 14/05/43. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn RAAF
20/09/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD 24/09/43.
Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 24/04/44. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF ex 7RSU 07/05/44.Rec 14ARDRP ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 15/06/44. Rec 2OTU ex 14ARDRP 17/08/44.
Allotted 8OTU ex 2OTU26/10/44. Canc. AMSE
Approval to convert to components 23/08/45. |
A58-15 |
F.VC |
BR237 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 30/10/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 27/11/42. Coded
"J". Accident 06/02/43 when pilot hit power
lines, near Tocumwal whilst approaching to
land 6/2/43 . Pilot was Sgt J C King from 7AD.
Repaired. Coded QY-J. Accident 29/05/43 when
performing urgent operational taxy to
take-off. BR237, piloted by F/Sgt C.C.R.Duncan
collided with BR497's tail. AMSE Approval to
convert to components Dated 05/04/43. File#
9/16/725 Min#4. Error or Date entry error per
RAAF Records per BS237. Actual for BR237 :
Operational Loss after enemy action 15/07/43.
Allotted 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 15/07/43. AMSE
Approval 09/16/1108 dated 04/10/43. |
A58-16 |
F.VC |
BR238 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. Rec 2OTU ex 1AD 06/12/42.
Landing accident 16/12/42 when starboard eleo
colapsed on landing at Mildura. Pilot, Sgt H H
Griffiths not injured. Repaired. Accident
15/02/43 when forced landed at 4 miles east of
Yatpool near Mildura. Pilot, Sgt S J Bennison
Serv#1331988 RAF not injured. Rec 2AD ex 2OTU
08/03/43. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD 14/07/43 and
coded ZP-V. Accident 12/02/44. 457Sqn RAAF,
taxying accident Paroo 13/03/44. Repairs at
site. 457Sqn RAAF forced landing due to engine
failure , RAAF Darwin 19/04/44, repaired. Rec
6AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 16/07/44. Rec 85Sqn ex 6AD
05/01/45. Coded SH-R. Accident 30/06/45 when
aircraft was belly landed. Rec 17RSU ex 85Sqn
RAAF. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 17RSU 23/07/45. Rec
6AD ex 85Sqn RAAF 16/10/45. Authorised for
write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-17 |
F.VC |
BR239 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 19/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 11/11/42. Rec
54Sqn RAF ex 1FW 11/11/42. Lost on Ops Darwin
1010hrs 02/05/43 with FlgOff G.C. Farries
Serv# 119547 54Sqn RAF. Farries on this sortie
was credited with one Zeke destroyed, one
damaged and one Hap damaged. He baled out
successfully some 20 miles south west of Pain
Island and was picked up by a RAAF Walrus some
5.5 hrs later. Point of notice: BR239 was his
aircraft per 54Sqn RAF A50 Page 117 per
02/05/43 between 0940Hrs Scramble until lost
1010Hrs. However, this aircraft was also
listed per sorties flown by him:12/05/43, and
13/05/43. Error apparently caused by his new
aircraft serial being the simular BR539
(A58-45 DL-X), not BR239. W/O File#9/16/826
Approval HQ09 02/06/43. |
A58-18 |
F.VC |
BR240 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
28/11/42. Coded QY-Y. Accident 1515Hrs
23/07/43 when after taking off on practice
scramble as "Troppo Blue 1" returned to Straus
Strip, found that undercarriage selector was
jammed at 3/4 position. Despite several
efforts to lower undercarriage, advise he was
flying to 7RSU, based at Pell Strip. Pilot
landed wheels up on Pell Strip. Pilot was F/Lt
D.F.Evans Serv#404724 who had 230hrs on
Spitfires at the time. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 25/07/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
09/08/43. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn RAAF 02/02/44.
Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARD 09/03/44. Rec 7RSU
240Hrs Service 17/03/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex
7RSU 01/04/44. Coded ZP-K. Rec 6AD ex 457Sqn
RAAF 16/07/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 6AD 06/12/44.
Coded SH-Y. Rec 4AD ex 85Sqn RAAF 08/10/45.
Faulty starter. Issued 6AD ex 4AD but stranded
at Ceduna with u/s Engine 18/02/46. 06/03/46
surveyed insitu by 1AD. Uneconomical to
repair. Converted to Components Approved
insitu Ceduna WA. 30/04/46. File 9/16/2159. |
A58-19 |
F.VC |
BR241 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Coded "T".
Accident 24/01/43 landed with undercarriage up
and overturned at Batchelor Strip.Pilot, F/O E
V Mathews injured. Issued 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
18/02/42 and coded QY-T. Accident 30/06/43
when aircraft was forced landed at Strauss due
to Glycol leak whist on interception. Overshot
on landing, with aircraft crashing and
catching on fire. Pilot, F/O W J Lamerton
Serv#407900 injured. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
14/02/43. AMSE Approval to write-off 21/07/43.
Converted to Components. Photo Held |
A58-20 |
F.VC |
BS295 |
in Australia on SS Raranga 10/11/42.
BR295(E/E88) or BS295(Accidents 09/08/43 per
fuselage markings)?Settled: BR295 was shot
down by return fire from Ju88 20m S of Malta
07/12/42. BS295 was Rec 1AD ex UK 10/11/42.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 19/11/42. Was the
personal mount of WgCdr Clive Caldwell and was
later coded CR-C. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
10/04/43. Accident 09/08/43 when on landing
aircraft following a oil leak to airscrew,
veered starboard off strip and hit pipeline.
Pilot, F/Sgt G S Benson Serv#405818 not
injured. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 24/09/43.
Coded QY-G. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn RAAF
25/10/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD 28/10/43.
Accident near ground collison with
A58-111(flown by F/O E.G. Etherington also of
452 Sqn) on landing at Strauss Field 01/01/44.
Groundlooped aircraft to miss. Pilot; F/Sgt
A.R. Richardson not injured.RR Merlin #79997.
Salvaged by 2 Salvage Party 7RSU. Rec 7RSU
03/01/44. Rec 14ARDRP ex 7RSU 16/02/44. Rec
15ARDRP ex 14ARDRP 11/03/44. Rec 15ARd ex
15ARDRP 12/03/44. Alloted 6AD ex 15ARD
25/11/45. Aircraft fitted with full Sperry
instruments. Converted to Components Approved
12/02/46. Photo Held |
A58-21 |
F.VC |
BS300 |
in Australia on SS Raranga 10/11/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 10/11/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
19/11/42.Coded ZP-G. Accident 1605hrs 23/11/43
pilot taking off from Livingstone Field in
formation with another, when his aircraft
struck a flare path light with the port oleo
and swung off strip and collided with a
stationary motor vehicle utility. Pilot F/O A
J G Gould Serv#404613 was not injured, but
driver and other occupant of the utility,
Leading Aircraftsman Eric Harvey McCarthy
Serv#80427 and F/O C H Bell Serv# 118432 RAF,
both of 1RIMU, were killed. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn
RAAF 25/11/43. Rec 14ARD ex 7RSU 03/12/43.Rec
14ARDRP ex 14ARD 30/06/44. Taxying Accident
16/09/44 when aircraft collided with W/T
Servicing Truck at Sattler Strip NT. P/O
Benson 14ARDRP not injured. Rec 14ARD ex
14ARDRP 22/09/44. Rec 9RSU ex 14ARD 25/09/44.
Rec 8OTU ex 14ARD 25/02/45. Recommended after
survey 05/09/45 to be uneconomical to be
repaired. Rec 2CRD Mt Duritt ex 8OTU 21/09/45.
Converted to Components.
A58-22 |
F.VC |
BR386 |
in Australia on SS Sterling Castle
25/08/42.Rec 14/08/42 1AD ex UK under code
name "Kingdom" (Before Capstan was issued).
Completed for delivery 28/08/42. Issued RAF
Fighter Training Wing Richmond 04/09/42.In
Serv 452 Sqn RAAF 26/09/42. Coded "K".
Accident 1100hrs 21/02/43 when engine cut out
at 28000 feet and would not start again. Pilot
endeavoured to force land but misjudged his
approach at 600 feet and landed in trees on
boundary of Strauss strip at right angle.
Pilot, Sgt P.D.Tully Serv# 404998 slightly
injured with abrasions and shock. Rec 7RSU ex
452 Sqn RAAF 24/02/43. AMSE Approval to W/O
26/03/43. Photo held |
A58-23 |
F.VC |
BR462 |
in Australia on SS Sterling Castle 25/08/42.
Rec 1AD ex UK 14/08/42. Rec RAF Fighter Wing
Richmond 04/09/42. Accident 21/09/42 when
aircraft landed with only Port Main extended
at Richmond. Pilot; F/O J S Newton Serv#
400730 457Sqn RAAF. Rec 7RSU ex RAF Wing
25/09/42. Issued 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 14/12/42
coded XB-U. Accident 05/03/43 when pilot who
had completed a training flight landed with
undercarriage partially down at Livingstone
Strip. Sgt C Gumley not injured. Rec 7RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 10/03/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
23/03/43. Coded ZP-U. Rec 7 RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
22/06/43.Rec 457Sqn RAAF 25/06/43.Accident
1130Hrs 28/06/43 on intercept sortie as Red 4
attacking three Zeros north of Darwin when
replacement engine failed causing the pilot to
make a forced landing some 20 miles north west
of Tumbling Waters. Pilot was F/O W.J.Halse
Serv#401374 457Sqn RAAF who was rescued by an
Army Truck uninjured. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
01/07/43. AMSE Approval to convert to
components; File 9/16/917 Min#11
25/08/43.Photo Held |
A58-24 |
F.VC |
BR468 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42.Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
27/11/42. Coded ZP-M. Damaged 15/03/43 in
Combat; repaired at Unit. Rec 7RSU ex 457 Sqn
RAAF 12/05/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
31/05/43.Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 15/12/43 for
240Hr inspection 7RSU. RR Merlin #81278 Rec
14ARDRP ex 7RSU 15/02/44. Rec 15ARDAP ex
14ARDRP 13/03/44. Allotted 79Sqn RAAF. Canc
12/05/44. Rec 15ARD ex 15ARDRP 17/05/44.Rec
79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARDRP 07/08/44. 12/08/44,
Aircraft not fit for operational service, with
airscrew used for A58-200 in 79Sqn RAAF
service 16/10/44. Rec 6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF
14/11/44. Rec 8OTU ex 6AD 07/01/45.
15/01/45,allotted to 1 Engine School ex 8OTU
and delivered to 1CU as No 1 Eng School
Instructional Airframe No 7. Authorised for
write off 24/05/46,. Passed to DAP 26/11/47.
DAP action completed 08/02/49. |
A58-25 |
F.VC |
BR471 |
in Australia on SS Sterling Castle 25/08/42.
Rec 1AD ex UK 14/08/42. Erection preceeding
1AD 21/08/42. One of the first 6 Spitfires to
be delivered to Australia. Issued RAF Fighter
Wing Richmond ex 1AD 04/09/42. In service with
452 Sqn RAAF 05/10/42. Accident 1011hrs
9/10/42, pilot was doing a Oxygen climb to
35000 feet when he lost consciousness in
flight. Aircraft last seen diving into sea
near Wamberal Broken Bay, New South Wales,
after taking off from Richmond at 0915hrs. It
had crashed into sea one mile off from the
shore. The aircraft was in a 70 degree dive,
as sighted by witnesses. Sgt Michael Clifford
Service#403320 killed. Body was recovered off
Shelly Beach on the 10/10/42. Funeral was held
at St Anthony's Church Clovelly at 1030Hrs on
the 12/10/42, for burial in the Roman Catholic
Section of Botany Cemetery. AMSE Approval to
W/O per File No 9/53/5 19/01/43. Photo held. |
A58-26 |
F.VC |
BR480 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 29/10/42. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1AD 27/11/42.
Scramble interception as Blue 2, 0945hrs
02/05/43, soon after, 10.30Hrs with aircraft
loosing power through low oil pressure and
coolant loss, forced Landing 4 miles west of
Point Charles on beach. Sgt J F H Cavanagh
Serv# 1319953 of 54Sqn RAF, uninjured,
returned to base later that day. Rec 7RSU ex
54Sqn RAF 06/05/43. AMSE Approval for W/O per
File 9/16/840 4/06/43. Converted to
Components. |
A58-27 |
F.VC |
BR484 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 21/10/42. Rec 1 Fighter Wing ex 1AD
09/11/42. Rec 54 Sqn RAF ex 1FW 09/11/42.
Accident on landing 16/2/43 Pilot P/O James
Charles Wellsman Serv#1180030 RAF (later
Killed 30th June 1943 flying Spitfire BR528
near Pine Creek, Northern Territory).Coded
DL-V. Rec 6AD ex 54Sqn RAF 10/02/44. Rec 2OTU
ex 6AD 11/07/44. Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/44.
Rec 6AD ex 8OTU 28/11/45. Stored Cat C
05/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48.
Held at Toowoomba 2011, undergoing
restoration. Photo held in service. |
A58-28 |
F.VC |
BR485 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 19/10/42. Awaiting erection 1AD 19/11/42.
Allotted 2OTU ex 1AD 02/12/42. Canc. Waiting
operational test 1AD 04/01/43.Allotted 7AD ex
1AD storage 06/01/43. Canc.Allotted 1RSU ex
1AD 20/03/43. Canc.Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
07/05/43. Allotted 1AD ex 79Sqn RAAF for
engine Cooling Modification 19/05/43. Rec
79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 29/05/43, coded UP-M.
Personal aircraft of Sqn Ldr Bott. Accident
31/12/43 when Sqn Ldr M S Bott Serv#260779
made an emergency powered landing due to
engine problems. Destroyed in taxiing accident
0600hrs 16/4/44 at Momote Strip, Mercantile,
Negros Islands, Fin, top fuselage and cockpit
chopped up by the propellor of A58-4 UP-J
flown by Sqn Ldr N M Pilcher Serv#260750, 100
yards short of strip threshold due to
misidentifying green taxy light from control
tower. Pilot, by Sqn Ldr M S Bott Serv#260779
was killed. Pilot of A58-4 was seriously
injured. Rec 12RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 17/05/44.
AMSE Approval to W/O per File 9/16/1538
274/05/44. RAAF HQ Approval 31/05/44.
Converted to Components. Photo held post
crash. |
A58-29 |
F.VC |
BR490 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42.Rec 1AD ex UK
19/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec 54 Sqn
RAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Abandon in flight
following after Enemy Action near Darwin
30/06/43 with Sgt S.C.J.Laundry Serv#1147350
RA, bailing out ."A"Flight Radio Call Sign
"Toilet 22". Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 11/07/43
after Army located wreck. AMSE approval W/O
per File 9/16/919 Min 7 17/07/43. |
A58-30 |
F.VC |
BR493 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 31/10/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
09/11/42.Accident 23/02/43 when landing in a
crosswind at Livingstone NT, overshot during
taxying, tipping aircraft on nose. Pilot, Sgt
L J Hart not injured. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
26/02/43. Allotted 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
26/02/43. Repaired.Coded ZP-A. Lost in combat
28/6/43 with F/O Francis Bruce Beale
Serv#402842 being killed. Aircraft had winged
Gremlin Motif with Tommy Gun forward of
cockpit on Port side. Refer: NAA File:
166/5/174. W/O File 09/16/865 HQ QO668
08/07/43.Photo Held. |
A58-31 |
F.VC |
BR495 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 21/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec
54Sqn RAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Accident 1100Hrs
06/07/43 prior to interception of enemy
formation, engine overheated due to oil
pressure drop and glycol leak, forcing pilot
to force land on the beach near Port
Patterson, NT. One of 8 Spitfires lost that
day, balanced by 10 enemy aircraft shot down.
Pilot, F/O W.T. Hinds Serv#129948 54Sqn RAF
not injured and returned the next day. Rec
7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 27/09/43. Rec 14ARd ex 7RSU
10/10/43. AMSE Approval for conversion per
File 9/16/1174 Min#64 Converted to Components. |
A58-32 |
F.VC |
BR497 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 19/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Coded QY-C. Accident
29/05/43 when performing urgent operational
taxy to take-off. BR237, piloted by F/Sgt
C.C.R.Duncan Serv#401778 collided with BE497's
tail. Operational Loss after taking off from
Strauss Strip 1040Hrs 06/07/43. With White
Section at 32000 feet, attacked an enemy
formation of 27 Enemy bombers, supported by 20
Enemy fighters at 29000 feet south of Perron
Island NT. After engaging a Zeke fighter,
climbed to 29000 feet, F/O Lloyd carried out a
head-on attack with another Zeke, then formed
up ahead with Sgt Richardson , but both were
attacked three Zekes, causing Lloyd to break
right. He continued going down when his engine
cut, then he was hit causing his engine to
catch fire. F/O C. P. Lloyd Serv#404690 then
successfully bailed out. He was picked up by a
Tiger Moth some three days later, piloted by
F/Lt Fenton. Alloted 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF for
collection. AMSE Approval for conversion
File#9/16/1125 Min 514/10/43. Photo Held.
A58-33 |
F.VC |
BR499 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 19/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 03/11/42. Rec
457Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Coded V and named
"Bill 1". Accident 1700hrs 13/03/43, written
off on landing at Livingstone NT following a
non-operational flight. Aircraft had violent
swing to the left off strip and crashed into
high ground and trees , with port wing being
ripped off and aircraft ending on nose. Cause
attributed to retracted left flap. Pilot; P/O
Alfred Henry Blake Serv#400458 was not
injured. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 15/03/43.
AMSE Approval for conversion File#9/16/720
Minute 4 05/04/43. 29/05/43 AMSE approved that
aircraft was repairable per HQ0977 31/05/43.
Repaired. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 13/06/43.
Coded ZP-V. Operational loss, 06/07/43 when 11
Spitfires of 457Sqn were tasked to intercept
enemy aircraft approaching Darwin from the
west. As Blue 2, Blue Section dived into
attack the formation approximately 35 miles
east of Anson Bay at a height of approximately
22000 feet. Of Blue Section of four aircraft,
only Blue 4 returned, having left the flight
due to engine trouble prior to the engagement.
Blue 1 (F/O F D Hamilton Serv#403050) and Blue
3 (P/O N F Robinson Serv#401284)also missing.
Pilot of BR499; P/O F.R.J. McDowell
Serv#403070 killed. Wreck and pilot located
20/07/43 by 7RSU. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
25/07/43. AMSE Approval for conversion
File#9/16/720 Min#14 11/09/43. Photos Held "V"
Crash |
A58-34 |
F.VC |
BR525 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42.. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
30/11/42. Coded "J". Later coded QY-J and
named "Lady Jean". Operational Loss 0945hrs
02/05/43, when 452 Sqn RAAF was ordered to
scramble from Strauss Strip to intercept Enemy
formation of 21 Bombers escorted by 25-30
Fighters over Darwin NT along , with 457 Sqn
RAAF and 54Sqn RAF. As White 3, F/O Anthony
"Tim" P. Goldsmith DFC DFM Serv#402500,
following after 54 Sqn RAF and 457 Sqn RAAF
attacks, was the first of 452 Sqn RAAF
Spitfire to dive ointo the formation after
penetrating the fighter screen. He made an
attack on a Betty Bomber firing a 3-6 second
burst at close range. He then broke away
downwards doing a aileron turn when an enemy
fighter was about to attack him. His aircraft was hit
in his breakaway, throwing him out of the
cockpit through the hood. He successfully
parachuted and landed in the sea some 30 miles
north west of Darwin in the sea. He was picked
up by naval launch on the 3/05/43 and taken to
the Naval Hospital at Darwin suffering slight
abrasions. (at January1943, his personal tally
was 12.5 Aircraft Destroyed, with 7 Damaged
when he first came to this theatre.) AMSE
Approval to W/O File No 9/16/828 Min#5
Approval given 11/06/43. F/O Anthony "Tim" P.
Goldsmith Ser #402500 Prev 126/185(Malta)/126
RAF Sqns. |
A58-35 |
F.VC |
BR527 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
05/12/42. Later coded ZP-W, with small white
Diamond on front above carburator intake. Rec
7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 21/06/43. Issued 457Sqn
RAAF ex 7RSU 26/06/43. Damaged in combat
28/6/43 Pilot F/Sgt J.R. Jenkins Serv#405210
457Sqn RAAF. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/07/43.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 09/07/43. Rec 7RSU
ex457Sqn RAAF for 240Hr inspection 22/12/43.
RR Merlin# 90639. Rec 14ARD ex 7RSU 16/02/44.
Rec 15ARDRP ex 14ARD 11/03/44. Rec 15ARD ex
15ARDRP 07/04/44. Rec 15ARDRP ex 15ARD
14/08/44. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD 09/09/44.
Rec 6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 04/12/44. Alloted 8OTU
ex 6AD 15/12/44. Canc 19/12/44. Approval
granted to convert to components
File#9/16/2876 16/10/45. Issued to 3CRD ex 6AD
20/11/45. Photo held. |
A58-36 |
F.VC |
BR528 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1AD 05/12/42.
Operational Loss 30/06/43 during Raid #57 when
1FW intercepted some 25 plus Enemy Bombers
flying at 27000 feet, escorted by 15 plus
Zekes flying at 32000feet. One of 7 Spitfires
(4 being 54Sqn RAF Spitfires) lost that day.
Thirteen Spitfires of 54Sqn RAF were involved
in the intercept. FTR with P/O J.C.Wellsman
Ser# 1180030 54Sqn RAF, who was presumed
Killed in action. Located 05/09/43 at Paper
Bark Swamp near Pine Creek 130 miles South
East of Darwin NT and body retrieved 28/09/43
after swamped was drained. Reports earlier in
July 43 of a Japanese Bomber crashing in the
same swamp was reported and was the reason why
7RSU were there. The Seven bodies of the
Japanese crew were recovered 09/09/43, and it
was then found that a Spitfire had also
crashed in the same location. It may be that
this Bomber was the final tally of P/O
Wellsman.P/O Wellsmanwas buried 01/10/43 at
the Berrimah War Cemetery; Darwin Grave # CD2.
AMSE Approval for conversion per
File#9/16/1072 Min#4 13/09/43. |
A58-37 |
F.VC |
BR530 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. REc 54 Sqn RAF ex 1AD
27/11/42. Accident 14/01/43 when aircraft
forced landed with undercarriage up due to a
shortage of fuel at Mildura. Pilot; FltSgt
Albert Edward Cooper Serv#94003 RAF was not
injured. Coded DL-L. Operational Loss 30/06/43
during Raid #57 when 1FW intercepted some 25
plus Enemy Bombers flying at 27000 feet,
escorted by 15 plus Zekes flying at 32000feet.
One of 7 Spitfires (4 being 54Sqn RAF
Spitfires) lost that day out of 41 airborne.
Thirteen Spitfires of 54Sqn RAF were involved
in the intercept. Crashed after combat in the
Anson Bay area 30/06/43 near Lucy Mine. Pilot
Sgt W. E. Holmes Serv#1330406 RAF bailed out.
Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 02/07/43. AMSE Approval
for conversion File#9/16/921 09/08/43. |
A58-38 |
F.VC |
BR531 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex Uk 10/11/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
19/11/42. Coded ZP-N. Accident 1150hrs
07/09/43 on landing at Livingstone Strip after
attempting an interception with a Japanese
Dinah, following refueling at Darwin. On
touching down, the aircraft swung violently to
the right, due to a failed tail wheel
assembly, with the aircraft running off the
strip, colliding with fallen trees on the
western side of the strip. The Pilot, P/O R.L.
Cunningham Serv#402493, was un-injured. Rec
7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 08/09/43. Rec 14ARD ex
7RSU 01/10/43. REc 8OTU ex 14ARD 30/06/45
after lengthy rebuild. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU
28/11/45. Authorised for W/O 22/05/46. Passed
to DAP 26/11/47. Sruck off 15/11/48. |
A58-39 |
F.VC |
BR532 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 21/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec 54
Sqn RAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Coded DL-B. Rec 7RSU
ex 54 Sqn RAF 07/11/43. Rec 14ARDRP ex 7RSU
15/02/44. Rec 15ARDRP ex 14ARDRP 13/03/44. Rec
15ARD ex 15ARDRP 30/03/44. Rec 15ARDRP ex
15ARD 06/04/44. Allotted 79Sqn RAAF to replace
A58-4 08/04/44 as UP-J. Canc due to
unserviceablity. Rec 15ARD ex 15ARDRP
17/05/44. Rec 15ARDRP ex 15ARD 18/10/44. Rec
6AD ex 15ARDRP 23/10/44. Rec 8OTU ex 6AD
13/08/45. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU 14/11/45. Authorised
for W/O 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47.
Sruck off 15/11/48. |
A58-40 |
F.VC |
BR533 |
in Australia on SS Eury 18/10/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 21/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec
457Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Coded XB-H later
ZP-H and later ZP-J. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
03/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 09/06/44. Rec
6AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 02/08/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex
6AD 21/05/45. Coded SH-K? Rec 6Ad ex 85Sqn
RAAF 10/10/45. Authorised for W/O 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Sruck off 15/11/48. |
A58-41 |
F.VC |
BR535 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. Rec 54 Sqn RAF ex 1AD
30/11/42. Landing collision when landing at
Darwin 1700 Hrs 5/2/43 between A58-41(then
BR535), piloted by Sgt Albert Edward Cooper
Serv#94003 RAF and A58-11 (BS154) piloted by
Sgt P.McCarthy Serv#1271615 RAF 54Sqdn RAF,
who was killed in the accident. Pilot of
BR535, Sgt Cooper was not injured. Rec 7RU ex
54Sqn RAF 09/02/43. AMSE approval to be
converted to components per File#9/16/677
Min#6 08/03/43. |
A58-42 |
F.VC |
BR536 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 30/10/42. Rec 54 Sqn 15/11/42. Inservice
54 Sqn "H".Later coded as DL-H. Operational
Loss 02/05/43, Raid #54 when forced landed
wheels up into water off West Point Darwin
Harbour near shore after fuel exhaustion due
to enemy action. One of 10 Spitfires (White2)
scrambled by 54Sqn RAF, along side of a
further 44 a/c of 1FW, making in total 54
Spitfires airborne. Pilot: F/Sgt G.H.Spencer
Serv#1113115 RAF, having earlier attacked
astern a Zeke without result, was not injured.
Retrieved by 14ARD. Later issued to 7RSU
17/05/43, re-issued 14ARD 25/10/43, then
re-issued back to 54Sqn RAF 28/10/43. Returned
after inspection by 54 Sqn RAF 07/01/44 due to
emersion in salt water causing damage, with
the airframe then later converted into
Instructional Airframe # 5 02/03/44. Converted
to Components 17/10/45. |
A58-43 |
F.VC |
BR537 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 29/10/42. Issued to 54Sqn RAF 26/11/42.
Coded 1943 as DL-U. Heavily damaged by
machinegun fire in combat to starboard wing
30/6/43. Pilot F/Sgt G.C.Huggard Serv#741555
RAF 54Sqn not injured. Received at 7 RSU
04/07/43. Issued and received 452 Sqn RAAF
23/08/43. Coded QY-A. Accident 1900hrs
11/03/44 forced landed 11 miles NW of Gin Gin
WA on ferry flight with substantial damage to
main planes due to a lack of fuel. Pilot; F/O
C.H. O'Loughlin Serv#407449 not injured.Issued
and received at 4AD 19/03/44. Rec 4CRD ex 4AD
06/7/44. Converted to Components.
A58-44 |
F.VC |
BR538 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 30/10/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
27/11/42. Accident 24/01/43 when taxying at
Daly Waters. NFDs. Issued 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
25/01/43.Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 11/02/43.
Coded "U" then XB-U. Coded ZP-U. Accident
0805hrs 29/04/43 when aircraft had a wheels up
on landing at Livingstone Strip causing
elevator, mainplane and engine damage. Pilot
Sgt. W.J. Basey Serv#407613 was not injured.
Landing Accident Livingstone in heavy rains
27/01/44 during storm. Pilot; F/Lt J.S.
Menzies Serv#250816 RAF not injured. Rec 7RSU
ex 457Sqn RAAF 30/01/44. Rec 14ARD ex 7RSU
01/02/44. AMSE Approval to convert to
components 12/03/44. SOC 14/03/44. |
A58-45 |
F.VC |
BR539 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 30/10/42. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1AD 15/11/42.
Coded "X" then DL-X. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn
RAF 08/06/44. Coded QY-A. Rec 14ARDRP ex 452
Sqn RAAF 15/06/44. Rec 2OTU ex 14ARDRP
07/08/44. Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/44. Accident
07/12/44 Forced landing at Yolery (Young Civil
Drome) NSW when running short of fuel.
Overshot and raised his undercarriage to
prevent running into boundary fence. Damage to
mainplanes, airscrew and centre section.
Pilot; F/Sgt S.G Davidson was not injured.
Repaired. Accident 30/03/45 swung on takeoff,
causing port undercarriage to collapse at
Parkes during showers. Pilot; Sgt D. P.
Lapidge not injured. Rec 2 CRD ex 8OTU
22/05/45 pending survey report. 5MG letter
approved for airframe to be converted to
components per File#9/16/2493 31/07/45. |
A58-46 |
F.VC |
BR540 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 28/10/42. Installed Merlin Eng#81863.
Allocated 1st Fighter Wing 06/11/42. Rec
457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 09/11/42. Landing accident
accident 14/01/43 at Richmond RAAF Base, when
pilot was flying and making a powered approach
landing in a spitfire for the first time,
collided with stationary Beaufort A9-202,
causing damage to his elevator. Pilot; Sgt G.
Morse was not injured.Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
10/03/43 for repairs. Repaired. Accident
12/03/43 taxying for takeoff on test flight,
when utility truck (Driven by F/Lt H. Tully
Serv#2247) halted on taxy way to observe
another Spitfire landing. Pilot swerved to
port into a ditch to miss it. Pilot; F/O
Warwick James Turner Serv#403773 457Sqn RAAF
not injured.Repaired.Rec at 457Sqn ex 7RSU
07/04/43. Coded ZP-J. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
28/10/43. Rec 452 Sqn ex 7RSU 29/11/43.
18/03/44 issued and received at 15ARD ex 7RSU.
Rec 15ARDRP ex 15ARD 13/08/44. Rec 79Sqn RAAF
ex 15ARDRP 09/10/44. However report states
that 79Sqn refused to accept into Sqn service
due to material condition. Report states
unfounded, but on 23/10/44 aircraft issued and
received at 6AD Oakey for storage. Survey per
19/05/45 by 3CRD has it condemned. Rec 3CRD ex
6AD 22/05/45. Approval given per File#09/16/2508 to be converted to components,
15/06/45. Last RR Merlin Eng# is #81847 |
A58-47 |
F.VC |
BR541 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
15/11/42. Coded ZP-F. Operational damage
28/06/43, when No 3 of Red Section was hit in
the tailplane by a explosive canon round from
an enemy Zeke, causing pilot to break away
into a vertical dive. He recovered at 2000
feet and made a crash landing at Livingstone
Strip. Pilot was F/O T.F. Clark Serv#403341.
Damage was beyond the ability of host unit and
was issued to 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 29/06/43.
Rec by 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 06/07/43. Coded
QY-V. Had gun toting Mexican Bandit motif on
port cowl. Accident 0050Hrs 16/11/43 when
pilot on his first night time flight, had
completed his two previous touch and go
landings, was making his third final landing
when aircraft swung to starboard after 200
yards. The Port undercarriage retracted .Pilot
F/Lt W.R. Cundy DFC DFM Serv#402732 was not
injured. Issued to 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF for
repairs and 240Hr Inspection 18/11/44. Issued
and received at 54Sqn RAF ex 7RSU 02/02/44.
Coded DL-V.Flown by F/Sgt Finney 18/04/44. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn RAF 29/05/44. Coded
QY-V. Rec by 14ARD/RP ex 452 Sqn RAAF
03/10/44. Was allocated to 2OTU 04/10/44 but
was cancelled. Issued and received by 8OTU ex
14ARDRP 01/03/45 following a period of storage. Accident 29/03/45 when pilot landed
with his undercarriage up at Parkes NSW ,and
was damaged extensively. Pilot; Sgt J.
Fullerton-Smith not injured. Received at 6AD
Oakey ex 8OTU on 14/11/45. Authorised for W/O
22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off
15/11/48. |
A58-48 |
F.VC |
BR542 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 28/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec
457Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Coded ZP-Z. White
ring on Black spinner Stayed with 457Sqn till
29/03/44. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 29/03/44 for
electrical repairs. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
18/04/44. Rec 6AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 08/07/44.
Issued and received at 85Sqn RAAF ex 6AD
20/01/45 in natural metal. Coded SH-F. Issued
and received for storage 6AD Oakey ex 85Sqn
RAAF 10/10/45. Stored as Cat "C" 26/11/45.
Authorised for W/O 22/05/46. Passed to DAP
26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48.Photo Held.
A58-49 |
F.VC |
BR543 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 27/10/42. Installed Merlin Eng#81927.
Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex
1FW 09/11/42. Coded "T" and later coded ZP-T.
Usual a/c of F/Lt Jack Newton and had winged
horse (Pegasus) motif under the port
windscreen. Damaged in combat 28/6/43 with
Enemy Zeke Fighter, but shared 1/2 Zeke kill
with F/O T.Clark, Red 3, Red Section.) Pilot
F/Lt J.S. Newton Serv#400730, Blue 1, Blue
Section, was not injured. Damage was to both
wings, engine and airframe. To 7RSU for
repairs. Returned to 457Sqn RAAF 08/07/43. Rec
7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 29/11/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
ex 7RSU 07/01/44. Rec 15ARD from 15ARD/RP
11/03/44. 26/10/44 received at 6AD ex-15ARD.
Allocated to 8OTU 14/06/45 but cancelled.
Store 6AD 26/10/45. Authorised for W/O
22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off
15/11/48. Last Eng# was #90645. Photo Held |
A58-50 |
F.VC |
BR544 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 28/10/42. Installed Merlin Eng#91317.
Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec 54 Sqn RAF ex 1FW
09/11/42. Coded Ä", later coded DL-V. Rec 7RSU
ex 54 Sqn RAF 25/07/43. Re-issued to 54Sqn RAF
ex 7RSU 31/07/43. Non-operational loss
15/02/44, when pilot was unable to lower
undercarriage whilst on a post rigging test
flight. After a considerable time, the
aircraft's engine caught fire over Darwin.
Pilot, F/O Telfer baled out at low altitude,
with aircraft crashing at the railway yards at
Darwin. RAAF Reports have it 200yards south of
Power Station. Issued to 14ARD ex 54Sqn RAF
24/02/44 . AMSE Approval to convert to
components 10/03/44 per File#9/16/1417 Min#2. |
A58-51 |
F.VC |
BR545 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 27/10/42. Installed merlin Eng # 81715.
Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1AD 14/11/42. Coded "E",
later DL-E. Named "IVY"?. Missing on cross
country flight, following operational scramble
with F/O D.W. Gray 22/12/43. Found 24/12/42
forced landed on Regent River near Drysdale
Mission on coast, due to fuel shortage. Pilot
located the following day ok, but not picked
up until the 25/12/43 at Drysdale, and arrived
back at 54 Sqn RAF on the 28/12/43. 54Sqdn
05/01/44 recovery party of 7RSU unable to
retreive due to non-access by land and sea.
Aircraft submerged by tides.W/O 22/01/44
following recommendation to be destroyed by
cannon fire or bombing. Wreck recovered 1987.
May 1998 RAAF Museum, Point Cook, Australia. |
A58-52 |
F.VC |
BR546 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 4/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
27/11/42. No Sqn Code. Accident 1730hrs
17/02/43 normal landing, then swung off
Strauss Strip, hit a bank and flipped over.
Damage to airscrew, fuselage and rudder.Pilot;
F/O E.V. Matthews Serv#401989 slightly
injured. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 20/02/43.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU RAAF 23/04/43. Coded
QY-S. Operational Loss whilst engaging fighter
force of Air Raid #57, 1148hrs 30/06/43
Damaged in combat and fatally destroyed by
Enemy action.Crash landed 15 Mile NW of
Batchelor near Stappleton Road 30/06/43.Pilot
was F/Sgt.Keith S.Cross Serv#4031320 safe, but
slightly injured. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
04/07/43. AMSE Approval to convert to
Components per File#9/16/919 17/07/43. Photo
Held 17/02/43 Acc. |
A58-53 |
F.VC |
BR547 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 30/10/42. Installed Merlin 46 Eng
#91355. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Operational Loss during
Air Raid#54, with aircraft missing west of
Darwin Harbour over the sea 1045hrs approx,
02/05/43. F/Sgt Ross Smith Stagg Serv#407915
(Actually promoted to P/O 01/03/43) bailed out
following aerial dogfight and was picked up
more then two weeks later, suffering from
malnutrition and exhaustion. AMSE Write-off
per File#9/16/826 02/06/43 |
A58-54 |
F.VC |
BR548 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 28/10/42. Installed Merlin 46
Eng#90415.Rec 1FW RAAF ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Coded QY-M.
Operational damage as Troppo Blue 3 during
Raid#57, causing forced landing at Strauss
Field 20/06/43 following enemy action, with
damage to engine from 7.7mm bullet that
peirced the oil system over Manton Dam causing
a wheels up landing at Strauss Strip with
damage to airscrew, air intake, radiators and
skin. Pilot; P/O Granville Allen Mawer
Serv#403112 not injured. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF for repair 21/06/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex
7RSU 04/09/43. Coded ZP-V. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn
RAAF 16/10/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
10/11/43. Accident 20/05/44 (One record states
09/05/44) suffered damage during taxying, when
aircraft rolled into a gutter causing u/c
collapse and aircraft to flip onto its back,
at Sattler Field NT. Pilot F/O James Henry
Greaves Serv#402949 (Ex 453Sqdn RAAF 1943) not
injured. Rec 14ARD ex 457Sqn RAAF 29/05/44.
AMSE Approval for conversion to components per
File# 9/16/1696 Min#20 17/06/44. |
A58-55 |
F.VC |
BR549 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 27/10/42. Installed Merlin 46 Eng#90453.
Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
1FW 09/11/42. Coded QY-K. Mid air collision
1800hrs 27/01/43 over Coomalie Creek with
BS184 (A58-73), during practice section
attacks on USAAF B-24s at an altitude of
2000-3000 feet. Yellow 2 flew collided with
Yellow 4's port main plane and lost tail. Last
seen spiralling inverted tailless to ground
from 1500 feet. Yellow 4 made an emergency
forced landing at Batchelor at 1820hrs.
Pilots; BR549 Yellow 4 , Sgt H.W. Stockley not
injured and BS184 Yellow 2 (A58-73), Sgt Eric
Ebsworth Hutchinson Serv#403602 killed.
Repaired. NFDs. Operational loss 1000hrs
07/09/43 when aircraft, as Troppo Red 2 was
attacked by 20 plus Japanese fighters some 15
miles west of Strauss Strip whilst Squadron
was in line astern formation, with P/O P
Tulley 452Sqdn RAAF and S/Ldr MacDonald
(Troppo Red 1) both shot down. Aircraft was
hit behind cockpit and in the engine, causing
the pilot to abandon aircraft by parachute.P/O
P.D.Tully Serv#404998 was not injured. Rec
7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 14/09/43. AMSE Approval
for write-off per File#9/16/1080 Min#6
24/09/43. |
A58-56 |
F.VC |
BR568 |
in Australia on SS Sterling Castle 25/08/42.
Rec 1AD ex UK 14/08/42. Issued RAF Fighter
Wing Richmond 04/09/42. Accident at Richmond
Airbase 27/09/42 when on landing aircraft, ran
through fence causing port mainplane damage
when both eleos collapsed.Pilot Sgt W.S.
Hardwick Serv#407791 457Sqn RAAF un-injured.
Rec 7RSU ex 457 Sqn RAAF 01/10/42. Rec 2AD ex
7RSU both based at Richmond NSW 08/10/42. Rec
7RSU ex 2AD 18/10/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
28/11/42. Accident 1730hrs 19/3/43 when
aircraft landed south to north on Livingstone
Strip, taxied down wrong disperal roadway and
taxied into stationary BS171(A58-66). Sgt
Fredrick Cheslyn White Serv#403614,was not
injured.Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 20/03/43.
Issued 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 22/03/43. Coded
ZP-Y. Accident 0600hrs 05/09/43 whilst on a
climb and test height flight when Glycol leak
caused engine to fail, forcing pilot to
abandon aircraft by parachute on third attempt
to extricate himself from cockpit. F/Sgt
H.O.Whiting Serv#411062 457Sqn RAAF
un-injured. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 10/09/43.
AMSE Approval to convert to components per
File#9/16/1086 Min#5 01/10/43.Photo Held
Richmond post accident. |
A58-57 |
F.VC |
BR570 |
in Australia on SS Sterling Castle 25/08/42.
Presentation Spitfire "Sir Harry and Lady
Oakes IV". Rec 1AD ex UK 08/42. Issued RAF
Fighter Wing Richmond ex 1AD 04/09/42. In
service 54Sqn RAF 28/09/42. Rec 1AD ex 54Sqn
RAF 08/11/42. Issued 54Sqn RAF ex 1AD
12/11/42. Accident Oonadatta 25/01/43 when
aircraft tipped on nose. P/O Brook RAF not
injured. In service 54Sqn RAF. Coded DL-F. Rec
7RSU ex 54 Sqn RAF 07/11/43. Rec 14ARDRP ex
7RSU 15/02/44. Rec 15ARDRP ex 14ARDRP
11/03/44. Rec 15ARD ex 15ARDRP 17/05/44. Rec
15ARDRP ex 15ARD Overhauled and stripped to
natural Metal 24/07/44. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex
15ARDRP 10/08/44. Coded UP-O Black. Rec 6AD ex
79Sqn RAAF 06/12/44. Alloted 8OTU ex 6AD
15/12/44. Canc 19/12/44 due to survey
condition. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File 09/16/2686 24/07/45. Rec
3CRD ex 6AD 09/08/45. Photo Held DL-F and
UP-O.BR570 Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARDRP 10/08/44
which was Coded UP-D Black. Previously used by
452 Sqn RAAF when camo and confirmed and
stated by Rigger Riggs 452 Sqn RAAF, SqnLdr
Raymond Edward Thorold-Smith DFC's Rigger when
at 452 Sqn RAAF
A58-58 |
F.VC |
BR572 |
in Australia on SS Sterling Castle
25/08/42.Rec 1AD ex UK 14/08/42. Issued RAF
Fighter Wing Richmond ex 1AD 04/09/42. In
service 54Sqn RAF 28/09/42. Accident 03/09/42
on landing at Laverton Vic. Pilot; P/O W H
Ford 1AD not injured. Rec 1AD ex 54 Sqn RAF
08/11/42. Issued 54Sqn RAF ex 1AD 12/11/42.
Operational loss 1110hrs 02/05/43 when it
crashed off Point Charles after suffering fuel
exhaustion. Was one of 10 Spitfires put up by
54Sqn RAF. Pilot; F/O G.D.Wall Serv#1380931
RAF uninjured aftre being picked up by Naval
Launch and arrived back at 54Sqn RAF on
03/05/43. AMSE Approval to W/O per File:
9/16/828 Min#5 11/06/43. |
A58-59 |
F.VC |
BR574 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 02/12/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 06/12/42. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 17/02/43. Rec 452
sqn RAAF ex 7AD 30/03/43. Coded QY-D. Accident
0730hrs 01/08/43 when aircraft was to commence
a CAAG (G Suit) Test flight. Prior to take-off
at Batchelor, aircraft hit a tree with port
wing, when taxying out of revettment. Damage
to port wing spar causing slight sweep of
wing. F/Lt K.V. Robertson Serv#752) Special
Duties and Performance Flight (Laverton) on
attachment to 452 Sqn RAAF not injured. Rec
7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 09/08/43. Rec 457Sqn ex
7RSU 14/09/43. Coded ZP-N. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn
RAAF 29/07/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
28/04/44. Accident 0830hrs 17/05/44 at Potshot
Strip WA, after operational flight, A58-250,
piloted by F/Sgt Bolton Serv#420121, landed
and was taxying off strip, when he noticed
A58-18, piloted by P/O J.E.H. Milne
Serv#430186, bearing down on his aircraft.
A58-250 veered and struck the stationary
A58-59 damaging the port mainplane and
aileron. A58-59 was originally part of this
flight, but returned to base. It was being
tested with the engine running. Pilot was Sgt
T.R. Russell Serv#428852. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn
RAAF 16/06/44. Rec 14ARDRP ex 7RSU 09/08/44.
On issued to 85Sqn RAAF ex 14ARDRP 21/09/44.
Accident whilst on ferry when tyre burst on landing at Alice Springs 22/09/44 causing
aircraft to ground loop and nose over. Pilot;
F/O J.G. Wilkins 1AD not injured. Airframe
railed to Port Augusta SA via 5CRD and arrived
3AD 12/10/44. Rec 6AD vis 3AD and 14ARDRP
03/11/44. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/2523 Min#2 04/05/45.
Rec 3CRD ex 6AD 22/05/45. |
A58-60 |
F.VC |
BR584 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
05/12/42. Coded K or QY-K?. Accident 2120hrs
17/02/43 when landing after completing night
practice flight at Batchelor Strip. Pilot
misjudged hi approach to flare path when
turning to the south west end of the NE/SE
runway when he crashed into trees
approximately 400 yards short of the
flarepath. Both wings of the aircraft were
torn off and fuselage was broken at the rear
of the cockpit. F/O J.D.Gould Serv#404613
suffered only abrasions to both of his knees
only. AMSE Approval to convert to components
per File#9/16/690 Min#4 06/03/43. |
A58-61 |
F.VC |
BR589 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
30/11/42. Coded ZP-P. Operational loss as Blue
1 during an interception at 32000 feet, of 25
enemy bombers, escorted by 12 plus Zekes by 11
aircraft of 457Sqn RAAF and other aircraft of
54 Sqn RAF and 452 Sqn RAAF, some 35 miles
east of Anson Bay, 1230hrs 06/07/43. Pilot;
F/O F.D. Hamilton Serv#403050 missing along
with two others of this four aircraft
section(Of Blue Section of four aircraft, only
Blue 4 returned, having left the flight due to
engine trouble prior to the engagement. (Blue
1 (F/O F D Hamilton Serv#403050) Blue 2 (P/O
F.R.J. McDowell Serv#403070) and Blue 3 (P/O N
F Robinson Serv#401284)all missing). Pilot of
BR499; P/O F.R.J. McDowell Serv#403070 killed.
. AMSE Approval to W/O per File#9/16/956
11/10/43. |
A58-62 |
F.VC |
BS163 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 29/10/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
15/11/42. Coded B. Accident on landing at
Strauss Strip 1825hrs 22/03/43 following three
aircraft practice formation flying. Aircraft
swung on landing roll, despit application of
power and rudder, ran across road and struck
adjacent pipeline with undercarriage. Aircraft
had both undercarriage oleos torn off, with
fuselage broken behind cockpit. Pilot; Sgt
W.M. Coombes Serv#403800 injured slightly.
Pilot previousily had a tour with 41Sqn RAF in
UK. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 29/03/43. Rec
14ARD ex 7RSU 05/05/43. AMSE Approval per
file#9/16/871 min #7 to be converted to
components 19/06/43. Pic Held. |
A58-63 |
F.VC |
BS164 |
Supermarine .Contract No B19713/39 Order 5
24/10/40. Sent out on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.
Rec 1AD ex UK 04/11/42. Rec 54 Sqn RAF ex 1AD
30/11/42. Inservice with 54Sqn RAF 1943. Coded
DL-K with nip glasses motifs on front cowl.
Non operational loss when A58-214 and A58-63
collided in flight above Humpty Doo, some 10
miles East north East of Strauss Strip 1530hrs
13/01/44. A flight of 4 Spitfires
(A58-214/63/221/27) were practicing
interception with 1 Hudson and 2 Beauforts of
No2 Sqn RAAF. A58-63 collided with A58-214
which resulted in the tail unit of A58-63 to
become torn off, and one of the mainplanes of
A58-214 to be completely torn off, resulting
in both aircraft to crash. Pilots; A58-214:
F/Sgt John Hoyle Whalley Serv#1527082 RAF and
A58-63: F/Sgt James Basil Gibbs Serv#1320096
RAF , both killed. Aircraft salvaged on
collision site 16/01/44 by 1 Salvage Party,
7RSU .RR Merlin#90513. Issued to 7RSU ex 54Sqn
RAF 18/01/44. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/1351
Min#2 to converted to components 16/03/44.
Aircraft remains held May 1998 by Peter Crose,
Melbourne. |
A58-64 |
F.VC |
BS166 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 30/10/42. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1AD 19/11/42.
With 54Sqn RAF 1943. Issued 6AD ex 54Sqn RAF
30/01/44. Landing accident during bad weather
(Cyclone) in transit to 6AD at Tennant Creek
31/01/44. F/Sgt Watts RAF not injured. Rec
14ARD ex 54Sqn RAF 10/02/44. AMSE Approval to
convert to components per File#9/16/1429 Min#2
10/03/44. |
A58-65 |
F.VC |
BS169 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
14/11/42. Accident 1610hrs 13/12/42 when
aircraft made a forced landing at Palm Beach
Sydney following engine failure. Pilot; F/O
D.F. Evans Serv#404724 not injured. Rec 2AD ex
452 Sqn RAAF 29/12/42. Rec 1AD ex 2AD
23/04/43. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 06/05/43.
Accident 05/05/43 when landing at Wooloomanta
Vic when landing into head wind, landed short
of strip, damaging starboard Oleo and both
tyres, before tipping on nose. Pilot; F/O W.J.
Wilkinson Serv3404272 was not injured. Rec
1ADF ex 79Sqn RAAF 20/05/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF
ex 1AD 14/07/43. Coded ZP-R. Rec 7RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 29/03/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
20/04/44. Rec 14ARDRP ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44.
Rec 14ARd ex 14ARDRP 03/10/44. Allotted 2OTU
04/10/44. . Canc. Allotted 8OTU 27/10/44.
Canc. Rec CGS ex 14ARD 22/02/45. Rec 6AD ex
CGS 22/10/45. Stored Cat C 26/11/45.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48. |
A58-66 |
F.VC |
BS171 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 30/10/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
27/11/42. Coded ZP-B. Had "WSJH" meaning
"We're shit just hot" on front airscoop cowl.
Accident 1730hrs 19/3/43 when another aircraft
(BR568)landed south to north on Livingstone
Strip, taxied down wrong disperal roadway and
taxied into stationary BS171(A58-66). Sgt
Fredrick Cheslyn White Serv#403614, pilot of
BR568 was not injured. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
20/03/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 04/04/43.
Operational Loss 1135Hrs 02/05/43, as White 4,
some 60 miles west of Darwin whilst
intercepting Enamey formation of Bombers and
escorts. Airscrew went into fine pitch,
causing engine to over rev whilst diving on
enemy formation. Pilot made two attacks on
enemy aircraft, even attempting to change to
coarse pitch, before his engine started to
smoke. He then baled out of his aircraft. The
Pilot; Fsgt W S Hardwick Serv#407791, was
un-injured and was picked up bt RAAF Seagull
four hours later from his dingy. M46 Eng#
91863. AMSE Write off per File# 9/16/826
02/06/43. Photo Held. |
A58-67 |
F.VC |
BS173 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 27/10/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
14/11/42. Coded ZP-G. Accident 0800 hrs
19/03/43 when landing at Livingston Strip
after taking off from Darwin RAAF, the
aircraft swung off the strip, hitting the
adjacent pipeline, damaging the undercarriage,
wing and propellor. Pilot; W/O Clive Roy
Briggs Serv#403011 not injured. Rec 7RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 20/03/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
17/04/43. Operational Loss 1135Hrs 02/05/43,
as White 1, some 60 miles west of Darwin
whilst intercepting Enmey formation of Bombers
and escorts. Pilot made one diving attack and
was not seen after. Position was assumed into
the sea, some 70 miles west of Darwin. Pilot
F/O Gordon Lindsay Charles Gifford Serv#402740
missing, believed killed. M46 Eng#81829. AMSE
Write-off per File# 9/16/850 Min#4 26/05/43. |
A58-68 |
F.VC |
BS174 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 02/11/42.Rec 1FW ex 1AD 10/11/42. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 11/11/42. Coded QY-W. Rec
7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 24/05/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF
ex 7RSU 09/06/43. Operational loss, as Troppo
Blue 2, on interception of enemy Lily Bomber
and Zeke escort raid, #55, 0950 hrs 20/06/43
by 46 Spitfires of 1FW. Troppo Blue Section of
"B"Flight was tasked to intercept the bombers
at 22000 feet 10 miles north of Cape Hotham.
Last seen by Blue 1, F/O J Bisley DFC
Serv#402720, 1041Hrs, with Blue 2 attacking a
bomber. Assumed Blue 2 was shot down by bomber
own guns or by a escorting Zeke. Pilot; F/Sgt
A.T.R. Rowe Serv#411389 missing. AMSE W/O
28/06/43per File#9/16/899 28/06/43. 15/07/43,
aircraft located. Ground party led by F/O
Pollard located wreck with the help of local
Aborigines, a few miles inland from Hope Inlet
on the 11/07/43 near Koolpinyah Station, NT.
Aircraft was burned, and had pilot still
strapped in cockpit. Head Bullet wounds
suggested that he was shot down by the gunner
of the Japanese Bomber. When the surving cine
gun film was developed, it showed that he
probably destroyed the bomber he was
attacking. AMSE Approval Min#11 13/08/43 to
convert to components. M46 Eng#79957. |
A58-69 |
F.VC |
BS175 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 06/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
15/11/42. Accident; missing 1710hrs 04/03/43
on Ferry Flight between Strauss and Wyndham
with five other Spitfires, escorted by a 13
Sqn RAAF Hudson. Last seen climbing to 1500
feet after switching formation position from
outside starboard echelon, to port side to
form 3/1/3 in relation to the Hudson before
entering storm clouds. Pilot; F/O W.H.Ford
Serv#401429 4/3/43 missing, believed killed.
Search aircraft sited wreck 1700 hrs 06/03/43
GridRef 364330, some 5 miles from Tin Mine at
Muckinbar, on the west side of Table Top
Range. The aircraft , carrying 90 gallon
slipper tank, had stalled on climb, crashed,
and was totally destroyed by fire. AMSE
Approval to convert to components per
File#9/16/722 Min#5 05/04/43. |
A58-70 |
F.VC |
BS178 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 02/11/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 10/11/42. Rec
457Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 11/11/42. Coded ZP-D with
white Eagle Motif clutching Zero. Accident
1600hrs 31/08/43 when tailwheel, which was
locked in port position on landing at
Livingston Strip causing aircraft to veer to
port striking trees.Pilot; F/O I.S. MacKenzie
Serv#402800 not injured. Accident caused by
faulty tail whell assembly. Rec 7RSU ex 457
Sqn RAAF 02/09/43. Rec 14ARD ex 7RSU 06/09/43.
AMSE Approval per File#9/16/1203 mIN#6 to
convert to components 22/11/43. M46 Eng#90523.
Photo held. |
A58-71 |
F.VC |
BS181 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 22/10/42. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1AD 14/11/42.
Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAAF 05/07/43. Accident
01/07/43 with 54Sqn RAF, F/O J.D. Lehagan
Serv#107816 RAF landed at Millimbimby with
broken engine connecting rod. Allocated 7RSU
for repairs 05/07/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 7RSU
14/07/43. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 17/11/43. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 01/02/44. Rec 7RSU ex 452
Sqn RAAF 27/03/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
07/04/44. Coded ZP-J. Accident 1545hrs
09/07/44 when engine failed in flight during
shadow shooting exercises along the western
side of Sattler strip, forcing pilot to
perform forced landing, wheels up at Satler
Strip. Aircraft crashed onto the strip and was
extensively damaged. Pilot; F/Sgt G.G. Marks
Serv#427603 was injured with lacerations and
fractured spine. Rec 9RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
10/07/44. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/1803 Min#2 31/07/44.
< |
A58-72 |
F.VC |
BS182 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 28/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec
54Sqn Raf ex 1FW 09/11/42. Coded "S" then
DL-S. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 26/12/43. Issued
452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 09/3/44. Accident
11/03/44 with 452 Sqn RAAF, pilot, Sgt C Beech
Serv#426450, failed to lock main gear before
landing at Carnarvon WA. Rec 17RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 17/03/44. Repaired 03/08/44 and stripped
of paint. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 17RSU 17/09/44.
Coded SH-N. Rec 17RSU ex 85Sqn RAAF 31/05/45.
Extensive repairs needed to re-skin aircraft
Stations 11 to 19. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/2740 Min#1 27/08/45.
Issued 4CRD ex 17RSU 27/08/45. |
A58-73 |
F.VC |
BS184 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 02/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
14/11/42. Mid air collision 1800hrs 27/01/43
over Coomalie Creek with BS184 (A58-73),
during practice section attacks on USAAF B-24s
at an altitude of 2000-3000 feet. Yellow 2
flew collided with Yellow 4's port main plane
and lost tail. Last seen spiralling inverted
tailless to ground some 4 miles south east of
Coomalie Creek. Yellow 4 made an emergency
forced landing at Batchelor at 1820hrs.Pilots;
BR549 Yellow 4 , Sgt H.W. Stockley not injured
and BS184 Yellow 2 (A58-73), Sgt Eric Ebsworth
Hutchinson Serv#403602 was killed. A land
party reached the crash site of BS184 1200 hrs
on the 28/01/43, some 15 miles away. Buried
1500Hrs 29/01/43 in Grave RC12 at Adelaide
river. AMSE Approval W/O File#9/16/663
03/02/43. RR Engine M46 Eng#91287 |
A58-74 |
F.VC |
BS186 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
26/11/42. Coded "L", later QY-L and named "UML
Overdale". Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 21/06/43.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 29/06/43. Rec 14ARDRP
ex 452 Sqn RAAF 27/09/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
14ARDRP 30/09/43. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
24/10/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 29/11/43.
Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 27/03/44. Rec 14ARD
ex 7RSU 04/04/44. Rec 1CU(Comms Unit) ex 14ARD
18/06/44. Rec 1ES (Engineering School)ex 1CU
20/06/44. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/1584
Min#3 to convert to Instructional Airframe #6
and Engine as #31. Offered for disposal
09/04/46. Approved 16/05/46, Passed to DAP
26/11/47. |
A58-75 |
F.VC |
BS187 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 04/11/42. Erection proceeding 26/11/42.
Pre-delivery loss on test flight 1830 hrs
01/12/42 from Laverton when aircraft crashed
into seasome 3 miles from Point Cook Pier in
Port Phillip Bay Victoria. Pilot; Wg Cdr James
Cecil Stevenson Serv#305 of 1AD missing
believed killed. AMSE approval to W/O per File
9/16/626 22/1/43.. |
A58-76 |
F.VC |
BS188 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 28/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 10/11/42. Rec
54 Sqn RAF ex 1FW 11/11/42. Accident on
landing 24/5/43 when port tyre burst on
landing causing aircraft to somersault over
back. Pilot F/O R.G.Ashby Serv# 119701 was
injured. Rec 7RSU ex 54 Sqn RAF 25/05/43. Rec
14ARD ex 7RSU 06/06/43. AMSE Approval to
convert to components per File#9/16/931
28/10/43. |
A58-77 |
F.VC |
BS190 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 30/10/42. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
15/11/42. Coded ZP-L. Operational damage
06/07/1943 when F/O B.F. Hegarty Serv#411909
landed with combat damage after enemy action
12.20hrs 06/07/1943. Repaired, in service
13/07/43. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqm RAAF 10/11/43.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 22/12/43. Perhaps
recoded ZP-P as it was replacement for
A58-147? Accident 1530hrs 16/06/44 when
aircraft with A58-224 and A58-208, were
pratcing shadow shooting over Shoal Bay, 10
miles north east of Darwin. When pilot fired
his 20mm cannon, the port cannon, exploded
after 6 rounds causing the aircraft to roll
violently, damaging the cannon and the
mainplane. The Pilot; F/Sgt T.R. Russell
Serv#428852 was not injured. Rec 9RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 26/06/44. Rec 14ARDRP ex 9RSU
07/08/44. Rec 14ARD ex 14ARDRP 30/08/44.
Alloted 2OTU ex 14ARD 04/10/44. Canc. Alloted
8OTU ex 14ARD 27/10/44. Canc. Issued CGS ex
14ARD 25/06/45. Ferry accident on flight to
CGS at Parkes, NSW, when aircraft landed with
undercarriage retracted. Pilot; F/Lt
J.R.Williams 14ARD not injured. Repaired by
8OTU by 25/07/45. Rec CGS ex 14ARD 23/08/45.
Rec 6AD ex CGS 22/10/45. Stored Cat C
26/11/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48. Photo Held. |
A58-78 |
F.VC |
BS191 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 09/11/42. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 09/11/42. Coded QY-X.
Operationally damaged and forced landed 12
miles south of Point Charles in Pinic Cove,
during intercept of Darwin Raid No 54 1115hrs
02/05/43. Pilot; F/Lt P.St J.Makin Serv#116507
(RAF) "B"Flight Commander, was not injured.
Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 06/05/43. Rec 14ARD
ex 7RSU 17/05/43. A/c fitted for CAAG Suit
Operations 14/09/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAFA ex 14ARD
03/10/43. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 09/10/43.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 11/10/43. Issued 2OTU
ex 452 Sqn RAAF 12/01/44. Canc. Rec 14ARD ex
452 Sqn RAAF 13/02/44. Rec 54 Sqn RAF ex 14ARD
09/03/44. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 17/03/44. Rec
457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 01/04/44. Coded ZP-J?
Overstressed in flight, during aerobatics by
pilot, F/Sgt R Thompson. Pilot blacked out in
flight test, but came to and landed safely
21/04/44. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 24/04/44.
Both main planes replaced by 7RSU. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF ex 7RSU 05/05/44. Rec 6AD ex 7RSU
16/07/44. Rec 1AD T&F Sqn ex 6AD 04/06/45.
Issued 1AD storage ex 1AD T&F Sqn
04/03/46. AMSE approval to convert to
components per File #09/16/3159 03/04/46. SOC
A58-79 |
F.VC |
BS193 |
in Australia on SS Teak 14/11/42.Rec Sydney ex
UK 20/10/42. Issued 2AD ex Wharf for erection
26/10/42. Rec 1FW ex wharf 29/10/42. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 05/11/42. Coded QY-V. Accident
14/03/43 when aircraft stalled and landed
heavy on Darwin Civil Strip, with pilot taking
off again. Starboard undercarriage was damaged
and refused to retract, forcing the pilot to
make a crash landing along the boundary
clearing of strip. F/Lt Paul .St J Makin
Serv#116507(RAF) not injured. Rec 7RSU ex 452
Sqn RAAF 16/03/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
23/05/43. Operational loss 1005 hrs 06/07/43
after intercepting enemy Raid #58 during
combat near Fenton. Aircraft suffered
overreved engine and was subsequently forced
landed some 20 miles west of Fenton. F/Lt Paul
.St J Makin Serv#116507(RAF) was not injured
and made a 20 mile trek north of Fenton to the
North /South road from Darwin. AMSE approval
to convert to components per File#9/16/1108
04/10/43. Aircraft located 23/10/43 and was
salvaged by 7RSU. RR M46 Eng#91324. |
A58-80 |
F.VC |
BS197 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 27/10/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
15/11/42. Taxying accident at Batchelor Strip
25/01/43 with damage to port mainplane and
tail wheel. Repairs completed 01/02/43 by No1
Mobile repair Section 7RSU. NFDs .Coded ZP-R.
Operational loss 12.20 hrs 06/07/43 when part
of 11 aircraft interception made by 457Sqn
RAAF on Enemy formation approaching Darwin
from the west. As No 3 in Blue Section, they
made their interception (With the exception of
Blue No 4) at 22000 feet approximately some 35
miles east of Anson Bay. All three of the
remaining attacking Blue Flight failed to
return((Blue 1 (F/O F D Hamilton Serv#403050)
Blue 2 (P/O F.R.J."Darky" McDowell
Serv#403070, later found 20/07/43 in a/c
wreck) and Blue 3 (P/O N F Robinson
Serv#401284)all missing). Pilotof BS197: P/O
N.F.Robertson Serv#4016284 missing believed
killed. AMSE Approval to W/O per File#9/16/956
10/11/43. |
A58-81 |
F.VC |
BS199 |
in Australia on SS Teak 14/11/42. Rec Sydney
ex UK 20/10/42. Issued 2AD ex Wharf for
erection 26/10/42. Rec 1FW ex wharf 29/10/42.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 05/11/42. Accident on
landing at Richmond 05/11/42 with damage to
airscrew. NFDs. In service 457Sqn RAAF
15/11/42. Coded "S" then ZP-S with Gremlin
motif: Sky fuselage band. Operational loss
0910hrs 10/05/43 when Millinginbi detachment
of 5 Spitfires scrambled to intercept an enemy
raid with 9 enemy Zekes approaching 9000 feet.
During the intercept, two Zekes were shot down
with a probable destruction of another by
pilot of BS199. On returning to base and
landing (with damage to his trim by e/a
previously) he discontinured his landing roll
and took off again when he saw approaching
flight of 3 Zekes. He had a dogfight with
thetrailing Zeke which lasted some 10 minutes
between 100 and 300 feet above the aerodrome.
During his last manoeuvre, after taking his
eyes off the Zeke, he realised his aircraft
was approaching the ground from 200 feet and
at 160mph. HIs aircraft's airscoop hit the
ground and caused the aircraft to somersault 3
times, roll, losing both wings, airscrew and
tail. Pilot; P/O B Little Serv#403521 was
injured, but managed to walk back the three
miles to the aerodrome. Issued 7RSU ex 457Sqn
RAAF 13/05/43. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/827 Min#9 07/06/43.
May 1998 held by Robert Eastgate, Point Cook,
A58-82 |
F.VC |
BS201 |
in Australia on SS Port Sydney 29/11/42.Rec
2AD ex UK 21/11/42. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 2AD
15/12/42. Coded "Q" and later ZP-Q. Rec 7RSU
ex 457Sqn RAAF 09/01/44. Accident 16/02/44
aircraft ran off runway and hit dirt
embankment whilst being air tested by 7RSU at
Darwin after engine 240hrs service (RR M46
#81805). Damage to Port wheel. Pilot; F/O B.
Todd 7RSU not injured. Rec 14ARD ex 7RSU
29/02/44. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/1432 Min#2 16/03/44.
A58-83 |
F.VC |
BS218 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 30/10/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 10/11/42. Rec
457Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 11/11/42. Accident
29/11/42, when engine overheated in flight
with pilot, Sgt W Hardwick 457Sqn RAAF ,
setting down at Narellan, NSW. Rec 2AD ex
457Sqn RAAF 07/12/42. Rec 7AD ex 2AD 03/02/43.
Alloted 54Sqn RAF 11/02/43. Canc. Issued 54Sqn
RAF ex 7AD 01/05/43. Coded DL-L. Accident
03/05/43 during delivery flight. Inservice
54Sqn RAF 20/05/43. Accident 2155hrs 12/10/43
when crashed on landing at Night Cliff Darwin.
Pilot; F/Sgt Finney RAF (joined Unit
26/09/43)not injured. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF
16/10/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 09/01/44.
Coded ZP-N. Rec 9RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 16/06/44.
Rec 14ARD RP ex 9RSU 07/08/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF
ex 14ARD RP 24/09/44 stripped of paint. Rec
6AD ex 85Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Stored Cat C
26/11/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-84 |
F.VC |
BS219 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 28/10/42. Arrived in RAF Desert
colours.Resprayed Mid Stone with Fr Green.Rec
457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 09/11/42. Coded "X", then
XB-X and later ZP-X and carried "Jiminy
Cricket" Motif and had 2 Jap kill markings
forward of the motif with 457Sqn RAAF.
Accident 1710hrs 11/10/43 when landing at
Livingstone Strip during high winds, causing
the aircraft to touch down some 30 yards from
the beginning of the strip, resulting in the
aircraft having the fuselage torn by a stump.
The pilot made an immediate go around and
successfully landed without further damage.
Pilot; F/Sgt T.F.R. Payne was not injured. Rec
7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 13/10/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
ex 7RSU 14/12/43. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn RAAF
16/06/44. Rec 2OTU ex 14ARD 22/09/44. Rec 8OTU
ex 2OTU 01/11/44. Accident 2220Hrs 19/11/44 at
Parkes NSW when taking off. Aircraft landed on
otherside of boundary fence after aborting
take-off. Pilot: Sgt R.B.Lloyd Serv#431780 not
injured. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU 27/03/45. Survey of
aircraft 28/06/45 ex 5MG approved to have
converted to components. Engine #RR M46 79337. |
A58-85 |
F.VC |
BS220 |
in Australia on SS Port Sydney 29/11/42.Rec
2AD ex UK 21/11/42. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 2AD
08/12/42. Coded "U", then DL-U. Accident, as
Red 4 when landing following intercept of Raid
54 on Darwin, stalled and crashed when landed
just short of the strip due to fuel exhaustion
at 1120hrs 2/5/43. One of 14 aircraft damaged
or lost by 1st FW 02/05/43 though claiming 18
enemy aircraft shot down. Pilot, F/O
I.S.Taylor Serv#125943 was not injured. Rec
7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 03/05/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
7RSU 12/07/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn RAF
09/04/44. Accident 29/05/44 Sattler Strip,
when aircraft made a " no flaps" landing when
after touch down, swung starboard and struck a
bank on edge of airstrip. Pilot; F/Sgt A.R.
Heaney Serv#412960 not injured. Rec 9RSU ex
452 Sqn RAAF 31/05/44. Rec 14ARD RP ex 9RSU
13/07/44. Rec 14ARD ex 14ARDRP 27/07/44. Rec
4ARDRP ex 14ARD 29/09/44. Rec 4AD ex 4AD RP
03/10/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 4AD 18/10/44. Rec
17RSU ex 85Sqn RAAF 10/09/45. AMSE Approval to
convert to components per File#09/16/2928
Min#1 07/11/45. |
A58-86 |
F.VC |
BS221 |
in Australia on SS Raranga 10/11/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 10/11/42. Rec 54 Sqn RAF ex 1AD
27/11/42. Accident 27/11/42 at Richmond on
landing.NFDs. Coded DL-N. Operational loss
1020hrs 02/05/43 when pilot abandoned aircraft
in flight due to engine over revving and over
heating before intercept action on his return.
As flames appeared from exhausts, pilot baled
out.Pilot; Sgt P.Fox Serv#1119366 was not
injured. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/825 Min#4 02/06/43.
RR M46 Engine#91717 |
A58-87 |
F.VC |
BS222 |
in Australia on SS Port Wyndan 21/11/42. Rec
1AD ex UK 25/11/42. Rec 2OTU ex 1AD 17/12/42.
Fuselage marking "2" . Accident 1330hrs
19/01/43 when aircraft crashed into Lake
Victoria NSW whilst shadow shooting. Pilot;
Sgt Herbert Thomas Tanser Serv#411549 missing
believed killed. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/653 24/01/43. |
A58-88 |
F.VC |
BS224 |
in Australia on SS Port Wyndan 21/11/42. Rec
1AD ex UK 24/11/42. Rec 2OTU ex 1AD 06/12/42.
Marked "4". Rec 24Sqn RAAF ex 2OTU 27/02/43 as
part of Spitfire attachment. Landing Accident
28/03/42 when aircraft ground looped following
landing run at Williamtown which resulted in
port main wheel being stuck in sand. Pilot;
F/O R.J.Cowan(ex 452 Sqn RAAF UK) of 4OTU not
injured. Rec 2OTU ex 24Sqn RAAF 31/03/43. Rec
2Ad ex 2OTU 10/04/43. Rec 2OTU ex 2AD
13/06/44. Accident 1300hrs 22/06/44 when
engine failed in flight forcing pilot to make
a forced landing at Mildura. Pilot; F/Lt E.B.
Tainton Serv#402009 not injured.Repaired. Rec
8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/44. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU
09/11/45. Stored Cat C 26/11/45. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-89 |
F.VC |
BS225 |
in Australia on SS Waroonga 24/12/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/12/42. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 17/02/43. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF ex 7AD 31/03/43. Coded QY-B.
Operational loss 1045hrs 02/05/43 during
interception of Darwin Raid #54 when aircraft
was shot down over Darwin Harbour. Pilot; Sgt
Kenneth James Fox Serv#402330 baled out and
was later picked up. AMSE W/O per
File#9/16/828 Min#5 11/06/43. RR M46
Engine#91343 |
A58-90 |
F.VC |
BS226 |
in Australia on SS Port Wyndan 21/11/42.Rec
1AD ex UK 27/11/42. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 19/01/43.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7AD 24/02/43. Rec 7RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
13/03/43. Coded QY-E. Operational loss 1045hrs
02/05/43, when during Darwin Raid #54 when
after interception, aircraft, running low on
fuel, was returning from combat low
level.Forced landed 10 miles short of base
with wheels up. Pilot; F/Sgt W.E. Nichterlein
Serv#416104 not injured.Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 10/05/43. Rec 14ARd ex 7RSU 23/05/43.
AMSE Approval to convert to components per
File#9/16/931 Min#23 25/10/43. RR M46 Engine
#91593. Photo held of force landing. |
A58-91 |
F.VC |
BS230 |
in Australia on SS Hoperidge 23/10/42.Rec 1AD
ex UK 02/11/42. Rec 1FW ex 1AD 10/11/42. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 11/11/42. Accident
17/12/42 on landing at Bankstown Aerodrome
NSW, when starboard wheel stub axle sheared
off attachment bracket of oleo leg after a 20
yard landing run, with oleo leg to digging
into strip, causing aircraft to flip onto back
at speed. Pilot was trapped and ground crews
had difficulty in extracting pilot. Pilot; P/O
R Armstrong severley injured and was taken to
113th Hospital. Armstrong was a 452 Sqn RAAF
UK pilot who also flew as wingman to Bluey
Truscott 03/42.(Flew Spitfire Vb
AB138/BL468/W3950/AB989).Issued 2AD ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 22/12/42. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/627 22/01/43. |
A58-92 |
F.VC |
BS231 |
in Australia on SS Teak 14/11/42.Rec 2AD ex UK
26/10/42 .Rec 1FW ex 2AD 29/10/42. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF ex 1FW 03/11/42. Coded "D" . Operational
loss 15/03/43 during Darwin Raid#53 when
intercepting 20 plus bombers and 22
Zekes/Haps. Originally overnighting at Darwin,
the aircraft, along with 4 other 452 Sqn RAAF
Spitfires were taking off to return to Strauss
Strip. The Pilot was instructed to intercept
the raid. After forming up with 12 other
Spitfires of 54Sqn RAF, they attacked the
enemy formation from 500 feet above the bomber
stream. Within 30 seconds, a 54Sqn pilot saw a
single spitfire smoking and turning to the
west towards Darwin. F/O A Goldsmith saw also
a Spitfire smoking in a dive over Point
Charles. 5FCS the following day provided
information that a Capstan was sighted
crashing on a bearing of 230 degrees, 8 miles
from Flagstaff Hill. Pilot; 452 Sqn CO S/Ldr
Thorold-Smith Serv#402144, missing presumed
killed. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/721 Min#3
09/04/43. RR M46 Engine#91465. Background:
SqnLdr Raymond Edward Thorold-Smith DFC was
born on 30/06/18. Joined the RAAF in May 1940,
and commissioned on 17/03/41. Joined 452 Sqn
RAAF on 21/04/41. First E/A claimed was a half
share of a BF-109 with Sqn Ldr Paddy Finucane
on the 09/08/41, followed by two more on the
27/08/41.He added more the following three
months, and became the commander of "A"Flight
452 Sqn RAAFas a F/Lt; and later awarded of a
DFC on 22/11/41. He was promoted again to
S/Ldr and took over command of 452 Sqn RAAF
from S/Ldr Keith "Bluey" Truscott on the
18/03/42. He was replaced by S/Ldr MacDonald
on the 30/03/43. On the 11th May 1943, in his
honour, a Strip was named after him, Drysdale
River Mission landing Ground was named Thorold
Strip. |
A58-93 |
F.VC |
BS232 |
in Australia on SS Port Sydney 29/11/42. Rec
2AD ex UK 21/11/42. Rec 2OTU ex 2AD 16/12/42.
Rec 24Sqn RAAF on detachment 27/02/43. Rec
2OTU ex 24Sqn RAAF 22/03/43. Accident 27/04/43
when 3 miles south west of Williamtown
aerodrome, collided with EE676 in Flight
during line astern chase. Pilots: BS232 Sgt
D.A. Grinlington Serv#408842 uninjured and
EE676 Sgt R.J. Blackie Serv#403309 killed.
Accident 25/06/43 in flight when airscrew
seized in full fine pitch followed by Glycol
leak and fire, pilot was forced to belly land
on North East Strip at Mildura. AMSE Approval
per File#9/16/907 Min#6 to convert to
components 15/08/43. |
A58-94 |
F.VC |
BS233 |
in Australia on SS Raranga 10/11/42.Rec 1AD ex
UK 10/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 19/11/42.
Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 13/07/43. Rec 14ARD
ex 7RSU 09/08/43. Rec 14ARDRP ex 14ARD
12/12/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARD RP 23/01/44.
Coded DL-D. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn RAAF
27/04/44. Rec 9RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 16/06/44.
Rec 6AD ex 9RSU 04/08/44. Issued 85Sqn RAAF ex
6AD 17/12/44. Accident 17/12/44, when aircraft
suffered fuel pressure loss on takeoff on
ferry flight, forcing pilot to make a wheels
up landing on beach 5miles north of near
Stockton, following a taking off from
Williamtown NSW. Pilot; F/O B.A. Bremner (6AD
Ferry Flight)not injured. Allotted 5OTU ex
85Sqn RAAF 19/12/44. AMSE Approval per
File#9/16/2248 Min#1 to convert to components
10/01/45. RR M46Engine #91331 |
A58-95 |
F.VC |
BS234 |
in Australia on SS Raranga 10/11/42.Rec 1AD ex
UK 10/11/42. Issued 457Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
26/11/42. Coded CR-C.Personal Spitfire Vc of
Wing Commander C.R. CALDWELL, No.1 Wing RAAF
at Darwin, early 1943. CALDWELL was the
highest scoring RAF/RAAF 'ace' in the theatre,
credited with shooting down 8 enemy aircraft
before his tour of operations ended in
September 1943. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
03/06/43. Issued 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 04/06/43.
Coded ZP-+, later ZP-Z with middle stroke on
-Z-. Allotted 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF for 240Hrs
Service 17/04/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
04/05/44. Rec 14ARDRP ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44.
Rec 2OTU ex 14ARD RP 21/08/44. REc 8OTU ex
2OTU 01/11/44. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU 22/10/45. Rec
6AD ex 8OTU 09/11/45. Stored Cat C 22/11/45.
AMSE Apporval for write off per File#9/16/2976
Min#1 20/11/45. |
A58-96 |
F.VC |
BS235 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 02/12/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 06/12/42. Rec 2OTU ex 1AD 07/01/43. Coded
"5" Rec 24Sqn RAAF ex 2OTU on detachment
27/02/43. Issued 2OTU ex 24Sqn RAAF 25/03/43.
Issued 1FW ex 2OTU 09/05/43. U/s at Daly
Waters on ferry flight, repaired by 7RSU. Rec
54Sqn RAF ex 7RSU 21/05/43. Coded DL-Z.
Accident 23/7/43 when after running out of
fuel, pilot abandoned aircraft at 4000 feet by
parachute and landed on coast some 60 miles
east of Darwin. He was returned to the Unit by
Hudson the following day. Pilot, F/Sgt J.N.
Wickman Serv#1153100 RAF was not injured. AMSE
Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1108
04/10/43. |
A58-97 |
F.VC |
BS236 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 02/12/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 04/12/42. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 17/02/43. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF ex 7AD 30/03/43. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 02/08/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
09/08/43. Rec 14ARD RP ex 452 Sqn RAAF
15/09/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD 18/09/43.
Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 06/01/44. Rec 457Sqn
RAAF ex 7RSU 02/03/44. Coded ZP-A. Rec 14ARD
RP ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Rec CGS ex 14ARD
RP 22/09/44. Coded "A". Accident 0950hrs
07/12/44 when after landing at Cressy, brakes
failed, causing aircraft to ground loop, with
port Oleo Leg collapsing. Pilot; F/Lt J.A.
Pettett not injured. Repaired. Rec 6AD ex CGS
18/10/45.Stored Cat C 26/11/45. Authorised for
write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-98 |
F.VC |
BS237 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 02/12/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 06/12/42. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 19/01/43. Accident
06/02/43 aircraft collided in flight with
power lines whilst landing at Tocumwal NSW.
Pilot; Sgt J. C. King Serv#401823 not injured.
Rec 7AD, repaired. Issued 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7AD
24/02/43. Accident 0810hrs 06/03/43 over
Strauss Strip when aircraft was on a test
flight piloted by SgtEric Moore, following
delivery to 452 Sqn RAAF. Moore at 25000 feet
noticed that his engine was overheating and
deduced that he had a glycol leak and radioed
his section leader. The other Spitfire, BS162,
piloted by F/O Williams Serv#404693, noticed
the Glycol leak on BS237. The engine
overheated and smoke was seen. The engine
failed.They were at a altitude of 25000feet in
10/10 clouds, and Williams led him down to
1000feet some 7 miles of Strauss Strip. Moore
wanted to bale out due to engine failure.
Williams advised Moore that he was too low to
bale out, and that he should force land the
aircraft. The aircraft forced landed 5-6 miles
out from Strauss Strip. Pilot, Sgt Eric M
Moore Serv# 403357, "A" Flight, who had flown
with 452 Sqn RAAF in the UK, died from
injuries on impact. A ground party found the
aircraft at 1300hrs with the pilot still
strapped into the cockpit. A engineering
Officer inspected the aircraft stating that it
was a complete write-off and was partially
burned. E/E-88 has an entry that shows the
aircraft continued in service, but this is a
duplication of a entry from
BR237(A58-15).A58-98 (BS237)Approval to
convert to components dated 05/04/43. AMSE
File# 9/16/725 Min#4 refers to BS237 06/04/43.
NB: 452 Sqn RAAF A51 Records: P169 BR237 flown
by F/O Colyer 13/05/43: P176 entry with
"BS237" flown by F/O Adams 17/06/43.P189 per
BR237 Sgt Richardson Baled out 06/07/43.
Confirmatory Memorandum has BS237 in error.
Error entry per A51 June 1943, Confirmatory
Memorandum and on E/E-88 card. W/O on E/E-88
Card BS237 per AMSE File#9/16/1108 dated
04/10/43 is for A58-15(BR237). |
A58-99 |
F.VC |
BS238 |
in Australia on SS Port Wyndan 21/11/42.Rec
1AD ex UK 27/11/42. Rec 2FS ex 1AD 28/02/43.
Coded "8" .Accident 1528hrs 17/03/43 when
aircraft forced landed and struck a fence near
Dungog NSW. Pilot; F/Lt J. Menzies of 2
Fighter Sector Unit(getting some air time) was
slightly injured. Several Spitfires, on
detachment with 24Sqn RAAF were used for
practice plots before returned to 2OTU Rec
2OTU ex 2FS 26/03/43. Issued 2AD ex 2OTU
08/04/43. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/742 Min#4 10/04/43. |
A58-100 |
F.VC |
BS291 |
in Australia on SS Port Sydney 29/11/42.Rec
2AD ex UK 21/11/42. Rec 2OTU ex 2AD 15/12/42.
Marked " 1" Accident 05/01/43 when aircraft
was groundlooped following normal landing
after veering to the right. Aircraft ended on
nose. Pilot; Sgt W.E. Nichterlein Serv#4161041
slightly injured(Later in 452 Sqn RAAF). Rec
2AD ex 2OTU 15/01/43. AMSE Approval per
File#9/16/649 to be converted to Instructional
Airframe#1, 11/02/43. Converted to components
17/10/45. Photo Held.. |
A58-101 |
F.VC |
BS293 |
in Australia on SS Port Sydney 29/11/42. Rec
2AD ex UK 21/11/42. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD
22/12/42. Coded QY-E. Operational loss during
Darwin Raid #53, 1005hrs 15/03/43, following
taking off from Strauss Strip. Whilst climbing
with Red section to rendivous at 10000 feet,
Red 1 was at 6000feet and falling behind. He
caught up with the lower section as the wing
made contact with the enemy formation.When he
climbed further, he made a front quarter
attack on 3 Zeros. From behind, a further Zero
attacked him causing damage to his engine.
Leaking oil and gylcolwhich covered his front
screen, he broke off. He was forced to bale
out at 5000 feet, with the aircraft exploding
on contact with the ground some 10 miles north
of Point Charles, near Darwin. Pilot; F/O C.P.
Lloyd Serv# 404690 not injured when he landed
2.5miles west from Pinic Grove. AMSE Approval
per File#9/16/741 Min#6 10/04/43 to convert to
components. |
A58-102 |
F.VC |
BS298 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 02/12/42.Rec 1AD ex
UK 06/12/42. Rec 2FS(Fighter Sector) ex 1AD
28/02/43. Rec 2OTU ex 2FS 26/03/43. Coded
"298"or "2". Accident 0830hrs 14/03/43, when
aircraft experienced a loss of glycol which
caused the engine to overheat and seized.
Pilot performed a forced landing and landed
wheels up , but flipped over on her back after
having the starboard wind dig in and detach,
at the Salt Marsh Range 4 miles north east of
Williamtown.The Pilot; Sgt Desmond Bythe
Serv#I217747 (RAF) was injured slightly. AMSE
Approval per File#9/16/794 Min#9 to convert to
components 02/06/43. |
A58-103 |
F.VC |
BS305 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 02/12/42. Final MkV
variant built by Supermarine. F.F. 23/08/42 UK
. 6 MU 26/08/42, 215MU 6/09/42 shipped to
Australia 17/09/42. Arrived 02/12/42. Rec 1AD
ex UK 06/12/42. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 20/01/43.
Issued 54Sqn RAF ex 7AD 24/02/43.Accident
1440hrs 27/10/43 on landing at Darwin Civil,
when port main collapsed after airtest. Pilot;
F/Sgt Kelman RAF not injured. Rec 7RSU ex
54Sqn RAAF 29/10/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
29/11/43. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 26/03/44.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 08/04/44. Coded
ZP-Delta. Rec 14ARDRP ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44.
Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD RP 02/10/44. Landing
Accident Guildford WA 20/11/44 when aircraft
swung to port, causing undercarriage collapse
and groundlooped.Pilot; P/O M.J. Green
slightly injured. AMSE Approval per
File#9/16/2196Min#2 to be convert to
components 29/12/44. Issued 4CRD ex 85Sqn RAAF
05/01/45. RR Engine M46 #92627. |
A58-104 |
F.VC |
EE564 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 16/04/43.Rec 1AD ex
UK 20/04/43. Rec 79 Sqn ex 1AD 19/05/43. Rec
1AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 25/05/43 to have
non-tropical sans Volks cowl fitted. One of 30
Spitfires operational and reserve aircraft
modified with standard streamline temperate
Cowls manufactured by 1AD, (JD796,
EE259/851/836/852/564/835/855, BR485,
JG740/807/897/954/957/891/912, JK231, ER735,
ES238/232/249/307/249 and AR532: Reserve
Aircraft: EE807/844/845/849/850/853).Rec 79Sqn
RAAF ex 1AD 29/05/43. Coded UP-A. Volks later
refitted in theatre. Accident 05/05/44 A tyre
burst during takeoff resulting in the aircraft
belly landing at Mokerang Strip. Pilot; P/O
R.H. Cameron not injured. Rec 6AD ex 79Sqn
RAAF 16/06/44. Stripped of paint, painted with
Glare panel and white tail.Rec CGS (Central
Gunnery School) ex 6AD 11/09/44. During
instruction and taxiing at Cressy Vic, struck
stationary Wirraway A20-640 by A58-104 piloted
by F/O R Watson on 05/02/45. Repaired. Rec 6AD
ex CGS 19/10/45. Authorised for write off
22/05/46. To DAP 26/11/47. Disposal by DAP
completed 15/11/48.
A58-105 |
F.VC |
EE605 |
in Australia on SS Port Wyndan 21/11/42. Rec
1AD ex UK 25/11/42.Issued 1FW ex 1AD 06/05/43.
Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1AD 12/05/43. Coded DL-P. Rec
7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 02/09/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
7RSU 06/09/43. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 04/05/44.
Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 7RSU 18/05/44. Rec 14ARD RP
ex 54Sqn RAF 02/08/44. Stripped of paint,
painted with Glare panel and white tail. Rec
CGS (Central Gunnery School at Cressy Vic) ex
14ARD RP 11/09/44, coded "C". Accident 1136hrs
26/07/45 when aircraft forced landed due to
fuel pump failure at Mingay near Lismore NSW.
Pilot;F/O R. G. Rose, not injured. Rec 6AD ex
CGS 15/10/45. Authorised for write off
22/05/46. To DAP 26/11/47. Disposal by DAP
completed 15/11/48. Photos held |
A58-106 |
F.VC |
EE606 |
in Australia on SS Port Wyndan 21/11/42. Rec
1AD ex UK 25/11/42. Issued 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
12/01/43. Accident 1205hrs 25/02/43, on
landing at Strauss Strip. Following fast
approach during gusty winds, aircraft veered
port and off strip, then turned over after
hitting a tree. Pilot. F/O E.V.Matthews
Serv#401989 was injured. Issued 7RSU ex 452
Sqn RAAF 01/03/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
13/05/43. Coded QY-P. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 16/09/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD21/09/43. Issued 2OTU ex 14ARD 12/01/44.
Canc. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn RAAF 12/02/44. Rec
54 Sqn RAF ex 14ARD 09/03/44. Accident on
landing when aircraft overshot at Darwin Civil
21/03/44, following 240hr Service by 7RSU.
Pilot; F/O B J Todd Ser#120612 RAF, callsign
Toilet 30, not injured. Rec 14ARD ex 54Sqn RAF
06/04/44. Rec 8OTU ex 14ARD 30/06/45. Rec 6AD
ex 8OTU 16/11/45. Authorised for write off
22/05/46. To DAP 26/11/47. Disposal by DAP
completed 15/11/48. |
A58-107 |
F.VC |
EE607 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 28/11/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 06/12/42. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 17/02/43. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF ex 7AD 31/03/43. Coded QY-A.
Operational loss, as Troppo White 2, on
interception of enemy Lily Bomber and Zeke
escort raid, #55, 0950 hrs 20/06/43 by 46
Spitfires of 1FW. Troppo White Section of
"B"Flight was tasked to intercept the bombers
at 24000 feet 10 miles north of Cape Hotham
near Verden Island . AMSE Approval to W/O per
File#9/16/899 28/06/43. |
A58-108 |
F.VC |
EE608 |
in Australia on SS Port Wyndan 21/11/42.Rec
1AD ex UK 25/11/42. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 19/01/43.
Issued 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7AD 25/02/43. Coded
QY-V. Operational Loss when 10.30hrs 28/06/43,
as Blue 4 of Blue Flight proceeded to climb
north of Cape Gambier to intercept enemy
aircraft plot. Teh flight then turned on a
reciprocal coursewhen at 18000 feet, the pilot
noticed glycol smoke emitting from his
starboard exhaust. He cut his switches and
turned off his fuel supply and made a forced
landing on the beach between Gun Point and
Tree Point. The Pilot; F/O U.J. Cowell
Serv#400967 was not injured, and was picked up
by Boat at 1700hrs on the same day. Rec 7RSU
ex 452 Sqn RAAF 04/07/43. Issued 14ARD ex 7RSU
11/07/43. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/931
Min#23 5/10/43. Converted to Components. |
A58-109 |
F.VC |
EE609 |
in Australia on SS Port Wyndan 21/11/42. Rec
1AD ex UK 25/11/42. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 19/01/43.
Issued 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7AD 15/02/43. Coded
QY-P. Accident following test flight 1620hrs
24/03/43, when pilot noticed that engine was
not performing per speed and boost setting. On
approach to landing at Straus Strip, with only
one flap working, he decided to make a no flap
landing after three tries to get both down.
With alanding speed of 140mph, he attemped to
stop his aircraft by steering down the
dispersal path, some 40 degreees off the
landing strip. Running out of room, he
performed a groundloop. The Pilot: F/O J.H.
Bisley DFC Serv#402720 was not injured. The
aircraft was only slightly damaged and was
repaired within Unit. Accident 0850hrs
23/05/43 following line astern chasing
practice, aircraft was landing at Straus
Strip, when the pilot noticed that the
aircraft was stalling. He applied more power
and landed on strip, whereupon he notcied that
the flaps were still up. Further down the
runway he experienced no brakes, then turned
off all switches as he thought that the
aircraft would stop before the end of the
runway. He was wrong, and he turned off to the
taxyway, he picked up speed and was unable to
stop before hitting a tree with his starboard wing, then the port wing, causing damage to it
and the port undercarriage. The Pilot; F/O
D.F. K. Downes Serv#402647 was not injured.
Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 24/05/43. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF ex 7RSU 06/07/43. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 22/09/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD
27/09/43. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 03/11/43.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 19/11/43. Accident
following taking off on a air test 1605hrs
11/12/43 from Strauss Strip, when during
take-off, the pilot noticed the tachometer
showing 2800rpm plus 4lbs boost. He decided to
do a half circuit around the strip and land.
After completing a half circuit at 200 feet
with revs dropping down to 2500rpm and 8 lbs
boost, he lowered his flaps and undercarriage
for a landing. He judged that his airspeed was
too high and that he would overshoot. He
raised the undercarriage and pushed the
throttle through the gate and set the airscrew
to full fine pitch and headed for Hughes
Strip. He was forced to land at Hughes with
undercarriage retracted, forgetting to release
his belly tank prior to landing. On touch
down, the tankburst into flames and eventually
stopped, 1640hrs. The Pilot; P/O J.C. King
Serv#401823 received second degree burns on
left arm. Rec 2 Salvage Party,7RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 13/12/43. Rec 14ARD ex 7RSU 21/12/43.
AMSE Approval to convert to components per
File#9/16/1361 Min#2 03/02/44. |
A58-110 |
F.VC |
EE610 |
in Australia on SS Port Wyndan 21/11/42. Rec
1AD ex UK 25/11/42. Alloted Special Duties
Flight 1AD ex 1AD 02/01/43.Accident in flight,
15/02/43 some 5 miles NNE of Geelong Vic, when
slipper tank was released in flight, with tank
hitting fuselage 3 feet forward of Tailwheel.
The Pilot: F/Lt D.R. Bunning was not injured.
Rec 1AD ex SDF 05/03/43. Repaired Aircraft
fitted with smooth non trop cowl as prototype.
Rec SDF ex 1AD 07/04/43. Accident in flight
14/10/43 when aircraft overstressed in test
flight over Melbourne whilst diving when
fitted with Belly Tank, which then separated
in flight. The tank landed on and damaged a
Collins Street Bank of New Zealand Building in
Melbourne. The Pilot; Sqn Ldr E. M. Gibbes
(RAF) was not injured. Rec 2AP ex SDF 1AD for
Test towing of Gliders 09/12/43. Rec 1APU ex
2AP 07/01/44. 14/11/44, fitted for special
high altitude temperature tests. Rec 8OTU ex
1APU 04/04/45. Coded "UO" with 8OTU. Rec 6AD
ex 8OTU 16/11/45. Authorised for write off
22/05/46. To DAP 26/11/47. Disposal by DAP
completed 15/11/48. |
A58-111 |
F.VC |
EE636 |
Contract No B124305/40 2nd Order 9/42. SS
Taranaki 23/01/43. Rec 1AD ex UK 24/01/43. Rec
7AD ex 1AD 09/03/43. Issued 1FW ex 7AD
06/05/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1FW 13/05/43. Coded
DL-D. Mostly flown by F/Sgt Horkin, White 4.
Damaged Betty Raid#57 30/06/43 in this
aircraft. Accident 27/10/43 when taxying
aircraft, A58-239 contacted EE636. Rec 7RSU ex
54Sqn RAF 29/10/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
14/12/43. Coded QY-F. Accident 01/01/44, when
A58-20 was involved in ground collison with
A58-111(flown by F/O E.G. Etherington of 452
Sqn) on landing at Strauss Field 01/01/44.
Groundlooped aircraft to miss. Pilot of
A58-20; F/Sgt A.R. Richardson not injured.
AMSE Approval to convert to components per
File#9/16/1324 Min#2 31/01/44. |
A58-112 |
F.VC |
EE639 |
in Australia on SS Taranaki 23/01/43. Rec 1AD
ex UK 24/ 01/43. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 09/03/43. Rec
2OTU ex 7AD 25/06/43. Accident 29/07/43, first
case of overstressed wings from flight
departure. NFDs on Pilot. Rec 1AD ex 2OTU for
repairs 19/8/43. Rec 2OTU ex 1AD 02/01/44.
Accident 1150hrs 16/02/44 forced landed due to
engine failure and overshot strip at Mildura,
Vic . Pilot: P/O J L Vader not injured.
Accident 24/10/44 whilst landing at Mildura
when pilot groundlooped aircraft, causing port
undercarriage to collapse. Pilot; F/O R A Redd
not injured. Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 02/01/45.
Accident 01/06/45 when landing at Parkes NSW,
aircraft swung off strip. Pilot; F/O J B
Seeley not injured. Rec 2CRD ex 8OTU 07/10/45.
AMSE Approval Per File#9/16/3104 25/01/46 to
convert to Components. |
A58-113 |
F.VC |
EE669 |
in Australia on SS Austral Star 11/03/43. Rec
1AD ex UK 11/03/43. Rec Special Duties Flight,
1AD for Deck top level speed trials 24/05/43.
Issued 1FW ex 1AD 18/07/43. Rec 54Sqn RAAF ex
1FW 21/07/43. Coded DL-B. Accident on night of
03/09/43 when pilot misjudged his height on
landing during night practice flying and flew
into ground at Night Cliff near Darwin. Pilot;
F/Sgt C Harker Serv#655530(RAF) was not
injured. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 06/09/43. Rec
14ARD ex 7RSU 01/10/43. AMSE Approval per
File#9/16/1226 30/11/43 to be converted to
components.RR M46 #92621. Photo Held of
Accident. |
A58-114 |
F.VC |
EE670 |
in Australia on SS Taranaki 23/01/43.Rec 1AD
ex UK 24/01/43. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 09/03/43.
Issued 1FW ex 7AD 06/05/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
1FW 13/05/43. Operational loss 30/06/43 during
Raid #57 when 1FW intercepted some 25 plus
Enemy Bombers flying at 27000 feet, escorted
by 15 plus Zekes flying at 32000feet. One of 7
Spitfires (4 being 54Sqn RAF Spitfires) lost
that day of 41 airborne. Thirteen Spitfires of
54Sqn RAF were involved in the intercept. The
pilot after suffering damage from combat,
forced landed his aircraft after enemy action,
at Tumbling Waters Anson Bay area. However,
whilst trying to clear some land for a rescue
aircraft to land, through burning of brush and
grass, he accidentally destroyed his aircraft
by fire. Pilot; F/Sgt C. Harker Serv#655530
(RAF)was not injured. AMSE Approval per File
#9/16/916 for conversion to components
14/08/43. |
A58-115 |
F.VC |
EE671 |
in Australia on SS Port Durn 28/02/43.Rec 1AD
ex UK 05/03/43. Rec 1AP ex 1AD 17/05/43. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 17/06/43. Rec 2AP on route to 452
Sqn RAAF 25/06/43. Fitted with CAAG Anti-G
Equipment 08/07/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
13/07/43. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn RAAF 17/09/43.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD 22/09/43. Rec
14ARDRP ex 452 Sqn RAAF 23/02/44. Rec 54Sqn
RAF ex 14ARDRP 11/03/44. Rec 7RU ex 54Sqn RAF
29/05/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 12/06/44.
Rec 14ARDRF ex 452 Sqn RAAF 15/06/44. Rec
85Sqn RAAF ex 14ARDRP 02/10/44. Rec 17RSU ex
85Sqn RAAF 10/07/45. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 17RSU
23/08/45. Rec 6AD ex 85Sqn RAAF 10/10/45.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46. To DAP
26/11/47. Disposal by DAP completed 15/11/48.
RR M46 Eng#79899. |
A58-116 |
F.VC |
EE672 |
in Australia on SS Taranaki 23/01/43. Rec 1AD
ex UK 24/01/43. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 09/03/43.
Issued 1FW ex 7AD 06/05/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
ex 1FW 14/05/43. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
10/09/43. Rec 14ARD ex7RSU 07/10/43. Rec
14ARDRP ex 14ARD 14/12/43. Rec 54 Sqn RAF ex
14ARDRP 23/01/44. Accident 06/02/44 when on
landing at RAAF Darwin, the undercarriaged
collapsed. Pilot: F/Sgt Hale not injured. Rec
7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 28/02/44. Issued 457Sqn RAAF
ex 7RSU 09/03/44. Coded ZP-B. Accident 1750hrs
when landing at Tennant Creek during
operational travel flight from Livingstone to
Guiliford via Alice Springs. Pilot's water
bottle fell down on rudder bar and jammed.
Aircraft then became uncontrollable and
swerved to starboard causing poet eleo to
collapse. Pilot; F/Sgt J B Combes Serv#410873
was not injured. Rec 14ARD ex 457Sqn RAAF
14/03/44. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/1489
Min#1 to convert to components 13/04/44. |
A58-117 |
F.VC |
EE673 |
Contract No B124305/40 2nd Order 9/42. SS Port
Durn 28/02/43.Rec 1AD ex UK 05/03/43. Rec
1AP(Aircraft Park) ex 1AD 17/05/43. Rec 1AD ex
1AP 03/06/43. Issued 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD with
a/c at 2AP Bankstown NSW 24/06/43. Fitted with
CAAG Anti G Equipment. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
10/07/43. Coded QY-E. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 16/12/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARD as
replacement for A58-51 03/01/44. Possibly
coded as DL-E(?). Rec 4525Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn
RAF 04/04/44. Operational loss 0700hrs
12/06/44 when as Yellow 4 along with Yellow
3(A58-228) ordered to Pt Blaze, in Anson Bay
and climb to 30000ft to intercept enemy
aircraft. At 28500ft Yellow 4's engine started
to surge, with the pilot staying at that
height. He then went into the attack after
sighting the enmey aircraft at 0800hrs. After
his third attack, with his engine surging,
emitting smoke and now leaking oil and glycol
which was covering his windscreen,he broke off
and switched his engine off and glided back to
land, looking for a place to force land. At
14000 feetand at 180mph, in fear of his
smoking aircraft exploding, he rolled his
aircraft over and bailed out.He landed in the
sea, but within 600 yards of shoreand was
rescued by a 43Sqn RAAF ASR Catalina at
1100hrs. Pilot; F/O C H O'Loughlin Serv#407449 was not injured. Airframe crashed some 5 miles
south of Port Blaze. Rec 9RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
29/08/44. AMSE approval per File#9/16/1728
Min#1 to converted to components 26/08/44. |
A58-118 |
F.VC |
EE674 |
in Australia on SS Taranaki 23/01/43. Rec 1AD
ex UK 24/01/43. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 30/03/43.
Issued 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 13/05/43. Accident
when airscrew was bent and replaced on ferry.
NFDs. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7AD 19/05/43. Coded
ZP-S.Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 02/06/43. Rec
457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 04/06/43. Rec 7RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 01/07/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
03/07/43. Coded ZP-U in 1944.Rec 14ARDRP ex
457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Issued 85Sqn RAAF ex
14ARDRP 27/09/44. Rec 4AD ex 85Sqn RAAF
02/10/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 4AD 01/02/45. Rec
17RSU ex 85Sqn RAAF 17/08/45. Issued 85Sqn
RAAF ex 17RSU 31/08/45. Rec 6AD ex 85Sqn RAAF
10/10/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
To DAP 26/11/47. Disposal by DAP completed
15/11/48. RR M46 Eng#91979 |
A58-119 |
F.VC |
EE675 |
in Australia on SS Port Durn 28/02/43. Rec 1AD
ex UK 05/03/43. Rec 1AP ex 1AD 17/05/43. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 06/06/43. Issued 452 Sqn RAAF ex
1AD 24/06/43. Rec 2AP to ferry to 452 Sqn RAAF
25/06/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 2AD after CAAG
Equipment fitted10/07/43. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF for repairs to wrinkled mainplains due to
overstressing, 05/09/43. Rec 3AD ex 7RSU
21/04/44 without engine. Rec 6AD ex 3AD
05/05/44. Rec 3CRD ex 6AD 16/06/44 for
conversion. AMSE approval per File#09/16/1729
Min# 1 to convert to components 08/07/44. |
A58-120 |
F.VC |
EE676 |
in Australia on SS Sarp 24/02/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 24/02/43. Issued 7AD ex 1AD 30/03/43. Rec
2OTU ex 7AD 04/04/43. Training accident 1132
hrs (0132hrs(zulu)) 27/04/43, when EE676
(piloted by Sgt Raymond Jack Blackie
Serv#403309) collided mid air during a line
astern attack with BS232 (Piloted by Sgt D A
Grinlington Serv#408842 who survived and
landed safely)and spun into the ground about 3
miles soutwest of Williamtown NSW, killing the
pilot. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/816 Min#5
for conversion to components 03/06/43. |
A58-121 |
F.VC |
EE677 |
in Australia on SS Sarp 24/02/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 24/02/43. Rec 1AP ex 1AD 17/05/43. Rec 1AD
ex 1AP 06/06/43. Issued 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
with aircraft proceeding to Bankstown
07/06/43. Rec 2AP (Bankstown)ex 1AD 26/06/43.
Fitted with CAAG Suiting Equipment 08/07/43.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 16/07/43. Accident
0800hrs 26/09/43, mid air collision with
Spitfire JL314 (A58-201) near the vicinity of
Manton Dam during Flight formation, Army
Co-operation and Camera gunery flight, after
taking off as White 3( Section flight of 4,
lead by F/Lt Adrian P Goldsmith) at 0745 Hrs.
A fifth Spitfire, Troppo 43, made an attack
from the rear of white section who were flying
line abreast at 2000 feet, who then passed
below the formation and flew south. White 1
(Goldsmith) followed and took gun camera film.
White 3 then attacked Troppo 43 from the eight
o'clock position from the sun after White 1
moved to starboard to allow for room. White 3
closed and then moved to starboard of Troppo
43. Unaware of White 3 attack, Troppo 43
commenced a steep climb and then pulled to
starboard. His port wing contacted White 3's
port wing causing both wings to break off at
about 6 feet from the tip. Both aircraft
commenced to roll out of control, then
crashing into the ground, with both aircraft bursting into flames a half a mile apart.
Location: 131 Degrees 8 Minutes East/12
Degrees 51 Minutes South (3 miles S E of
Manton Dam). Pilot White 3,F/O John Philip
Adams Serv#404491 and Pilot Troppo 43, F/O
Granville Allen Mawer both killed. F/O J P
Adam was buried with full military honours
1700hrs 26/09/43 at Adelaide River War
Memorial (Grave F.C.8) Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 27/09/43. Rec 14ARD ex 7RSU 10/10/43.
AMSE Approval to convert to components per
file#9/16/1113 Min#5 12/10/43. A58-121 RR
Merlin M46#92623. A58-201 RR Merlin M50
#115835. |
A58-122 |
F.VC |
EE678 |
in Australia on SS Sarp 24/02/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 24/02/43. Issued 7AD ex 1AD 30/03/43. Rec
2OTU ex 7AD 03/04/43. Accident whilst taxying
at Mildura on 28/08/43 when aircraft tipped on
nose. Pilot, Sgt Thomson not injured. Repaired
in unit.Accident 06/01/44 when pilot was
making his first landing in a Spitfire at
Mildura. Dropped port wing on touch down,
causing aircraft to tip on nose and following
undercarriage failure, landed on belly. Pilot;
F/O A F Tutt not injured. Repaired in Unit.
Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/44. Survey of airframe
on receipt by 8OTU regarded aircraft not
suitable for use. AMSE Approval to convert to
components approved per file#9/16/2586 Min#2
30/05/45. Consideration of airframe to be
converted to ground instructional for 8OTU,
per request 15/06/45 given. Request withdrawn
30/08/45. Rec 2CRD ex 8OTU 10/10/45. |
A58-123 |
F.VC |
EE713 |
in Australia on SS Sarp 24/02/42. Rec 1AD ex
UK 24/02/43. Rec 7AD ex 1AD 30/03/43. Rec 2OTU
ex 7AD 25/06/43. Accident when A58-123
collided with P-40E A29-22 in mid air on
26/03/44 some 10 miles north of Mildura.
Aircraft was severly damaged by collision
resulting in portion of fuslage rear of
cockpit canopy, and starboard wing tip. Pilot
carried out a successful landing at Mildura.
(See Photo). Pilot P/O F J Inger Serv#408583
(Ex 7SFTS, part of the No29 operational
Training Course) injured slightly (See also
A58-633). AMSE Approval per File#9/16/1508
Min#2 for conversion to components 19/04/44.
Pilot of P-40E Kittyhawk A29-22; Sgt Arthur
Ronald Ross Serv#433226, was killed. Photo
held of post collision.
A58-124 |
F.VC |
EE718 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength
11/04/43.Rec 2AD ex UK 29/03/43. Issued 2OTU
ex 2AD 02/05/43. Accident 14/10/43 when Pilot
taxied into EE719(A58-125)which was taking off
at Mildura. Pilot; F/O F Meakin not injured.
Repired in unit. Accident 12/10/44 when Pilot
of this aircraft forgot to lower the
undercarriage on landing at Mildura. Pilot;
W/O F J Liddicoat was not injured. Repaired in
unit. Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 09/11/44. Accident
0625hrs 18/11/44, when aircraft was forced
landed at Parkes. Pilot; F/Lt T J D Cook (RAF)
not injured. A58-124 allocated 26/11/44. Rec
2CRD ex 8OTU 19/02/45. AMSE Approval to
convert to components per File#9/16/2375 Min#2
04/05/45. |
A58-125 |
F.VC |
EE719 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength 11/04/43.
Rec 2AD ex UK 29/03/43. Issued 2OTU ex 2AD
02/05/43. Accident 1400hrs 07/06/43 when
aircraft was involved in ground collision,
whilst stationary with taxying Spitfire EE737
(A58-132); piloted by Sgt J T Reaney
Serv#542677 (RAF) at Williamstown 07/06/43.
Accident 14/10/43 when Pilot of
EE718(A58-124)which was taking off at Mildura
and taxied into EE719 (A58-125). Pilot of
A58-124; F/O F Meakin not injured. As per
File#9/16/1160 Min #3 converted to components
20/10/43. |
A58-126 |
F.VC |
EE728 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength 11/04/43.
Rec 2AD ex UK 29/03/43. Rec 2OTU ex 2AD
04/05/43. Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/44. Accident
07/11/43 Crashed at Parkes Strip 07/11/43,
landing gear retracted due to poor technique.
Repaired at 8OTU. A58-126 allocated 26/11/43.
Accident when aircraft hit trees at Parkes
gunnery range 30/03/45, but flew back to
Parkes aerodrome safely. Pilot, Sgt D P Logan
not injured.Repair not able to be done by the
unit. Rec 2 RSU 13/07/45. To 2CRD for
conversion to Components. Approved for
conversion to Components 24/08/45. SOC
29/08/45. |
A58-127 |
F.VC |
EE729 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength 11/04/43.
Rec 2AD ex UK 29/03/43. Rec 2OTU ex 2AD
04/05/43. Marked "29" . Accident 0815Hrs
22/11/43 when aircraft was forced landed some
65 miles west of Mildura. Pilot; Sgt L J
Armstrong Serv#419714 not injured. Repaired.
Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 08/04/45.Rec 6AD ex 8OTU
28/11/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
To DAP 26/11/47. Disposal by DAP completed
15/11/48. |
not issued |
F.VC |
EE731 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength 11/04/43.
Rec 2AD ex UK 29/03/43, though noted as
12/03/43 on Capstain Card. Rec 2OTU ex 2AD
04/05/43. Marked "31". NB* This Spitfire was
never given a A58 Serial. Accident 13/08/43 it
swung off during landing from Mildura and
damaged wing when starboard u/c collapsed
despite Pilot trying to correct. Aircraft
tipped on nose and fell back. Pilot; P/O D J
Murray not injured. AMSE approval to convert
per File# 9/16/1020 Min#3 as engineering
instructional airframe and converted as such
given 10/09/43. Aircraft became Instructional
Spitfirefire #2. Disposed, when passed onto
DAP, 27/11/46. |
A58-128 |
F.VC |
EE733 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength
11/04/43.Rec 2AD ex UK 29/03/43. Rec 2OTU ex
2AD 04/05/43. Marked "33". Accident 13/07/43
when aircraft was bellied in at Euston NSW due
to fuel shortage during training flight.
Pilot; Sgt R G M Rice not injured. Repaired.
Accident 1155hrs 25/02/44 when aircraft was
forced landed due to starboard flap failure
some half mile west of Mildura. Pilot Sgt D V
Pollard Serv#436433 not injured.Alloted 1CRD
for conversion 29/02/44. AMSE Approval per
file#9/16/1452 Min#2 21/03/44 to convert to
components. |
A58-129 |
F.VC |
EE734 |
in Australia on SS Austral Star 11/03/43.Rec
1AD ex UK 11/03/43. Rec 1AP ex 1AD 19/05/43.
Rec 1AD ex 1AP 03/06/43. Rec 2AP ex 1AD
24/06/43. Fitted with CAAG Equipment. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 10/07/43. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 08/09/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
01/11/43. Coded ZP-B. Accident 1635hrs
18/02/44 as White 4 following Wing formation
practice, airscrew jammed in full coarse
position following load bang at 1000 feet on
final downward leg of landing at Livingstone
Strip.After landing highspeed at Livingston
strip, pilot overshot strip and followed
taxyway. Aircraft tipped on nose and fell
backwards after pilot lost control due to
coarse pitch and weak brakes. Pilot F/Sgt J B
Combes Serv#410873 not injured.Caused by
feeder valve sticking in constant speed unit.
Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 21/02/44. Rec 14ARD ex
7RSU 07/03/44. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per file#9/16/1450 24/03/44. |
A58-130 |
F.VC |
EE735 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength 11/04/43.
Rec 2AD ex UK 08/04/43. Rec 2OTU ex 2AD
04/05/43. Accident 22/07/43 when aircraft
swung to port on landing and ran off strip at
Mildura. Aircraft's starboard undercarriage
collapsed, with aircraft finishing on Port
leg. Pilot, F/O A W Moore not injured.
Repaired.Marked as "130" and in natural metal.
Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 09/11/44. Accident 1330hrs
05/07/45 when pilot undershot landing at
Parkes NSW, causing damage to wings and
undercarriage following collaspe. Pilot, F/Sgt
A.G. Oliver slightly injured. AMSE Approval to
convert to components per File#9/16/2694
29/07/45. |
A58-131 |
F.VC |
EE736 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength
11/04/43.Rec 2AD ex UK 07/07/43. Aircraft was
damaged in transit from the UK. AMSE Approval
to convert to components per File#9/16/923
Min#4 21/07/43. Never operated by RAAF. |
A58-132 |
F.VC |
EE737 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength 11/04/43.
Rec 2AD ex UK 29/03/43. Rec 2OTU ex 2AD
04/05/43. Accident 1400hrs 07/06/43 when
aircraft was involved in ground collision,
whilst taxying ; piloted by Sgt J T Reaney
Serv#542677 (RAF) at Williamstown 07/06/43
with stationary EE719. Repaired. Accident
09/08/44 when aircraft groundlooped on landing
at Mildura causing undercarriage to collapse.
Pilot; F/Lt L G Markwell not injured.
Repaired. Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/44. Rec 6AD
ex 8OTU 22/02/45. Survey by 6AD 05/04/45. AMSE
Approval to convert to components per
File#9/16/2512 Min#2 17/04/45. Rec 3CRD ex 6AD
22/05/45. |
A58-133 |
F.VC |
EE748 |
in Australia on SS Austral Star 11/03/43.Rec
1AD ex UK 11/03/43. Rec 1AP ex 1AD 19/05/43.
Rec 1AD ex 1AP 06/06/43. Rec 2AP ex 1AD
06/07/43. Fitted with CAAG Equipment. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 10/07/43. Accident following
take-off at 1515hrs 04/08/43 when aircraft
port main tire burst before landing run was
finished at Strauss Strip. Starboard wheel
sheered off after giving engine a burst and
applying starboard brake, causing
undercarriage to collapse. Aircraft crossed a
gutter and stepped on the roadway on its belly
with undercarriage felded inwards. Pilot; F/O
A E Watkin Serv#405265 not injured. Rec 7RSU
ex 452 Sqn RAAF 06/08/43. Rec 14ARD ex7RSU
15/09/43. Rec 8OTU ex 14ARDRP 09/11/44. Marked
"33". Accident 1015hrs 23/08/45 when on
gunnery run into practice target, aircraft
struck tree tops and performed a wheels up
landing at Parkes NSW. Pilot; F/Lt N H
Bradbury not injured. Rec 2CRD ex 8OTU
05/09/45. AMSE Approval to converted to
components per File#9/16/2854 24/09/45.
A58-134 |
F.VC |
EE751 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength
11/04/43.Rec 2AD ex UK 29/03/43. Rec 2OTU ex
2AD 04/05/43. Accident 1440hrs 31/03/44, when
engine seized in flight, forcing pilot to make
a forced landing, some 40 miles SW ofMildura.
Pilot; F/Lt B D Watson not injured. Repaired.
Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 30/11/44. Marked as "H".
Accident 14/12/44 on take-off when engine
failed at Uranquinty. Aircraft made wheels up
landing. Pilot; W/O R G Tait not injured. Rec
2CRD ex 8OTU 02/01/45. AMSE Approval to
convert to components per File#9/16/2254
06/05/45. |
A58-135 |
F.VC |
EE807 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 16/04/43. Rec 1AD ex
UK 23/04/43. Rec13ARD ex 1AD 16/06/43. Issued
79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD 16/06/43. Coded UP-K.
Accident 21/06/43 on landing at Wards Strip
during ferry flight when starboard mainplane
struck runway, causing undercarriage to
collapse .F/O P.E. Sebire Serv#405026 was not
injured. Rec 15ARD ex 79Sqn RAAF
24/06/43.Replaced by JG884(A58-177) itself
damaged during ferry. AMSE Approval to convert
to components per File#9/16/1965 20/10/44. |
A58-136 |
F.VC |
EE834 |
in Australia on SS Tijuca 13/04/43. Rec 1AD ex
UK 15/04/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 18/05/43.
Coded UP-Y . Accident 1015hrs 26/05/43 when
aircraft crashed from 25000 feet during
formation flight 12 miles south west of
Bacchus Marsh near Parwan Coalmine. Pilot;Sgt
David Edward William Roxburgh Serv#421397 was
killed. AMSE approval to convert to components
per File#9/16/860 Min#5 23/06/43. RR M45
#78569 |
A58-137 |
F.VC |
EE835 |
in Australia on SS Tijuca 13/04/43. Rec 1AD ex
UK 15/04/43.Issued 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 29/05/43.
Coded UP-T, Aircraft of F/Lt David Hopton.
Named "Down with Everything" and had a painted
picture of a nude girl with her pants down.
Accident 28/11/43 when belly tank failed to
separate cleanly, damaging rear part of
fuselage. Pilot; F/Lt David H Hopton
Serv#407074 not injured. Repaired. Rec 6AD ex
79Sqn RAAF 16/06/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 6AD
09/10/44. Coded SH-W in Natural Metal.
Accident 1656hrs 26/02/45 when aircraft
collided with A58-257 when landing at
Guildford WA. Pilot of A58-257, F/Sgt J A
Boyle Serv#423412 was seriously injured. Pilot
of A58-137, F/O B. OÇonnell Serv#437192 was
not injured. Issued to 4CRD ex 85Sqn RAAF
12/03/45. AMSE Approval to convert to
Instructional Airframe per File#9/16/2419
21/03/45. Became Instructional Airframe #8
issued to No5 Cadet Wing, ATC Perth WA
19/04/45. Pics held of both coded aircraft
period. |
A58-138 |
F.VC |
EE836 |
1AD ex UK 15/04/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
28/05/43. Coded UP-F. Rec 12RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF
21/02/44. Accident on radar training flight
with three other aircraft(A58-256/173/212),
1335hrs 07/06/44, when engine seized due to
glycol leak in flight over southern tip of Los
Negros Island (Codename: Mercantile). The
Pilot, F/Lt T W Williams Serv#403074 bailed
out at 1200 feet, but was injured with a
sprained ankle and slight shock on landing.
Aircraft was totally destroyed by fire on
impact. AMSE Approval to write-off per
File#9/16/1711 Min#1 on 12/07/44. RR Merlin
M46 #115495. |
A58-139 |
F.VC |
EE837 |
in Australia on LS117 14/06/43.Rec 1AP ex UK
16/06/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 04/07/43. Issued 1FW
ex 1AD 07/07/43. Issued 54Sqn RAF 08/07/43.
Coded DL-T . Flown by F/Sgt Donaldson 54Sqn
RAF on first 1FW Offensive mission to Babar
Island on 18/04/44. Accident 09/06/44,
following landing at Livingstone Strip when
port tyre burst on landing causing aircraft to
run into embankment. Pilot, F/Sgt B A G Hicks
Serv#1434211 RAF was not injured. Rec 7RSU ex
54Sqn RAF 10/06/44. Rec 14ARD ex 7RSU
01/07/44. Allocated 85Sqn RAAF , Canc. Rec 6AD
ex 14ARD 26/06/45. Approval granted for
conversion per AMSE File#9/16/2876 24/10/45.
Issued to 3CRd ex 6AD 14/11/45. Converted to
Components. RR Merlin M45 #78169. |
A58-140 |
F.VC |
EE844 |
1AD ex UK 20/04/43. Alloted 13ARD RP ex 1AD
25/05/43. Accident 02/06/43, when starboard
main failed to lower on landing at Laverton
Vic. Pilot; F/O Baker,Production Test and
Ferry Flight, 1AD, was not injured. Repaired
by 1AD. Rec 13ARDRP ex 1AD 06/08/43. Rec 79Sqn
RAAF ex 13ARDRP 03/11/43. Coded UP-E. Accident
1220 hrs 19/02/44 during test flight following
engine change, aircraft engine suffered glycol
leak and seized in flight. The aircraft at 100
feet caught fire, with pilot on R/T stating
"Going in", crashed, killing pilot, F/O K H
Slayter Serv#406799, who was trying to land
deadstick. Aircraft crashed in nearby swamp 1
mile north west of North/South Vivigani Strip,
Goodeneough Island (Code name: By-product).
AMSE approval to write-off per File#9/16/1423
Min#2 13/03/44. RR Merlin # 92661. |
A58-141 |
F.VC |
EE845 |
Sussex 16/04/43.Rec 1AD ex UK 17/04/43. Rec
13ARD ex 1AD 18/06/43. Rec 12RSU ex 13ARD
01/07/43. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU 09/07/43.
Coded UP-H . Operational loss after being
abandoned after engine trouble over the sea by
parachute on the 3rd February 1944 when flown
by F/O Albert N Tassicker Serv#401401 as Red
Four during an Beaufort Bomber escort mission
(KIR87) to Amgen River, New Brittain. Being
circled by some seven Spitfires of his
Squadron, He was later picked up by a Catalina
some forty-five minutes later, which due to
the heavy sea conditions and a fire in one of
its engines when it landed, could not take
off. This aircraft was then towed back by a US
Navy PT Boat to safety along with the Catalina
crew and F/O Tassicker to Kiriwina by the
following day late in the morning. AMSE write
off per File#9/16/1390 11/02/44. Eng RR Merlin
M46 #92649 |
A58-142 |
F.VC |
EE849 |
Sussex 16/04/43.Rec 1AD ex UK 22/04/43. Issued
79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 06/06/43. Coded UP-E
Underscored. Accident 21/09/43 when taxying
along taxyway (Code name " Byproduct";
Kiriwina), collided with truck damaging port
mainplane. Pilot, F/Sgt D A Brinlington
Serv#408842 not injured. Up to December 1943,
A58-142 was coded, UP-E Underscored. The
underscoring would be applied when there was
already a UP-E coded in use, as in this case
by A58-140. In late December 1943, A58-142
would be re-coded as UP-O#4. On the 10th
February 1944, following having oil throwing
up on the windscreen some eighty miles into a
escort mission from base, F/Sgt N Faulks,
piloting A58-142 as Blue Four, on returning to
base suffered a in-flight engine fire on
approach. He was forced to land UP-O some 100
yards off the end of the strip. Pilot was only
slightly injured. Rec 12RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF
13/02/44. AMSE approval to Write-off per
File#9/16/1407 Min#2 09/03/44. EngRR Merlin
M46 #92647( This engine would be re-built and
installed into A58-143 May 1944) |
A58-143 |
F.VC |
EE850 |
1AD ex UK 20/04/43. Issued 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
06/06/43. Coded UP-Y. It would later sport a
large Pegasus Motif and named "Dawn". Flown in
September 1943 by WgCdr Pelly, CO 73Wg.
Accident 23/09/43 when aircraft's mainplane
was slightly damaged during taxying. Alloted
26RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 23/09/43. Alloted 79Sqn
RAAF ex 26RSU 23/09/43. Rec 6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF
16/06/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 6AD 23/11/44. AMSE
approval per File#9/16/2908 following survey
to convert to components 12/10/45. Eng RR
Merlin M46 #93647. Pic held
A58-144 |
F.VC |
EE851 |
1AD ex UK 20/04/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF 28/05/43.
Coded UP-O. Accident 0935Hrs 10/07/43, during
high altitude test flight over base Vivigani,
Goodenough Island, the engine cut-out at
36000ft, resulting in deadstick wheels up
landing at non matted portion of strip.
Aircraft overshot strip on landing and touched
down on southern end. Pilot was Sgt McKellar
Ser#403681. Aircraft extensively damaged,
though pilot un-hurt. Rec 26 RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF
15/07/43. Alloted to 15ARD ex 26RSU 15/07/43.
AMSE Approval per File#9/16/952 Min#7
23/08/43. RR Merlin M46 #93761. This
particular aircraft was flown mostly by Unit
CO, S/Ldr Rawlinson previously.
A58-145 |
F.VC |
EE852 |
1AD ex UK 17/04/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
28/05/43. Coded UP-V and named "Nipponese" and
had girl motif. White Tail added. Operational
Loss 1155hrs 31/12/43 when flying as Yellow
one after crossing the south coast of New
Britain on a six aircraft offensive sweep per
mission Kir 86 over New Britain in thick
cloud. His wing man, Yellow Two tried to make
contact, but could not despite hearing the
pilot. It was assumed that Yellow One had R/T
problems. Pilot F/Lt Llewellyn Wettenhall
Serv# 400109 reported missing in the sea
approx 13 miles from coast of New Britain.
AMSE Approval to Wirite off per File#9/16/1314
on 13/01/44. RR Merlin M46 #93749.
A58-146 |
F.VC |
EE853 |
1AD ex UK 20/04/43. Issued 13ARD RP ex 1AD
215/06/43. Accident 18/06/43 on landing during
ferry flight when aircraft over ran strip on
landing at Gurney Strip. Damaged
extensively. Pilot, Sgt A.E. Byrne Serv#411741
1AD Ferry Flight, not injured. Rec 10RSU ex
13ARD RP 22/06/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 10RSU
23/07/43. Coded UP-O. Accident 28/08/43 when
on landing, with aircraft overshooting landing
at Vivigani strip due to brake failure,
hitting bank. Pilot; Sgt C R Chomley
Serv#418232 not injured. Issued 26RSU ex 79Sqn
RAAF 08/09/43. AMSE Approval to Write off per
File#9/16/1102 Min#4 07/10/43. RR Merlin M46
#93751. Recovered 1974 from Kilawina Island.
On Display in South Australian Aviation
Museum, Port Adelaide SA since 1998. Owned by
Langdon Badger, Adelaide, Australia and
displayed as A58-146 UP-O. Pics held
A58-147 |
F.VC |
EF543 |
in Australia on SS Asphalian 17/03/43.Rec 1AP
ex UK 20/05/43. Issued 1AD ex 1AP 23/06/43.
Rec 13ARD ex 1AD 04/07/43. Issued 1FW ex 13ARD
11/07/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 12/07/43.
Coded ZP-P. Operational loss after taking off
0800hrs 21/12/43 with seven other Spitfires
from Livingstone Strip. At 0910hrs whilst
returning from exercise, pilot noted glycol
spraying and pooling in and on the cockpit
floor. White smoke started to emit from
exhausts. Pilot cut engine and continued
gliding to base. At 0915hrs and at 200feet,
the pilot bailed out over Noonomah NT. Pilot;
P/O A V N Ede Serv3405302 was not injured.
Salvaged by 1 Salvage Party, 7RSU 23/12/43.
AMSE Approval to Write-off per File #9/16/1297
on 23/12/43. RR Merlin #93637. Pic Held |
A58-148 |
F.VC |
EF544 |
in Australia on LS117 14/06/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
16/06/43. Rec 1AD ex iAP 02/07/43. Alloted to
1FW ex 1AD 02/07/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1FW
11/07/43. Accident 03/09/43 when on landing,
pilot decided to go around, but aircraft
failed to clear a tree on port side of Darwin
Strip. Damage to port and starboard wing tips.
Pilot; F/Sgt J F Kelman Serv#1365410(RAF)not
injured. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 06/09/43. Rec
457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 28/10/43. Coded ZP-J.
Accident 1720hrs 31/10/43 when aircraft was
taking off on test flight, when pitch control
failed to change from fully fine position.
Aircraft overshot on landing due to oil on
windscreen, with aircraft swerving to port,
causing aircraft to crash into trees and
overturn at Livingstone Strip. Pilot, P/O I S
Morse Serv#403358 was not injured. Rec 7RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 02/11/43. Rec 14ARd ex 7RSU
07/11/43. AMSE Approval per File#09/16/1204
Min#4 to convert to components 22/11/43. |
A58-149 |
F.VC |
EF545 |
1AP ex UK 20/05/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 07/06/43.
Rec 13ARD ex 1AD 26/06/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex
13ARD 17/09/43. Coded UP-O. Accident on
delivery to 79Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD 17/09/43 when
aircraft on landing was stood on nose during
taxying. Rec 15ARD ex 79Sqn RAAF 18/09/43. Rec
79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD 18/09/43. Accident on
landing at Vivigani 12/11/43 when aircraft was
damaged on a wheels up landing.Pilot; F/Lt L
Wettenhall Ser#400109 was not injured. This
aircraft was U/S for the balance of that month
per 79Sqn records due to damage to belly and
props. Ground accident 15/12/43 when during
running test, aircraft electrical wiring short
circuited and fuselage was damaged by fire.
Rec 26 RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 21/12/43. AMSE
Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/1284 on
04/01/44 Pic Held |
A58-150 |
F.VC |
EF546 |
in Australia on SS Asphalian 17/03/43. Rec 1AP
ex Uk 20/05/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 30/06/43.
Issued 1FW ex 1AD 06/07/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
ex 1FW 08/07/43. Coded QY-C. Rec 14ARD ex 452
Sqn RAAF 10/07/43 for CAAG Equipment
installation. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD
24/09/43. Rec 14ARd ex 452 Sqn RAAF 13/02/44.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD 09/03/44. Rec 54Sqn
RAF ex 452 Sqn RAAF 09/03/44. Rec 7RSU ex
54Sqn RAF 12/03/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 7RSU
17/03/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn RAF
30/05/44. Rec 6AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 17/07/44.
Paint stripped. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 6AD
04/04/45. Coded Black Diamond,natural finish,
Anti Glare paint with red Spinner. Accident
1120hrs 10/08/45 when aircraft forced landed 5
miles south of Rockingham WA after engine
failure. Pilot; F/Sgt R J Dunn Serv#14783 was
not injured. Issued 4CRD ex 85Sqn RAAF
17/08/45. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/2826
24/09/45 to convert to components . |
A58-151 |
F.VC |
EF556 |
in Australia on LS117 14/06/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
16/06/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 04/07/43. Issued 1FW
ex 1AD 11/07/43. Rec 54 Sqn RAF ex 1FW
16/07/43. Coded DL-A. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF
06/06/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 30/06/44.
Rec 14ARd RP ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Rec
85Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD RP 25/09/44.Coded SH-X.
Rec 17RSU ex 85Sqn RAAF 05/04/45. Rec 85Sqn
RAAF ex 17RSU 29/04/45. Issued 6AD ex 85Sqn
RAAF 05/10/45. During Ferry flight, Gycol Leak
at Parafield SA. Repaired by 1AD Section (SA).
Held by 1AD (Parafield)as Cat E 05/04/46.
Transferred by road to Laverton Vic .
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, conveyed to
DAP 23/09/49 and struck off and sold to DAP ex
1AD 20/07/50. Original RR Merlin M46 #93911.
Pics Held: SH-X Parafield 1946. DL-A 54Sqn RAF
1943 |
A58-152 |
F.VC |
EF557 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
09/08/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 24/08/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 07/08/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP 14/09/43 after CAAG equipment fitted.
Coded QY-O. Accident 1435Hrs 31/03/44 when
aircraft, as White 4, on return landing after
interception training flight on a B-24,
stalled 5 feet 60 yards north of Strauss Strip
threshold on landing. Aircraft struck tail
first, with the mains touching a further eight
yards on, causing the undercarriage tto
collapse. Pilot; F/O R Job Serv#409702 was
slightly injured. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
01/04/44. 7RSU to 14ARD 31/03/44. AMSE
Approval per File#9/16/1527 Min#2 to convert
to components 02/05/44. |
A58-153 |
F.VC |
EF558 |
in Australia on LS117 14/06/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
16/06/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 11/07/43. Issued 1FW
ex 1AD 15/07/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1FW
18/07/43. Operational Loss 0945hrs 06/09/43,
as when part of a 7 aircraft 54Sqn RAF
SpitfireFlight along with 452 Sqn RAAF
scrambled at 1040hrs to intercept a Japanese
reconaissance raid of one Dinah and 20 Zeke.
Aircraft crashed near Pioneer Creek NT. Pilot;
F/O William Torrens Hinds Serv#129948 (RAF),
with the burnt out wreck found on the next day
by the Army, was killed. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF
14/09/43. AMSE Approval to Write off per
File#9/16/1080 Min#6 24/09/43. |
A58-154 |
F.VC |
EF559 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 04/07/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 12/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 20/07/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 02/08/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP 13/08/43. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
21/09/43. Rec 14ARd RP ex 452 Sqn RAAF
29/09/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD 30/09/43.
Rec 14ARd ex 452 Sqn RAAF 14/10/43. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD 20/10/43. Issued 2OTU ex 452
Sqn RAAF 12/01/44. Canc. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 13/06/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARD
11/03/44. Coded DL-Z. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF
09/06/44. Rec 14ARd RP ex 7RSU 04/08/44. Rec
CGS ex 14ARD RP 07/09/44. Accident at Cressy
when aircraft overshot airstrip and landed in
soft ground causing the undercarriage to
collapse. Pilot; F/Lt S R Piper not injured.
Repaired. Alloted 6AD ex CGS 29/11/45. During
ferry flight to 6AD, aircraft suffered a
wheels up landing and ground loop following
port undercarriage collapse at Richmond, NSW
on 06/12/45. Pilot; P/O O G Simpson was not
injured. Rec 2AD ex CGS 06/01/46. Not
repaired. Rec 2ADStore ex 2AD 02/04/46. AMSE
Approval per QO 1754, 08/05/46, to convert to
components. Issued to DAP 02/11/48 ex 2AD
Store. Original RR Merlin M46 #94065 |
A58-155 |
F.VC |
EF560 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
16/06/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 04/07/43. Issued to
1FW ex 1AD 07/07/43. Allotted 54Sqn RAF ex 1FW
08/07/43.Coded DL-M. Flown by F/Sgt Knapp
(RAF)18/04/44 to Barbar Island NEI Rhubarb
offensive mission. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn
RAF 08/06/44. Rec 14ARD RP ex 452 Sqn RAAF
01/08/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD RP 24/09/44.
Coded SH-H. Rec 17RSU ex 85Sqn RAAF 27/09/44.
Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 17RSU 12/12/44. Rec 17RSU ex
85Sqn RAAF 13/04/45.Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 17RSU
29/04/45. Rec 6AD ex 85Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Cat
C Storage 26/11/45. Authorised for write off
22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off
15/11/48. Pic Held 85Sqn SH-H |
A58-156 |
F.VC |
EF562 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 04/07/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 21/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 02/08/43. Rec 2OTU
ex 1AD 09/08/43. Accident 29/08/43, whilst in
landing circuit at Mildura. Pilot struck flag
pole after missed approached. Damaged centre
section, starboard wing and on landing
undercarriaged failed causing further damage
to undercarriage and tail. Pilot, A/Sqn Ldr F
Fischer DFC was not injured. Repaired in Unit.
Alloted 1AD ex 2OTU 15/04/44 for overhaul.
Accident 08/06/44 when aircraft was forced
landed some 150 miles north west of Mildura as
the pilot had lost direction. Pilot, F/Sgt D
Warrel not injured. Repaired in unit. Stripped
of paint.Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/44. Accident
0615hrs 25/11/44, due to engine failure due to
a gycol leak, pilot made forced landing 10
miles south of Forbes NSW near Garema. F/Lt J
H Bisley not injured. Repaired in Unit. Rec
6AD ex 8OTU 20/11/45. Authorised for write off
22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off
15/11/48. |
A58-157 |
F.VC |
EF563 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 04/07/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 21/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 11/08/43. Rec
14ARDRP ex 1AD 09/09/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
14ARDRP 01/11/43. Coded DL-J. Accident 1700hrs
20/01/44 when aircraft was landed at RAAF
Darwin. Aircraft flown by S/Ldr R B Newton DFC
Serv#88464. The next Spitfire to land, A58-225
flown by W/O C Harker Serv#655530, collided
with A58-157 on the ground, with the starboard
wing tip slicing behind the cockpit of
A58-157. The Seat Armour saved the pilot. Rec
14ARD ex 54Sqn RAF 11/02/44. Approval to
convert to components per ASME File#9/16/1361
08/02/44. RR Merlin #93769. Pic held of crash. |
A58-158 |
F.VC |
EF565 |
1AP ex UK 16/06/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 11/07/43.
Issued 1FW ex 1AD 15/07/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
1FW 18/07/43. Operational Loss 0945hrs
06/09/43, as when part of a 7 aircraft 54Sqn
RAF SpitfireFlight along with 452 Sqn RAAF
scrambled at 1040hrs to intercept a Japanese
reconaissance raid of one Dinah and 20 Zeke.
Aircraft crashed near Pioneer Creek NT. Pilot;
F/O William Torrens Hinds Serv#129948 (RAF),
with the burnt out wreck found on the next day
by the Army, was killed. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF
14/09/43. AMSE Approval to Write off per
File#9/16/1080 Min#6 24/09/43. |
A58-159 |
F.VC |
EF587 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 04/07/43.Rec 1AP ex
UK 13/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 29/07/43. Rec 2OTU
ex 1AD 02/09/43. Coded large "159"near tail.
Accident 0930hrs 01/05/44 when engine failed
in flight causing pilot to force land some 55
miles West North West of Mildura. Pilot; F/Sgt
S C Laundry Serv#1147350 RAF was not injured.
Issued 1CRD ex 2OTU by road 16/05/44. AMSE
Approval File# 9/16/1603 to convert to
components 27/05/44. |
A58-160 |
F.VC |
EF588 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 04/07/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 12/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 29/07/43. Rec 2OTU
ex 1AD 06/08/43. Accident 1425hrs 16/08/43
when during shadow practice shooting, aircraft
failed to pull out of dive and burst into
flames on contact with surface of Lake
Victoria and sank. Pilot; Sgt D J Stokes
Serv#437015 killed. AMSE Approval to convert
by 2OTU Salvage Section per File#6/16/1019
Min#6 06/09/43. |
A58-161 |
F.VC |
EF589 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 04/07/43.Rec 1AP ex
UK 20/07/43. Rec 1AD ex IAP 30/07/43. Rec
14ARDRP ex 1AD 12/08/43. Card states Accident
when landing on one wheel at Gorrie 11/08/43
damaging airscrew and starboard and port
mainplanes. This is not this aircraft, as
actual aircraft was LZ886 per F/O J Garden
Serv#120496 due to date per 14ARDRP. Rec 14ARD
ex 14ARD RP 01/11/43. Rec 54 Sqn RAF ex
14ARDRP 13/01/44. Coded DL-N. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
ex 54Sqn RAF 08/06/44. Accident 1045hrs
30/06/44 when landing at Sattler Strip
following flight formation training as Yellow
4. Port tyre blew out a quarter of the way
down the strip, causing starboard wing to dig
into strip.Aircraft veered off strip and
struck western embankment. Pilot; F/Sgt M F
Commons Serv#409468 not injured. Rec 9RSU ex
452 Sqn RAAF 30/06/44. Rec 8CRD ex 9RSU
06/07/44. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/1787 08/08/44. |
A58-162 |
F.VC |
EF590 |
in Australia on SS Nestor 10/08/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 11/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 04/09/43.Rec
14ARDRP ex 1AD 09/09/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
14ARDRP 08/11/43. Coded DL-D. Accident on
landing at Darwin RAAF on morning of 14/12/43.
Pilot, F/Lt I Thompson not injured. Salvaged
by 1 Party , 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 15/12/43.. Rec
14ARD ex 7RSU 29/12/43.Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARD
27/03/44. Accident 1730hrs 18/05/44,on landing
at Port Hedland WA the port tyre burst casuing
aircraft to swing off runway and hit petrol
drum. Pilot; F/O J C I Henning Serv#411494(of
457 Sqn RAAF who was ferrying a/c for 54Sqn
RAF) not injured. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF
07/06/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 20/06/44.
Rec 14ARDRP ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Rec 85Sqn
RAAF ex 14ARDRP 24/09/44. Coded SH-D. Accident
14/07/45 at Pearce WA when aircraft forced
landed on take-off on taxyway and then hitting
a ditch. Pilot; W/O D H Gray not injured. Rec
17RSU ex 85Sqn RAAF 17/07/45. Rec 85Sqn RAAF
ex 17RSU 25/07/45. Rec 6AD ex 85Sqn RAAF
10/10/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-163 |
F.VB |
ER735 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength
11/04/43.Rec 2AD ex UK 29/03/43. Fitted with
pressurised tanks. Rec 1AD ex 2AD 04/04/43.
Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 06/05/43. Rec 1AD ex
79Sqn RAAF 28/05/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
01/06/43. Coded UP-Q. Accident 1130hrs
13/09/43 when port tyre blew out on take-off,
forcing pilot to make wheels up landing at
Dimade Bu Strip, Kiriwina. Pilot; Sgt C J
Schmitzer Serv#421830 not injured. Repaired in Unit. Rec
6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 16/06/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex
6AD 14/10/44. Coded SH-L. Rec 17RSU ex 85Sqn
RAAF 06/03/45. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 17RSU
15/03/45. Accident 03/09/45 when aircraft
forced landed following hitting
trees 12 miles south west of Gin Gin WA.
Pilot; F/Sgt SS Davis slightly injured. Rec
17RSU ex 85Sqn RAAF 06/09/45. Rec 6AD ex 17RSU
10/10/45.Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-164 |
F.VC |
ER760 |
in Australia on SS Taranaki 23/01/43. Rec 1AD
ex UK 24/01/43.Rec Res Pool ex 1AD 19/04/43.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex Res Pool 09/05/43. Accident
1440hrs 14/06/43 when prior to take-off as
sixth aircraft, the pilot inadvertedly
retracted his landing gear 500 yards down the
strip before attaining "flight". Undercarriage
collapsed and aircraft skidded along runway,
stopping on the starboard side of Livingstone
Strip. Pilot, F/O B F Hegarty Serv#411909, was
uninjured. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 15/06/43.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 11/07/43.Coded ZP-B
and flown by Sgt Bill Hardwick, had a little
bee riding on a bomb motif under the
windscreen. Accident 1910hrs 16/03/44 when
ferrying from Livingstone to Corrunna Downs
vis Drysdale Strip as lead aircraft of a
flight of 3 Spitfires (A58-164/54/208) were
forced to return to Wyndham as local storm
front obscured Drysdale some thirty miles out.
After two low curcuits,Pilot decided to land
from north onto the North South Strip. After
landing, aircraft deviated some 10 feet to
starboard at 20mph speed and struck built up
taxying square, causing the aircraft to pitch
over on its nose and overturning the aircraft.
The pilot was trapped until crews helped
extricate him. The pilot; F/Lt J S Menzi
Serv#250816(RAF) was slightly injured.
Accident witnessed by pilot of Hudson A16-130
on ground. F/Sgt TFR Payne F/O Lewis and
salvage party dismantled in-situ and returned
components to Livingston Field. Alloted 7RSU
ex 457Sqn RAAF 19/03/44. AMSE Approval to
convert to components per File#9/16/1491 Min#2
20/04/44. Pics held in service, including accident.
A58-165 |
F.VC |
ES232 |
in Australia on SS Empire. Rec 2AD ex UK
29/03/43. Alloted Reserve Pool 7AD 16/04/43.
Canc. Rec 1AD ex 2AD 23/04/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF
ex 1AD 06/05/43. Coded UP-L. (Had Bambi Motif
within circle under port exhaust cowl)Received
streamline cowling modification 1AD (san Trop)
02/06/43. Returned to 79Sqn RAAF
06/06/43.Later re-fitted with Volkes filter.
Accident 05/12/44 when ferrying to Oakey when
aircraft forced landed at Tipton Strip , Cecil
Plains Qld when engine overheated during
travel flight along with A58-200(F/O R V
Day).Pilot, W/O J A Haynes uninjured. Rec 6AD
ex 79Sqn RAAF 06/12/44. AMSE File 9/16/1687.
Repaired. Issued and received 6AD 22/11/45.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48.
A58-166 |
F.VC |
ES238 |
in Australia on SS Port Durnadin 28/02/43.Rec
1AD ex UK 05/03/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
14/05/43. Coded UP-R. Received streamline
cowling modification 1AD (san Trop) 02/06/43.
Returned to 79Sqn RAAF 06/06/43.Later
re-fitted with Volkes filter. Issued 6AD ex
79Sqn RAAF 04/12/44. Held over ar 25OBU (Nth
Qld)due to burst tyre on landing 14/12/44. Rec
6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 29/01/45. To be converted to
components per File#9/16/2876 at 6AD via 3CRD
Detachment 24/10/45. |
A58-167 |
F.VC |
ES249 |
in Australia on SS Port Durnadin 28/02/43. Rec
1AD ex UK 01/03/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
18/05/43. Received streamline cowling
modification 1AD (san Trop) 02/06/43. Returned
to 79Sqn RAAF 06/06/43.Later re-fitted with
Volkes filter. Coded UP-N. Accident 27/06/44
when on landing at Momote Strip, the port tyre
became flat causing the a/c to swing to the
port side of the strip, striking the bank,
causing the undercarriage to collapse. Pilot;
P/O J L Vader Serv#437552 not injured. Rec
12RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 13/07/44. Issued for
conversion 11/12/44 and converted to
components per AMSE File#9/16/2105. RR Merlin
M46 #92997 |
A58-168 |
F.VC |
ES259 |
in Australia on SS Port Durnadin 28/02/43. Rec
1AD ex UK 01/03/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
28/05/43. Received streamline cowling
modification 1AD (san Trop) 02/06/43. Returned
to 79Sqn RAAF 03/06/43.Later re-fitted with
Volkes filter. Coded UP-B. Accident on landing
after ferrying from Wooloonmata to Laverton on
04/06/43, when aircraft nosed over, damaging
airscrew at Laverton Vic. Pilot; P/O W R
Binning Serv#421881 not injured. Repaired
within Unit. Rec 6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 16/06/44.
Rec 1AD TF Sqn (Test and Ferry Sqn)ex 6AD
22/01/45. Rec 1AD Storage ex 1AD TF Sqn
17/04/46 (Possibly last MkV flown by RAAF)
Authorised for W/O 22/05/46. Passed to DAP
25/02/49. Sold 20/07/50. Pic held. |
A58-169 |
F.VC |
ES307 |
in Australia on SS Empire Strength
11/04/43.Rec 2AD ex UK 29/03/43. Rec 1AD ex
2AD 23/04/43. Received streamline cowling
modification 1AD (sans Trop)23/04/43. Returned
to 79Sqn RAAF 06/05/43. Coded UP-X. Rec 1AD ex
79Sqn RAAF 02/06/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
06/06/43. Accident 26/06/43 when after having
taken off for a one hour gun test flight,
could not select undercarriage on landing.
Pilot made a wheels up landing at Milne Bay.
Pilot; Sgt G A Chomley Serv#418232 was
uninjured. (Code name for Kiriwana was Drake
Force) Fitted RR Merlin M46 was #93069. Rec
26RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 22/08/43. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
ex 26RSU 30/10/43. As LZ844 (A58-213) with 79
Sqn RAAF was now also coded as UP-X,
ES307(A58-169) also coded as UP-X, was
modified with a white overscore below and
another above the grey X, with new Volkes
Filter in natural metal cowl. RR Merlin M46
#92661. Rec 12RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 28/10/44. Rec
6AD ex 12RSU 26/11/44. Rec 8OTU ex 6AD
07/01/45. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU 27/11/45. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP
26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-170 |
F.VC |
ES367 |
in Australia on SS Austral Clan 11/03/43. Rec
1AD ex UK 11/03/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
09/05/43. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn RAAF 22/09/43.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD 25/09/43. Rec 14ARD
RP ex 452 Sqn RAAF 15/06/44. Rec 14ARD ex
14ARD RP 21/06/44. Rec 2OTU ex 14ARD 17/08/44.
Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/44. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU
14/07/45. To be converted to components by
3CRD Detachment at 6AD 21/10/45. AMSE Approval
per File#9/16/2876 16/10/45. RR Merlin M46
#90415. |
A58-171 |
F.VC |
JG728 |
in Australia on SS Asphalian 17/03/43. Rec 1AP
ex UK 20/05/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 16/06/43. Rec
13ARD ex 1AD 04/07/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex
13ARD 12/07/43. Coded ZP-A. Flying accident on
21/02/44 when flying practice low level
formation fllying, was forced by other a/c
slipstream to collide with tree tops, but
recovered to Livingstone Strip.Pilot ;F/O R L
Due not injured.Rec ex 457Sqn RAAF and
Repaired by 7RSU 25/02/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
7RSU 09/03/44. Coded QY-A. Accident 0800hrs
23/05/44 when operating as Yellow 3 at
Drysdale as part of 452 Sqn RAAF Detachment
carrying out an Air to ground Gunnery
exercise, the airscrew went into coarse pitch
at 4000 feet. As the aircraft could not
maintain height, so pilot glided south towards
Government Island to make a wheels up landing
on the beach. The aircraft stopped after
skidding 30 yards on the beach. Pilot; Sgt H S
MacNeil Serv#432834 not injured. Rec 7RSU ex
452 Sqn RAAF 20/06/44. Rec 8CRD ex 7RSU
30/06/44. AMSE approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/1807 approved
08/08/44. |
A58-172 |
F.VC |
JG731 |
in Australia on SS Austral Star 11/03/43. Rec
1AD ex UK 11/03/43. Issued 1RSU RP ex 1AD
01/05/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1RSU RP 09/05/43.
Operational loss 1140hrs 06/07/43 as Blue 3,
during enemy air raid #58 abandoned in flight
with enemy action following engaging and
destroying one Betty Bomber. Aircraft crashed
35 miles west of Bathcelor NT . Pilot; F/Sgt
Wickmam 54Sqn RAF was not injured and returned
to base two days later. Aircraft crashed near
Batchelor NT 07/43. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF
02/08/43. AMSE approval per File#9/16/970
dated 19/08/43. |
A58-173 |
F.VC |
JG740 |
Austral Star 11/03/43. Rec 1AD ex UK 11/03/43.
Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 14/05/43. Rec 1AD ex
79Sqn RAF for Temperate Cowl(Tropical Volks
intake removed) 30/05/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex
1AD 06/06/43. As JG740, Coded UP-U and later
named "Sweet FA" on Port side, forward of
cockpit. Flown by 79 Sqn CO S/L A C Rawlinson.
Rec 6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 16/06/44. Rec CGS ex 6AD
11/09/44. All over metal finish except for
black anti-glare panel, white empennage &
leading wing edges and Coded "E", while with
CGS. Accident 1000hrs 21/12/44 during camera
gun exercise, when following engine failure
due to coolant leak, aircraft made forced
landing near South East Merredith Railway
Station Victoria. Pilot; F/Lt J S Archer CGS
not injured. Aircraft received limited damage.
Vehicle Accident during recovery transit when
RAAF Trailer Reg#AF11224 (With Spitfire
A58-173 being carried on) was hit from behind
by Civilian Vehicle Reg#AG000 collided,
causing more damage to rear fuselage of
A58-173 at Merredith 22/12/44. AMSE Approval
to Write-off per File #9/16/1779 to convert to
components 26/12/44 at 1CRD. Pics Held 79Sqn
and CGS fin
A58-174 |
F.VC |
JG795 |
in Australia on SS Austral Star 11/03/43. Rec
1AD ex UK 11/03/43. Rec 1RSU RP ex 1AD
01/05/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 1RSU RP 13/05/43.
Coded DL-H and named "Butch III". Operational
loss Raid #55 when 46 Spitfires were scrambled
to intercept Japanese bombing Raid on Darwin
on the 20/06/43. Aircraft forced landed on low
tide line of beach at Lee Point after being
damaged in enemy action. Pilot; F/O A Hughes
(RAF) was un-injured. Rec 14ARD ex 54Sqn RAF
29/06/43. Despite sea emersion, aircraft was
repaired. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARD
11/03/44.Aircraft Recoded DL-L. Accident
1030hrs 07/04/44 at Wyndham, when suffered
engine failure late in the take-off roll,
causing it to crash at the end of the strip
and summersaulted with aircraft stopping on
its back. Pilot; P/O A E Featherstone 54Sqn
RAF slightly injured. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF
11/04/44. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/1557 to
convert to components on site by 7RSU
16/05/44. Pics Held, Beached and later on its
back. |
A58-175 |
F.VC |
JG796 |
in Australia on SS Austral Star 11/03/43. Rec
1AD ex UK 11/03/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
10/05/43. Rec 1AD ex 79Sqn RAAF for Temperate
Cowling Modification (Tropical Volks intake
removed) 02/06/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
06/06/43. Coded UP-Z. As part of Drake
Force(Goodenough Island)suffered damage during
an accident 15/07/43 when AR532 taxied into
JG796. Repaired in unit.Later coded May 44 as
UP-E. Issued 6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 18/06/44.
Accident 19/06/44, during ferry flight along
with two P-40s(flown by Grp Capt Steege
Serv#213 and F/O R L Hurley Serv#33320 , with
F/O Sebire piloting A58-175) to Horn Island on
consignment to 6AD ex Momote Strip. Grp Capt
Steege's aircraft suffered fuel shortaged due
to tank feeding problems and was put down on
the beach on Debiri Island near the Fly River
Mouth, successfully. After circling with F/O
Hurley in his P-40 over the site, they headed
off to Horn Island. Soon after, Hurley's 76
Sqn P-40M A29-343 SV-H was noticed to fly
lower and lower and was seen to crash into the
sea. After circling the wreck, F/O Seebire,
who was suffering engine cutting due to oiling
plugs or from fuel issues, circled the site
until he too decided to fly back to the
location of Grp Capt Steege after advising
Radio Cooktown. on arrival, he performed a successful wheels up landing on the beach of
Debiri Island where he met up with him. Pilot;
F/O P F Sebire Serv#405026 not injured. Wreck
imbedded in soft tidal sand. AMSE Approval to
write-off in situ per File#9/16/1853 per
09/08/44. RR Merlin M46 eng#79795.
A58-176 |
F.VC |
JG807 |
in Australia on SS Tijuga 13/04/43. Rec 1AD ex
UK 01/05/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 18/05/43.
Rec 1AD ex 79Sqn RAAF for Temperate Cowling
Modification (Tropical Volks intake removed)
02/06/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 06/06/43.
Coded UP-P. Accident 1630hrs 05/01/44 when
taxying on landing back to dispersal after a
test flight with 90 Gallon Auxillary Fuel tank
at Vigangani when aircraft departed line of
travel to left side of taxyway despite
correction. Aircraft's undercarriaged
collapsed throwing and injurying a airman who
was sitting on the wing guiding the pilot.
Pilot; P/O R V E Nathan Serv#418458 was not
injured, but Lac P H Scott Ser#800004 was
injured. Rec 6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 18/09/44. Rec
85 Sqn RAAF ex 6AD 04/04/45. Rec 6AD ex 85 Sqn
RAAF 10/10/45. Rec 3CRD ex 6AD 28/11/45.Rec
CMU Oakey ex 3CRD 16/05/46. Authorised for
write off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47.
Struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-177 |
F.VC |
JG884 |
in Australia on SS Asphalian 17/03/43.Rec 1AP
ex UK 20/05/43.Rec 1AD ex 1AP 10/06/43. Rec
13ARD RP ex 1AD 26/06/43. Rec 12 RSU ex 13ARd
RP 01/07/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 12RSU 07/07/43.
Coded UP-W. Damaged on landing 01/07/43 during
ferrying flight,when P/O Coffey ran into motor
vehicle damaging wing tip. Repaired within
unit and operational 08/07/43. Landing
Accident Kiriwina 05/09/43 when engine failed
during test flight at Goodenough Island, with
aircraft being landed with partial
undercarriage down, then bellying in on strip.
Pilot; P/O W J Coffey Serv#416071 not injured.
Rec 26RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 06/09/43. Rec 79Sqn
RAAF ex 26RSU 30/09/43. Recoded as UP-K, as
JK229 was now UP-W. Accident 0605hrs when
aircraft, as lead aircraft of a section of
four Spitfires, on take-off at Kiriwina was
hit from behind by 76Sqn P-40M A29-356 coded
SV-V of W/C Wilfred Stanley Arthur Serv#465 on
06/11/43. Pilot; F/Sgt Ian Hope Callister
Ser#408963 killed. P-40M A29-356 exploded into
flames severely burning W/C Arthur. Alloted
26RSU 09/11/43. AMSE Approval to convert to
components per File#9/16/1201 22/11/43. Pic
held per UP-W and UP-K Fin |
A58-178 |
F.VC |
JG891 |
Tijuga 13/04/43.Rec 1AD ex UK 15/04/43. Rec
79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 07/05/43. Rec 1AD ex 79Sqn
RAAF for Temperate Cowling Modification
(Tropical Volks intake removed) 19/05/43. Rec
79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 01/06/43. Coded UP-G and
carried "Tasmania map with caped devil
superimposed over" motif on Port Cowl.
Accident 1215hrs on 12th January 1944 on
flapless landing during wet and gusty
conditions when aircraft flipped on back at
Kiriwina .Pilot F/Sgt D A Gringlington
Ser#408842, slightly injured. Rec 11RSU ex
79Sqn RAAF 17/01/44. AMSE Approval to Write
off per File#9/16/1369 19/02/44. RR Merlin
M46#78723. Recovered from Papua, New Guinea by
N. Monty Armstrong in 1974 . 1986 Restoration
by Don Subritsky with ZK-MKV alloted. Aircraft
later sold to Historical Flying Ltd for
restoration in November 1999 at Duxford with
fuselage in jigs using parts from also EF545
(A58-149). Historical Flying Ltd owned, it has
been flying since 2nd November 2006 in Desert
colours, coded to represent JK879 Coded T-B
when with 249 Sqn RAF in Malta in 1943. JG891
made its final UK flights on the 21st
February, 2008 at Duxford before going to
Kissimmee, Florida, USA for the owner Tom
Blair. The volkes-type filter has been since
replaced with the standard profile as
requested by owner.
Participated in 2018 RIAT at RAF Fairford UK
A58-179 |
F.VC |
JG897 |
Contract No B981687 Order 6. MkVb 01/01/42. SS
Sussex 16/04/43. Rec 1AD ex UK 21/04/43.
Issued 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 06/06/43. Coded UP-H.
Accident 13/06/43 during ferry flight, when
aircraft collided with JG954 on landing at
Garbutt RAAF Strip. JG954 burst into flames.
Pilot of JG954, P/O V Paul Brennan DFC DFM
Serv#404692, died of injuries (ex 249 Sqn RAF
based at Malta, with 11 Kills credited on
Malta. Flew RAF Spitfire Vc AB344 off carrier
to Malta, 3/42 ). Charters Towers Strip where
14ARD was based, was later named after him.
Pilot of JG897, Sgt L H Gardiner Serv#421265
was severley injured. AMSE Approval to
Write-off per File#9/16/882 Min#6 to convert
to components dated 09/07/43. RR Merlin M46
#93621. Both replaced in 79Sqn RAAF Service by
ZG807 and EE853 |
A58-180 |
F.VC |
JG912 |
in Australia on SS Tijuga 13/04/43. Rec 1AD ex
UK 15/04/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 07/05/43.
Rec 1AD ex 79Sqn RAAF for Temperate Cowling
Modification (Tropical Volks intake removed)
27/05/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 01/06/43.
Coded UP-S and later sported a "Bull with it
clasping a Jap Flag in its mouth" motif on
port side. Accident 20/12/43 when tyre blew on
landing after striking flare path at Kiriwina,
causing aircraft to swing off strip. Pilot;
F/O G W Voges Serv#410760 not injured.
Repaired in Unit. Rec 6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF
16/06/44. Stripped of Paint. Accident 1415hrs
17/01/45, following a non-operational test
flight, when forced landed 100 yards on north
end of NWSE Landing Strip at Oakey QLD.
Aircraft was destroyed by fire. Pilot; F/O B A
Bremner Serv#408792 of 6AD was un-injured. Rec
3CRD ex 6AD 28/01/45. AMSE Approval per
File#9/16/2344 dated 14/02/45 to convert to
A58-181 |
F.VC |
JG954 |
Contract No B981687 Order 6. MkVb 01/01/42. SS
Sussex 16/04/43 Rec 1AD ex UK 26/04/43. Issued
79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 29/05/43. Coded UP-K.
Accident 13/06/43 during ferry flight, when
aircraft collided with JG897 on landing at
Garbutt RAAF Strip. JG954 burst into flames.
Pilot of JG954, P/O V Paul Brennan DFC DFM
Serv#404692, died of injuries ( ex 249 Sqn RAF
based at Malta, with 11 Kills credited on
Malta. He flew RAF Spitfire Vc AB344 off
carrier to Malta, 3/42 ). Charters Towers
Strip where 14ARD was based, was later named
after him. Pilot of JG897, Sgt L H Gardiner
Serv#421265 was severley injured. AMSE
Approval to Write-off per File#9/16/882 Min#6
to convert to components dated 09/07/43. RR
Merlin M46 #79899. Both replaced in 79Sqn RAAF
Service by ZG807 and EE853 |
A58-182 |
F.VC |
JG957 |
in Australia on SS Tijuga 13/04/43. Rec 1AD ex
UK 15/04/43.Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 07/05/43.
Rec 1AD ex 79Sqn RAAF for Temperate Cowling
Modification (Tropical Volks intake removed)
27/05/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 01/06/43.
Accident 17/06/43 at Horn Island (28OBU)during
ferrying Flight ("C"Flight) to PNG when after
landing during taxying, aircraft hit a rut and
damaged Propellor and broke tail strut. Pilot
was Sgt W F Howard Serv#420898 who was not
injured. Rec 12RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 18/06/43. Rec
1RSU ex 13ARDRP 22/08/43. Issued 13ARDRP ex
1RSU 21/10/43. Issued 15ARDRP ex 13ARDRP
31/12/43. Accident 31/12/43 during ferry
flight when brakes failed on landing at
Aitkenvale. Pilot; F/Lt Rowe, of 15ARD not
injured. Allocation 15ARDRP canc. Rec 2OTU ex
13ARDRP 20/08/44. Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/44.
Accident 10/11/44 when aircraft taxied into
fence posts at Parkes Aerodrome. Pilot; F/O P
J Nicholls not injured.Rec 6AD ex 8OTU
20/11/45.Natural Meta, Marked "182"fuselage.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. RR Merlin
M46 #79883. Pic held accident Horn Island,
never used operationally. Pic held wreck Oakey
1948. |
A58-183 |
F.VC |
JK225 |
in Australia on SS Asphalian 17/03/43.Rec 1AP
ex UK 20/05/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 06/06/43. Rec
13ARDRP ex 1AD 29/06/43. Issued 1FW ex 13ARD
RP 10/07/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 12/07/43.
Coded ZP-G. Accident following formation
exercise flight when at 0935hrs 19/10/43 was
landing at Livingstone strip and failed to
correct swing. The aircraft ran off the strip
and struck culvert post. Pilot;F/O H K Barker
Serv#403471 not injured.Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn
RAAF 21/10/43. AMSE Approval to Write off and
convert to components per File#916/1400
11/02/44. Pic Held
A58-184 |
F.VC |
JK229 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 16/04/43. Rec 1AD ex
UK 20/04/43.Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 12/05/43.
Allotted 1AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 19/05/43. Accident
24/05/43 repairable at Unit. No Details on
pilot, maybe with 1AD at time. Rec 1AD ex
79Sqn RAAF 11/06/43. Rec 13ARDRP ex 1AD
04/07/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 13ARD RP 19/08/43.
Coded UP-W iii and later marked "Nipps
Emergency Sea Trip" on port forward fuselage
,showing crashed jap fighter with Monkey
climbing into raft motif. Rec 13ARD ex 79Sqn
RAAF 21/06/44. Rec 6AD ex 13ARD 28/09/44. Rec
4AD RP ex 6AD stripped of paint 19/03/45.Rec
4AD ex 4AD RP 21/03/45. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 4AD
30/06/45. Rec 17RSU ex 85Sqn RAAF 27/07/45.
AMSE approval to convert to components per
File #9/16/2856 Min#2 4/10/45. Rec 4CRD ex
17RSU 23/10/45 for conversion. Pics Held |
A58-185 |
F.VC |
JK231 |
Sussex 16/04/43.Rec 1AD ex UK 17/04/43. Rec
79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 12/05/43. Rec 1AD ex 79Sqn
RAAF for Temperate Cowling Modification
(Tropical Volks intake removed) 25/05/43. Rec
79Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 30/05/43. Coded UP-D. Issued
1AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 25/09/43 for 240Hrs Service.
Records show this UP-D on strength from July
43 until Feb 1944. Rec 6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF
26/06/44. Paint stripped, red spinner. Rec CFS
ex 6AD 20/09/44. Accident 17/05/45 when engine
failed on take-off Point Cook forcing pilot to
perform a wheels up landing. Pilot; F/Lt
Adsett un-injured. Rec 1AD ex CFS 07/05/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 25/02/49. Struck off 20/07/50. NB: This
aircraft cannot be the All metal finish named
"Sir Harry and Lady Oaks IV" (a presentation
a/c) pictured with 79Sqn in Aug 1944 as
previously stated. Refer to A58-57 BR570 Rec
79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARDRP 10/08/44 which was Coded
UP-D Black. Previously used by 452 Sqn RAAF
when camo and confirmed and stated by Rigger
Riggs 452 Sqn RAAF, SqnLdr Raymond Edward
Thorold-Smith DFC's Rigger when at 452 Sqn
A58-200 |
F.VC |
JL247 |
in Australia on SS Kent 08/07/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 12/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 16/07/43. Rec
13ARD ex 1AD 25/07/43. Rec 15ARD RP ex13ARD RP
07/01/44. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD RP
25/02/44.Coded UP-C. Accident 1445hrs 27/07/44
when aircraft struck telephone wires whilst
flying low recovering from landing attempt due
to red light signal when landing at Vigangani.
Pilot; F/O R J Darcey Serv#408178 not injured.
Accident 04/11/44 when aircraft suffered a
burst tyre on landing at Momote causing minor
damage. F/O R H Cameron not injured. Accident
05/12/44 when ferrying to Oakey when aircraft
forced landed at Tipton Strip , Cecil Plains
Qld along with A58-165(W/O J A Haynes ).Pilot,
F/O R V Day Serv#437476 uninjured. Rec 6AD ex
79Sqn RAAF 06/12/44. AMSE File 9/16/1687.
Repaired. Issued and received 6AD 22/11/45.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. RR Merlin
M46 #115123. |
A58-201 |
F.VC |
JL314 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
08/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 16/08/43. Rec 14ARD
RP ex 1AD 06/09/43. Aircraft to be modified
for CAAG Suit. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARDRP
15/09/43. Accident 0800hrs 26/09/43, mid air
collision with Spitfire EE677 (A58-121) near
the vicinity of Manton Dam during Flight
formation, Army Co-operation and Camera gunery
flight, after taking off as White 3( Section
flight of 4, lead by F/Lt Adrian P Goldsmith)
at 0745 Hrs. A fifth Spitfire, Troppo 43, made
an attack from the rear of white section who
were flying line abreast at 2000 feet, who
then passed below the formation and flew
south. White 1 (Goldsmith) followed and took
gun camera film. White 3 then attacked Troppo
43 from the eight o'clock position from the
sun after White 1 moved to starboard to allow
for room. White 3 closed and then moved to
starboard of Troppo 43. Unaware of White 3
attack, Troppo 43 commenced a steep climb and
then pulled to starboard. His port wing
contacted White 3's port wing causing both
wings to break off at about 6 feet from the
tip. Both aircraft commenced to roll out of
control, then crashing into the ground, with
both aircraft bursting into flames a half a
mile apart. Location: 131 Degrees 8 Minutes
East/12 Degrees 51 Minutes South (3 miles S E
of Manton Dam). Pilot EE677(A58-121) White
3,F/O John Philip Adams Serv#404491 and Pilot
JL314 (A58-201)Troppo 43, F/O Granville Allen
Mawer both killed. AMSE Approval to write off
per File#9/16/1113 Min#5 dated 12/10/43.
A58-201 RR Merlin M50 #115835. Both Buried at
Adelaide River Cemetery. |
A58-202 |
F.VC |
JL348 |
in Australia on SS Nestor 10/08/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 16/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 06/09/43. REc
13ARD ex 1AD 13/09/43. Issued and Rec 13ARD RP
ex 13ARD 01/11/43.Allotted 15ARD RP ex 13ARD
RP 06/11/43. Accident and damage as result of
a ground collison at 120 yards from end of
strip on finish of landing roll by
LZ934(A58-230)flown by F/O W Turner
Serv#403773 at Breddan 1655hrs 19/11/43.
Aircraft JL348 stopped with flat tyre and was
unoccupied. Rec 13ARD ex 13ARD RP 29/11/43.
AMSE Approval to convert to components per
File#9/16/1239 07/01/44. RR Merlin M46 #45283. |
A58-203 |
F.VC |
JL360 |
in Australia on SS Nestor 10/08/43.Rec 1AP ex
UK 15/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 24/08/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 09/09/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
14ARDRP 08/11/43. Coded DL-D. Issued 452 Sqn
RAAF ex 54Sqn RAF 08/03/44. Still carrying
individual Code "D". Accident on landing at
Wyndham WA 1420hrs 09/03/44 when aircraft
swung off strip and overturned. Pilot; Sgt R A
Fiveash Serv#432145 was seriously injured and
conveyed to Broome AGH. Approval to writeoff
per AMSE File#9/16/1534 13/04/44. Salvaged
insitu by 7RSU. Converted to components. SOC
27/04/44. |
A58-204 |
F.VC |
JL371 |
in Australia on SS Kent 08/07/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 12/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 21/07/43. Rec 2OTU
ex 1AD 06/08/43. Accident 0050hrs 01/12/43
when aircraft suffered engine problems at
26000 Feet and was crash landed some 20 miles
NW of Lake Victoria. Aircraft damaged, and
burned. Pilot; Sgt G G Marks Serv#427603 not
injured. Approval per File#9/16/1259 to
convert to components 24/12/43. |
A58-205 |
F.VC |
JL378 |
in Australia on SS Kent 08/07/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 12/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 21/07/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 02/08/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP 09/08/43. Accident 07/09/43 when
aircraft was being taxied at Strauss when port
main struck a truck. Repaired in unit.
Accident 0930hrs 11/12/43 when on landing, the
port main burst causing the aircraft to swing
port and run off the strip at Strauss Field
NT. The u/c collapsed causing the aircraft to
damage the airsrew, radiators and engine.
Pilot; F/O F R McCann Serv#402129 was
uninjured. AMSE approval per File#9/16/1400
per 17/02/44 to convert to conponents.
Salvaged by 7RSU. RR Merlin M56# 115395 |
A58-206 |
F.VC |
JL380 |
in Australia on SS Nastra 10/08/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 15/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 05/09/43. Rec
13ARD ex 1AD 06/10/43. Rec 15ARD RP ex 13ARD
19/11/43. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD RP 07/01/44.
Coded UP-V.Accident 1450hrs 08/05/44, when
aircraft was making practice attacks on a
USAAF B-24 at 7500 feet, suffered overheating
from a Glycol leak whilst over water, causing
engine failure some 15 miles south west of
Momote Strip (code name "Mercantile") t.
Pilot; F/Sgt G A Chomley Serv#418232 baled out
at 4500 feet and 10 miles from strip and
parachuted into the sea. He was later picked
up unijured by a Destroyer at 1510hrs, and
returned to his unit some two days later.
Aproval to write off per File#9/16/1635
24/05/44. RR Merlin M46 #11547. |
A58-207 |
F.VC |
JL382 |
in Australia on SS Kent 08/07/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 12/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 18/07/43. Rec
14ARDRP ex 1AD 08/08/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
14ARDRP 21/08/43. Coded DL-U. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
ex 54Sqn RAF 04/04/44. Accident on landing at
Sattler when aircraft swung off the strip,
hitting a bank during night landing and was
heavily damaged. Pilot; F/Sgt Heaney was not
injured. Rec 9RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 07/06/44.
Converted to Components per AMSE Approval
#09/16/1730 08/07/44. RR Merlin M46#115239 |
A58-208 |
F.VC |
JL386 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Delivered
08/43. Rec 1AD ex UK 09/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP
03/09/43. Rec 14ARDRP ex 1AD 19/09/43. Rec
457Sqn RAAF ex 14ARDRP 30/11/43. Coded ZP-D.
Rec 6AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 19/07/44. Issued 85Sqn
RAAF ex 6AD 28/08/44. During ferry flight to
85Sqn RAAF, aircraft suffered engine problems
at Ceduna WA. 5CRD replaced engine and
aircraft rec 85Sqn RAAF by 05/02/45. Coded
SH-. Rec 6AD ex 85Sqn RAAF 10/10/45.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. RR Merlin
M46#115405. Pic Held |
A58-209 |
F.VC |
JL392 |
in Australia on SS Nestor 10/08/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 16/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 05/09/43. Rec
14ARDRP ex 1AD 16/09/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP after CAAG Equipment fitted 19/10/43.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 452 Sqn RAAF 15/07/44. Rec
14ARD RP ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Rec 85Sqn
RAAF ex 14ARD RP 24/09/44. Rec 17RSU ex 85Sqn
RAAF 19/06/45. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 17RSU
30/06/45. Rec 6AD ex 85Sqn RAAF 10/10/45.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. RR Merlin
M46#115437. |
A58-210 |
F.VC |
JL394 |
in Australia on SS Kent 08/07/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 09/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 15/07/43. Issued
1FW ex 1AD 22/07/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
(in lieu of ER544) 25/07/43. Coded CR-C per
serial JL394, for Wg Cdr Clive Caldwell use.
On the 17th of August 1943 Wing Commander
Caldwell scrambled with Flt/Sgt Padula in
EF546 'QY-C' as his No.2, to intercept a lone
reconnaissance aircraft approaching Darwin .
At a height of 26,000 feet a Mitsubishi
'Dinah' was seen heading for Point Charles
near Darwin . Caldwell immediately pushed the
throttle to the firewall in 'hot pursuit' of
the intruder. Overtaking the enemy aircraft he
turned in and attacked, sending cannon and
machine fire into the enemy aircraft. Within
seconds one of the Dinah's engines was on fire
trailing smoke and debri which hit Caldwell 's
aircraft. The doomed Dinah now out of control
lost altitude and crashed into the sea.
Shortly after this victory Caldwell was sent
'down south' to take up the position of CFI at
No2 OTU, Mildura. Rec 14ARD RP ex 452 Sqn RAAF
22/02/44. Was to be allocated to 2OTU as
Caldwell's personal aircraft. Cancelled. Rec
7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF(Ferried back by 54Sqn Pilot)
12/03/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 7RSU 17/03/44.
Coded DL-S. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 06/06/44.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 30/06/44. Rec 14ARD RP
ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Issued 85Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP 27/09/44. Accident 1545 hrs 28/09/44
when ferrying to 85Sqn RAAF, aircraft suffered
engine failure forcing the pilot tyo force
land some 70 miles east of Zanthus WA. Pilot;
W/O Grinlington Serv#408642 suffered minor
abrasions. Converted to Components as per AMSE
Approval #9/16/2072 30/10/44. Pics Held |
A58-211 |
F.VC |
LZ834 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 30/06/43. Rec
1 AP ex UK 07/07/43. Rec 1 AD ex 1AP 13/07/43.
Rec 1 FW ex 1AD 15/07/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
1FW 18/07/43. Coded QY-C. Rec 14 ARD ex 452
Sqn RAAF 24/09/43 for IFF modification. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD 30/09/43. Accident
02/10/43 on take-off following a Gycol leak,
pilot abandoned take-off half way through
take-off, forcing his aircraft off strip,
causing undercarriage to collapse after
hitting a shallow ditch at southern end of
Strauss. Pilot; F/Sgt A R Richardson
Serv#411644 uninjured. Rec 7 RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 03/10/43. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
22/12/43. Rec 6 AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 04/08/44 for
repair and overhaul. Rec 85 Sqn RAAF ex 6AD
23/08/45. Rec 6 AD ex 85Sqn RAAF 08/10/45 for
storage. To 2 AD for Storage 26/02/46. Issued
to RAN 06/10/48, but believe it arrived at
Nowra on 07/10/48. These RANFAA Spitfire's
were taxi'ed around the dummy deck at Nowra
and used to train ground handling staff.
They're were all used on the fire ground in
the 1950's and remains reported to have been
bulldozed into the ground. Installed RR Merlin
M46 #115495. Pics held 452 Sqn RAAF LZ834
Accident/85Sqn RAAF/RANFAA.
A58-212 |
F.VC |
LZ835 |
in Australia on SS Tongaris 18/08/43. Rec 2AD
ex UK 11/08/43. Rec 13ARD RP ex 2AD 01/10/43.
Issued 15ARDRP ex 13ARDRP 25/11/43. Rec 79Sqn
RAAF ex 15ARD RP 19/01/44 to replace A58-178.
Coded UP-G and named "Judith". WgCdr R C
Cresswell flew aircraft in 1944. Accident
09/06/44 when after a practice flight as
Yellow 2, aircraft swung on landing to port
due to cross wind, causing port wheel to burst
when veered off strip at Momote Strip.
Airscrew and port u/c damaged. Pilot; P/O R E
Davis Serv#415145 was not injured. Repairable
in Unit. Rec 12RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 01/11/44. Rec
6AD ex 12RSU 05/12/44. Rec 8OTU ex 6AD
03/01/45. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU 28/11/45. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP
26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. Pics held 79Sqn
A58-213 |
F.VC |
LZ844 |
in Australia on SS Kent 08/07/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 13/07/43. Rec 1 AD ex 1AP 21/07/43. Rec
13ARDRP ex 1AD 02/08/43. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex
13ARDRP 12/09/43. Coded UP-X. Accident 1930hrs
11/12/43 on landing after flying a test
flight, the hydraulic diaphram for flaps
failed. Aircraft had therefore had a brake
failure, causing it to crash into Cabin of a
Blitz truck, then finally endng up in coral
pit . Pilot; F/Sgt G A Chomley was un-injured.
Rec 26RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 16/12/43. Not
considered economical for repair 12/01/44. Rec
12 RSU ex 26RSU 30/01/44. Approved per
File#9/16/1348 for conversion to Components
09/03/44. Some parts of this aircraft appear
to have been used in the restoration of a
Spitfire R6915. This Spitfire following
restoration was up for Auction in 2003 and it
was displayed at Avalon Airshow 2003. From
there it was on loan to the Queensland Air
Museum (QAM) up to 2011. It was sold by the
owner in 2011 to UK and was shipped from its
temporary QAM home to UK in 2011. Pics held
A58-214 |
F.VC |
LZ845 |
in Australia on SS Kent 08/07/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 09/07/43. REc 1AD ex 1AP 14/07/43. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 25/07/43.Accident 1635hrs
02/08/43 when on landing at Strauss Strip, as
Troppo Red 3, the gear was not locked, causing
the aircraft's undercarriage to collapse on
landing. Pilot;F/O G A Mawer Serv#403112. Rec
7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 06/08/43. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF ex 7RSU 23/08/43.Coded QY-? as LZ845. Rec
7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 09/09/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF
ex 7RSU 18/12/43. Non operational loss when
A58-214 and A58-63 collided in flight above
Humpty Doo, some 10 miles East north East of
Strauss Strip 1530hrs 13/01/44. A flight of 4
Spitfires (A58-214/63/221/27) were practicing
interception with 1 Hudson and 2 Beauforts of
No2 Sqn RAAF. A58-63 collided with A58-214
which resulted in the tail unit of A58-63 to
become torn off, and one of the mainplanes of
A58-214 to be completely torn off, resulting
in both aircraft to crash. Pilots; A58-214:
F/Sgt John Hoyle Whalley Serv#1527082 RAF
(Clitheroe, Lanes UK) and A58-63: F/Sgt James
Basil Gibbs Serv#1320096 RAF (Colchester,
Essex, UK) , both killed. RR Merlin
M46#155389. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 17/01/44. As
per AMSE approval 9/16/1351, converted to
components 16/03/44. |
A58-215 |
F.VC |
LZ846 |
Contract No B981687 Order 8 5/42.Arrived in
Australia on SS Brisbane Star 30/06/43. Rec
1AP ex UK 07/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 14/07/43.
Issued 1FW ex 1AD 15/07/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
1FW 17/07/43. Coded DL-N. Accident following
formation flying at 1635hrs 09/01/44, on
landing the aircraft veered off the strip and
collided with a parked 380th BG USAAF B-24
Bomber at the end of the strip, snapping it in
half at Darwin Civil. (Research has it
B-24D-150-CO 42-41238 "HOMMA HOMMA KID II"
Stricken 09/01/44.). Pilot; F/Sgt A E Knapp
RAF not injured. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF
10/01/44. Per ASME File #09/16/1330 approval
to convert to components 08/02/44. Pic Held of
Crash |
A58-216 |
F.VC |
LZ848 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 30/06/43.Rec
1AP ex UK 08/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 19/07/43.
Rec 14ARD RP ex 1AD 27/07/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
14ARD RP 01/08/43. Coded DL-U as LZ848.
Accident 09/08/43 when engine cut out on
take-off from Strauss Strip causing the
aircraft to be forced landed back on strip.
Pilot; F/Lt Thompson Serv#65563 RAF not
injured. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 02/09/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 7RSU 15/02/44. Rec 15ARD RP ex
14ARD RP 11/03/44. Rec 15ARD ex 15ARD RP
12/03/44. Rec 15ARD RP ex 15ARD 10/05/44. Rec
79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD RP 20/05/44. Coded UP-J.
Rec 12RSU ex 79Sqn RAAF 07/12/44. Allotted 6AD
ex 12RSU 25/09/45. Canc. Surveyed 12RSU per
File#9/18/240 Min#2 01/11/45. AMSE approval to
convert on site 12RSUD per File #9/16/2995 and
converted to components 18/12/45. Pics held
54Sqn RAF and 79Sqn RAAF. |
A58-217 |
F.VC |
LZ862 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
08/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 15/08/43. Rec 2OTU ex
1AD 13/09/43. Coded "862"in White on fuselage.
Accident 0940hrs 22/02/44 whilst on Gun Camera
exercise near Redcliffs near Mildura, aircraft
started emmitted puffs of smoke from engine
exhausts. Pilot advised tower of problem then
later baled out of aircraft. Pilot, F/O A F
Tutt, successfully parachuted and was
un-injured. Allotted 5CRD ex 2OTU for
conversion. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/1431
to convert to components 23/03/44. Pic held
A58-218 |
F.VC |
LZ865 |
in Australia on SS Nestor 10/08/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 17/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 04/09/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 14/09/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP 26/11/43. Coded ZP-F. Rec 17RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 27/03/44. Stripped to natural
metal finish, and had motif of woman in long
gown. Issued 2OTU ex 17RSU 15/06/44. Accident
Laverton 16/06/44, aircraft was being taxied
into dispersal when wheels struck soft ground,
causing aircraft to tip on nose. Pilot F/O T H
H Saunders of 1AD not injured. Rec 1AD ex
17RSU enroute 18/06/44. Aircraft on strength
with 1AD. Issued 1CRD ex 1AD. AMSE Approval
per File#9/16/1760 min#2 to converted to
components 21/08/44. Pic held 1CRD. |
A58-219 |
F.VC |
LZ866 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 30/06/43. Rec
1AP ex UK 07/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 15/07/43.
Issued 1FW ex 1AD 22/07/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex
1AD 25/07/43. Accident 1915hrs 22/02/44, when
during a practice formation flight from
Livingstone Strip, the aircraft developed a
gycol leak. Pilot elected to put down, but
failed and crashed into swamp 200 yards west
of Darwin Railway line, some 3 miles north of
Sattler NT. After hitting the ground, both
wings were torn off, and the fuel section and
engine parted, with the remaining fuselage
wrapping around a tree. Pilot; P/O J E
Summerton Serv#402579, 457Sqn RAAF was only
slightly injured. AMSE Approval per
File#9/16/1430 to converted to components,
14/03/44. RR Merlin M46#115095 installed. Pics
held. |
A58-220 |
F.VC |
LZ867 |
in Australia on SS Nestor 10/08/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 17/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 04/09/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 17/09/43. Fitted CAAG
Equipment. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD RP
30/09/43. Coded QY-R. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 19/10/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD
19/10/43. Accident 31/05/44 during night
landing at Sattler Strip, when after touch
down, aircraft veered starboard and struck
embankment at edge of strip. Pilot; F/Sgt A.R.
Heaney Serv#412960 not injured. Nb Previousily
had an accident in A58-85 two days before.
Collected by 9RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 01/06/44.
Issued 8CRD ex 9RSU. AMSE Approval per
File#9/16/1712, to be converted to components,
01/07/44. |
A58-221 |
F.VC |
LZ868 |
in Australia on LS617 30/06/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
08/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 19/07/43. Rec 14ARD
RP ex 1AD after IFF installation 17/08/43. Rec
54Sqn RAF ex 14ARd RP 09/09/43. Coded DL-H and
named "MerryEll". Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn
RAF 29/03/44. Rec 17RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
29/03/44. Issued 85Sqn RAAF ex 17RSU in
natural Metal finish 22/09/44. Coded SH-S. Rec
17RSU ex 85Sqn RAAF 11/04/45. Rec 85Sqn RAAF
ex 17RSU 05/06/45. Rec 6AD ex 85Sqn RAAF
10/10/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48.
Installed RR Merlin M46#115237. |
A58-222 |
F.VC |
LZ870 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 30/06/43. Rec
1AP ex UK 07/07/43. Presentation Spitfire
named "Sir Harry and Lady Oakes III" that was
donated by Sir Harry and Lady Oakes UK. 3rd
Presentation Spitfire used by RAAF from this
family. Previous was "Sir Harry and Lady Oakes
IV" (BR570) A58-57 UP-O and "Sir Harry and
Lady Oakes I" (BR526) A58-34 QY-J. Rec 1AD ex
1AP 15/07/43. Issued 1FW ex 1AD 18/07/43. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF ex 1FW 21/07/43. Coded QY-N. On
original Camo scheme, aircraft carried 4 black
Swaztika's and 2.5 Japanese kills markings
above Presentation name which was underneath
or on white background strip that extended
from first exhaust port to cockpit. Personal
aircraft flown by F/O J H Bisley DFC
Serv#402720 in "B"Flight 452 Sqn RAAF. The
kill markings reflect his 6 credited kills and
one damaged as of the 19th August 1943. Rec
15ARDRP ex 452 Sqn RAAF 11/03/44. Rec 15ARD ex
15ARD RP 19/03/44. Rec 15ARDRP ex 15ARD RP
28/04/44. Rec 15ARD ex 15ARD 17/05/44. Rec
15ARDRP ex 15ARD following overhaul and paint
strippingto natural metal,carrying "Sir Harry
and Lady Oakes III" in Black forward of
Cockpit, 07/08/44. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD RP
18/08/44. Coded UP-D in black. Rec 6AD ex
79Sqn RAAF 05/12/44. Rec 8OTU ex 6AD
03/01/45.Rec 6AD ex 8OTU 20/11/45. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP
26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. Installed RR
Merlin M46#115374. |
A58-223 |
F.VC |
LZ873 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 30/06/43. Rec
1AP ex UK 04/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 02/08/43.
Accident 1235hrs 01/09/43 on landing at
Brendan Strip FNQ following ferry flight from
Charleville Qld by 1AD. Following take-off
from Charleville, Pilot noticed "up " lights
on gear not functioning, but continued to fly
to Brendan Strip. On arrival, he could not
lower gear and proceeded to land wheels up,
resting on the 45 gallon slipper tank after a
three point landing attitude once the throttle
was cut. Pilot; F/O K R Simonson 1AD Ferry
Flight was not injured. Rec 13ARD RP ex 1AD
02/09/43. Rec 13ARD ex 13.ARD RP 01/11/43. Rec
13ARD RP ex 13ARD 16/06/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex
13ARD RP 02/10/44. Accident 15/10/44 when
pilot landed wheels up at Guildford WA.Pilot;
P/O M J Green Serv#415524 was not injured.
Alloted 17RSU and repaired 16/10/44. Returned
85Sqn RAAF. Accident 05/10/45 when F/Sgt Lloyd
crash landed at Kalgoorie WA. Rec 4AD ex 85Sqn
RAAF 09/10/45. Rec 6AD ex 4AD 03/12/45.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. Installed
Merlin M46#115465. |
A58-224 |
F.VC |
LZ874 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 30/06/43.Rec
1AP ex UK 07/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 16/07/43.
Rec 14ARD ex 1AD 27/07/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD 20/08/43. Coded ZP-Z. Flown by Sqn Ldr
Ken "Skeeta"James. Had a black spinner with a
thin white band mid-way along it. Accident
0715hrs 1/05/44, when flown to Darwin Civil
from Livingstone Strip for 240Hr engine change
and hydraulic repairs to port undercarriage.
In flight, the port gear remained down, and on
landing, pilot bellied on starboard wheel and
slipper tank on landing. Pilot; S/Ldr Tom
Trimble Serv#260652 (RAF) not injured. Rec
7RSu ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/05/44. Issued 457Sqn
RAAF ex 7RSU 19/05/44. Rec 14ARD RP ex 457Sqn
RAAF 01/08/44. Rec 14ARD ex 14ARD RP 29/09/44.
Rec 8OTU ex 14ARD 25/02/45. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU
28/11/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48..
Installed RR Merlin M46#115539. |
A58-225 |
F.VC |
LZ881 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 30/06/43. Rec
1AP ex UK 07/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 16/07/43.
Rec 14ARD ex 1AD 01/08/43. Accident 07/08/43
during test flight near Gorrie when pilot
clipped hill during low level flight. Aircraft
landed safely at Gorrie Strip. Pilot; F/O J
Garden Serv#120496 (RAF)not injured. Repaired.
Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARD RP 09/09/43. Accident
1705hrs 20/01/44 on landing at Darwin RAAF,
collided after landing roll with A58-157
(piloted by S/Ldr Newton). Pilot, W/O Harker
not injured. Repaired 7RSU 20/01/44. NFDs. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn RAF 09/04/44. Rec 14ARD
RP ex 452 Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Rec 14ARd ex
14ARD RP 03/10/44. Rec 6AD ex 14ARD
21/12/44.Rec 8OTU ex 6AD 07/01/45. Rec 6AD ex
8OTU 28/11/45. Authorised for write off
22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off
15/11/48. Installed Merlin M46#115481 |
A58-226 |
F.VC |
LZ883 |
in Australia on SS Tongaris 18/08/43. Rec 2AD
ex UK 11/08/43. Rec 13ARD RP ex 2AD 01/10/43.
Rec 15ARD RP ex 13ARD RP 19/11/43. Rec 79Sqn
ex 15ARD RP after service, 26/12/43. Coded
UP-Z underscored. Non-operational Loss asRed
Leader (A58-245)and Red 2 of a section of six
79Sqn RAAF Spitfires flying to conduct mock
attacks on three USAAF B-24s some 70 miles
south west of base 0930hrs 31/07/44. Some time
into the flight, the engine was running rough,
so pilot elected to return to base along with
Red Leader. Encountered a weather front on way
back, forcing them down change vector to base.
Engine finally quit and the pilot baled out,
and was later picked up by ASR Catalina some
50 miles from base in the sea. Pilot; F/O J E
Barrie Serv#408951 was not injured. Red
Leader, (A58-245) baled out a further 25 miles
closer to base and was picked up by the same
Catalina. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/1867
Min#1 to write off 11/08/44. Installed RR
Merlin M46 #115479. |
A58-227 |
F.VC |
LZ884 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 30/06/43. Rec
1AP ex UK 09/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 21/07/43.
Rec 14ARD RP ex 1AD 02/08/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
ex 14ARD RP 09/08/43. Coded QY-D. Operational
Loss after enemy action with pilot bailing out
injured and aircraft crashing near Strauss NT
07/09/43. Pilot; Sqn Ldr Ronald S McDonald
Serv#270812 (RAF) CO of 452 Sqn RAAF, was
injured by canon round in cockpit and burns
prior to successfully parachuting. AMSE
Approval per File#9/16/1168 14/10/43.
Installed RR Merlin M46#115421. |
A58-228 |
F.VC |
LZ886 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 30/06/43. Rec
1AP ex UK 09/07/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 29/07/43.
Rec 14ARD RP ex 1AD 15/08/43. Accident
14/08/43 on landing when only one oleo
extended on touch down at Gorrie NT.Pilot; F/O
J Garden Serv#120496 (RAF)not injured (Refer
A58-225, for first similar accident a week
earlier).Rec 14ARD ex 14ARd RP 25/10/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 14ARD 14/12/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
14ARd RP 21/01/44. Issued and rec 452 Sqn RAAF
ex 54Sqn RAF 09/03/44. Coded QY-L. P/O M J
Beaton 452 Sqn RAAF in A58-229 QY-L shared
kill of a Light Grey Dinah, shot down on
12-06-44 at Point Blaze NT at 0808hrs. On
return, saw Japanese crewman parachute land
into water some 150 yards off shore. Crewman
was seen to swim on back towards shore. NFDs.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 452 Sqn RAAF 15/07/44. Rec
14ARD RP ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Rec 14ARD ex
14ARD RP 03/10/44. Rec 6AD ex 14ARD 21/12/44.
Rec 8OTU ex 6AD 18/01/45. Accident 17/07/45
when aircraft swung on landing at Parkes NSW.
Pilot; F/O D R Ryan uninjured. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU
20/11/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48.
Installed RR Merlin M46#115643 |
A58-229 |
F.VC |
LZ926 |
in Australia on SS Tongaris 18/08/43. Rec 1AP
ex UK 23/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 22/09/43. Rec
2OTU ex 1AD 04/10/43. Accident 1040hrs
31/12/43 when on take-off engine failed,
forcing pilot to make a forced landing quarter
of a mile north of at Mildura. Pilot; F/Sgt D
E Hoile Serv#437270 was not injured. AMSE
Approval per File#9/16/1312 Min#2 to convert
to components 27/04/45. Installed RR Merlin
M46#115480. 2OTU LZ926 Pic held |
A58-230 |
F.VC |
LZ934 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
08/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 15/08/43. Rec 13ARD
RP ex 1AD 31/08/43. Accident 1655hrs 19/11/43
on landing after test flight at Breddan Strip.
Damage as result of a ground collison at 120
yards from end of strip on finish of landing
roll by LZ934(A58-230)at Breddan Strip.
Aircraft JL348 (A58-202)had stopped with flat
tyre and was unoccupied. Pilot, F/O W Turner
Serv#403773 of 2AP was not injured. Rec 13ARD
ex 13ARd RP 29/11/43. Rec 13ARDRP ex 13ARD
08/01/44. Issued 15ARD RP ex 13ARD RP
11/01/44. On ferry flight to 15ARD RP,
aircraft did not arrive at destination
19/01/44 following taking off from Horn Island
to fly to Port Moresby. It was posted missing
20/1/1944 250 miles into flight between
Moresby and Horn Island following breaking
formation with others in ferry flight . PIlot;
F/Lt J L Rowe Serv#402207, 79Sqn RAAF, posted
as missing. AMSE Approval to write off per
File #9/16/1397 Min#1 11/02/44. Installed RR
Merlin M46#115529. |
A58-231 |
F.VC |
MA352 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
08/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 24/08/43. Rec 13ARD
RP 03/09/43. Issued 15ARD RP ex 13ARD RP
31/12/43. Aircraft stripped to Natural metal
Finish with black anti glare top cockpit
frames. Accident 30/01/44 when undercarriage
failed to lower on landing at Port
Moresby.Pilot; F/Sgt W.F. Howard was
un-injured. Issued 15ARD ex 15ARD RP 07/02/44.
Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD 18/08/44. Coded UP-?
(Question Mark) in black. Accident 0940hrs
15/09/44 when on take-off for a test flight
the engine stopped, and whilst keeping the
aircraft on the strip, the starboard tyre blew
out. The pilot selected gear up so as to avoid
running past the end of the strip into the
sea. Pilot; F/O L S Reid DFC Serv#400735 was
not injured. Rec 6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 26/11/44.
Rec 8OTU ex 6AD 15/07/45. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU
14/11/45.Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48.
Installed RR Merlin M46#115517. Pics held |
A58-232 |
F.VC |
MA353 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
08/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 04/09/43. Rec 14ARD
RP ex 1AD 09/09/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARD RP
18/10/43. Coded DL-A. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
54Sqn RAF 09/03/44. Coded QY-Z. Operational
loss 24/4/44 A section of 4 Spitfires from 452
Sqn were sent on an exercise to perform some
shadow shooting in the clouds SW of Darwin.
Their call sign was Bellboy Blue and they took
off from Strauss at 1515hrs and climbed out
over the sea and headed for Bathurst Is. The
flights problems developed very early. Blue 1
was F/O E L Mahar who developed a fuel flow
problem with his slipper tank causing his
engine to falter. He switched over to his main
tank but in the process had slipped back and
clipped the propellor of Blue 2 Sgt Colin
William Dunning whose a/c dropped away but was
recovered and rejoined the formation. They
continued their climb when Blue 3, F/O R L
Sprake, developed engine problems and returned
to base. On reaching 23,000' Blue 1 had fuel
pressurisation problems and dropped out of
formation giving instructions to Blue 4, F/Sgt
J D Tamlyn to take over command and carry on
with the exercise. F/O Mahar added that he
would rendezvous with them over Pt Patterson.
Not long after F/Sgt Tamlyn took over he
called up Sgt Dunning to come in closer but
the latter replied he was having engine
problems (possibly as a result of the clipped
propellor blade) and dropped out of formation.
He recovered and radioed Tamlyn that he was
heading for base or Pt Patterson (or Banyo
which was their code for that pt). F/Sgt
Tamlyn continued on climbing alone.
Unfortunately, Sgt Dunning's problems had
escalated, he radioed control at Strauss
advising them he was over Pt Patterson with a
failed engine brought on by a gylcol leak.
There was back and forth between him and
control as he was told to go to another
channel and call for a fix which Dunning said
he never received when returning to the
original channel. This happened several times
when F/Sgt Tamlyn interjected and told Sgt
Dunning not to wait for an answer but give
them a long call. This Dunning did. Within a
few minutes Tamlyn was over Pt Patterson at
2,000' but could see nothing. F/O Mahar had
overheard the conversations and heard Sgt
Dunning say he was at 1,200'. Mahar told Sgt
Dunning to bail out before he got to 1,000'.
Nothing more was heard as they continued to
search from Pt Patterson to Charles Pt. F/O
Mahar and F/Sgt Tamlyn returned to Strauss at
1715hrs and refueled. F/O Mahar was first off
again at 1730hrs with Tamlyn about 15 minutes behind him. F/O Mahar Spitfire was A58-242 and
it was found to have cuts into the trailing
edge of the port mainplane root and fairing,
believed to have been caused by Sgt Dunning's
propellor. AMSE Approval to write-off per
File#9/16/1607 19/05/44. As a postscript: On
what would have been Colin Dunning's 22nd
birthday on 26/12/46, an acting superintendent
McNab of the NT police opened a letter which
said an ex-police Aboriginal tracker named
George had found a Spitfire and its dead pilot
SW of Darwin ( 12Degrees 46.5mins
South/130Degrees 24 mins East) while he was on
walkabout. Within days George lead a party to
the crash site a remarkable feat considering
they came in from a different direction and
the wet had changed the dry landscape into a
swamp. Sgt Colin William Dunning Serv#437405
was buried with full military honours in the
presence of his parents who had been flown up
to Darwin for the ceremony. On 23/3/47 George
was presented with a silver medallion at the
request of grateful parents. |
A58-233 |
F.VC |
MA354 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
08/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 15/08/43. Rec 2OTU ex
1AD 31/08/43. Eventually stripped of paint in
1944, with white tail. Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU
01/11/44. Accident 1230hrs 23/01/45, during
forced Landing 10 miles south west of Forbes
NSW, the aircraft flipped over on its back
during landing. Pilot; F/Sgt R E Atkins
Serv#1604119 (RAF) was not injured. AMSE
approval per File#9/16/2347 Min#2 13/02/45 to
convert to components. Rec 2CRD ex 8OTU
19/02/45. Pics held RAF Temp and Natural
A58-234 |
F.VC |
MA355 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
03/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 11/08/43. Rec 14ARD
ex 1AD 02/09/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD RP
08/09/43. Coded ZP-W. Accident 1150hrs
19/03/44, when on demonstration flight for
local ATC, piloted by Sgt T R Russell
Serv#428852 457Sqn , a/c clipped telegraph
pole on third flypast at Guildford Strip when
engine revs decreased on turn to land. Rec
17RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 27/03/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF
ex 17RSU 18/05/44. Issued 14ARD RP ex 457Sqn
RAAF 29/07/44. Rec CGS ex 14ARD RP 11/09/44.
Rec 6AD ex CGS 15/10/45. Authorised for write
off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck
off 15/11/48. |
A58-235 |
F.VC |
MA356 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
09/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 24/08/43. Rec 14ARD
ex 1AD 09/09/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD RP
20/10/43. Coded ZP-C. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
11/05/44. Rec 4557Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 07/06/44.
Rec 6AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 16/07/44. Issued 85Sqn
RAAF ex 6AD 04/11/44. Accident 04/11/44 when
engine overheated force the pilot to make a
forced landing 25 miles east of Balranald NSW.
Pilot; S/Ldr R M Achilles DFC Serv#404082
(2AP) was not injured. Collected by 2CRD. AMSE
approval per File#9/16/2152 Min#2 14/02/44 to
convert to components. |
A58-236 |
F.VC |
MA366 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
09/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 17/08/43. Rec 14ARD
RP ex 1AD 11/09/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARD RP
26/11/43. Coded DL-Q. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
54Sqn RAF 06/04/44. Coded QY-G had "Junior"
with a baby underneath with pilots helmet and
flying boots on. Usual aircraft of P/O Beaton.
Rec 457Sqn RAAf ex 452 Sqn RAAF 15/07/44. Rec
14ARD RP ex 457Sqn RAAF 18/12/44. Rec 13ARD
Det Cloncurry ex 14ARD due to unserviceability
29/12/44. Rec 6AD ex 14ARD 25/01/45, as flown
by F/Lt G W Turner Serv#80425. Authorised for
write off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47.
Struck off 15/11/48. Installed RR Merlin
M46#115787. |
A58-237 |
F.VC |
MA385 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
09/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 24/08/43. Rec 14ARD
ex 1AD 09/09/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD RP
20/10/43. Coded ZP-C. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
27/03/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU 18/05/44.
Rec 6AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 18/07/44. Issued 8OTU
ex 6AD 08/07/45 in Natural Metal and black
anti Glare. Issued 6AD ex 8OTU 28/11/45.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. Pic held
6AD. Installed RR Merlin M46#115919 |
A58-238 |
F.VC |
MA387 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
03/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 10/08/43. Rec 14ARD
RP ex 1AD 02/09/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD
RP 16/09/43. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
21/11/43. Rec 14 ARD ex 7RSU 24/11/43.
Accident 02/01/44 due to brake failure when
aircraft ran into soft earth and damaged
airscrew and intake. Repaired within Unit.
NFDs. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD 03/04/44.
Accident 10/05/44, attempted to land in large
crosswind and crashed during takeoff from
aborted landing at Port Hedland. Pilot; F/Lt L
L Boardman DFM not injured. Rec 7RSU ex 457Sqn
RAAf 16/06/44. Rec 14ARD RP ex 7RSU 07/08/44.
REc CGS ex 14ARD RP 11/09/44. Rec 6AD ex CGS
11/10/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48.
Installed RR Merlin M46#115773 |
A58-239 |
F.VC |
MA389 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
03/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 11/08/43. Rec 14ARD
RP ex 1AD 19/08/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARD RP
09/09/43. Coded DL-C. Accident 0940hrs
27/10/43 when tyre burst causing aircraft to
swing and strike parked (A58-111)EE636. W/O
Ashurst not injured. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn
RAF 04/04/44. Rec 14ARD RP ex 452 Sqn RAAF
01/08/44. Rec 14ARD ex 14ARD RP 14/08/44.
Issued 8OTU ex 14ARD 19/02/45. Accident when
taxying at Oonadatta Aerodrome when aircraft
went over on nose during ferry flight
22/02/45. F/O R L Due not injured. Repaired,
rec 8OTU ex 14ARD 02/04/45. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU
28/11/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48.
Installed RR Merlin M46. |
A58-240 |
F.VC |
MA394 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
08/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 16/08/43. Rec 14ARD
RP ex 1AD 07/09/43. Modified for CAAG. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD RP 24/09/43. Coded QY-D.
Accident 1930hrs 05/04/44 when on landing the
aircraft suffered brake failure during landing
run after 200 yards,then swung starboard and
ran off and flipped onto its back at RAAF
Darwin Strip. Pilot; Sqn Ldr Lou T Spence DFC
Serv#270839 452 Sqn RAAF CO, received a cut on
his forehead. Rec 7 RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
05/04/44. Rec 14ARD Det ex 7RSU 10/04/44. AMSE
approval per File #9/16/1554 Min#2 to convert
to components 12/05/44. Installed RR Merlin
M46#115835. Pics held of recovered wreck. |
A58-241 |
F.VC |
MA395 |
in Australia on SS Durham 18/10/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 25/10/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 10/11/43. Rec 2OTU
ex 1AD 23/11/43. Accident after taking off
from Mildura at 1115hrs 21/12/43 when
recovering from a low shadow shooting attack,
the aircraft struck a 40 foot sand bank and
exploded into fire, then crashed into sand
hills on the north east side of Lake Victoria
NSW. Pilot; F/Sgt K G Wolkenhaar Serv#413063,
though initially surviving the crash, died in
the ambulance from returning from the crash
site. Buried at Mildura War Cemetery , Grave #
C.B.3. on the 23/12/43. AMSE Approval per
File#9/16/1296 to convert to components
06/01/44. Installed RR Merlin M46#115851 with
43.5 hrs TT. Airframe had 40.5TThs |
A58-242 |
F.VC |
MA685 |
1AP ex UK 28/09/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 27/10/43.
Rec 2AP ex 1AD 15/11/43. Rec 1AD ex 2AP
03/12/43. Rec 14ARD RP ex 1AD 09/01/44. Rec
54Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD RP 22/01/44. Coded DL-A.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn RAF 06/04/44. Coded
QY-K. Operational Accident, Midair on24/4/44
when A section of 4 Spitfires from 452 Sqn
were sent on an exercise to perform some
shadow shooting in the clouds SW of Darwin.
Their call sign was Bellboy Blue and they took
off from Strauss at 1515hrs and climbed out
over the sea and headed for Bathurst Is. The
flights problems developed very early. Blue 1
was F/O E L Mahar who developed a fuel flow
problem with his slipper tank causing his
engine to falter. He switched over to his main
tank but in the process had slipped back and
clipped the propellor of Blue 2 Sgt Colin
William Dunning whose a/c dropped away but was
recovered and rejoined the formation. They
continued their climb when Blue 3, F/O R L
Sprake, developed engine problems and returned
to base. On reaching 23,000' Blue 1 had fuel
pressurisation problems and dropped out of
formation giving instructions to Blue 4, F/Sgt
J D Tamlyn to take over command and carry on
with the exercise. F/O Mahar added that he
would rendezvous with them over Pt Patterson.
Not long after F/Sgt Tamlyn took over he called up Sgt Dunning to come in closer but
the latter replied he was having engine
problems (possibly as a result of the clipped
propeller blade) and dropped out of formation.
He recovered and radioed Tamlyn that he was
heading for base or Pt Patterson (or Banyo
which was their code for that pt). F/Sgt
Tamlyn continued on climbing alone.
Unfortunately, Sgt Dunning's problems had
escalated, he radioed control at Strauss
advising them he was over Pt Patterson with a
failed engine brought on by a gylcol leak.
There was back and forth between him and
control as he was told to go to another
channel and call for a fix which Dunning said
he never received when returning to the
original channel. This happened several times
when F/Sgt Tamlyn interjected and told Sgt
Dunning not to wait for an answer but give
them a long call. This Dunning did. Within a
few minutes Tamlyn was over Pt Patterson at
2,000' but could see nothing. F/O Mahar had
overheard the conversations and heard Sgt
Dunning say he was at 1,200'. Mahar told Sgt
Dunning to bail out before he got to 1,000'.
Nothing more was heard as they continued to
search from Pt Patterson to Charles Pt. F/O
Mahar and F/Sgt Tamlyn returned to Strauss at
1715 and refueled. F/O Mahar was first off
again at 1730 with Tamlyn about 15 minutes
behind him. They searched for over an hour to
no avail. Sgt Dunning was flying A58-232
(MA353) QY-Z on that fateful day. This
Spitfire Mk Vc was received 2/8/43 and issued
to 54 Sqn on 18/10/43. It was taken on
strength with 452 Sqn on 9/3/44. F/O Mahar
Spitfire was A58-242 and it was found to have
cuts into the trailing edge of the port
mainplane root and fairing, believed to have
been caused by Sgt Dunning's propellor. As a
postscript: On what would have been Colin
Dunning's 22nd birthday on 26/12/46 an acting
superintendent McNab of the NT police opened a
letter which said an ex-police Aboriginal
tracker named George had found a Spitfire and
its dead pilot SW of Darwin while he was on
walkabout. Within days George lead a party to
the crash site a remarkable feat considering
they came in from a different direction and
the wet had changed the dry landscape into a
swamp. Sgt Colin William Dunning 437405 was
buried with full military honours in the
presence of his parents who had been flown up
to Darwin for the ceremony. On 23/3/47 George
was presented with a silver medallion at the
request of grateful parents. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF
ex 452 Sqn RAAF 18/07/44. Rec 14ARD RP ex
457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Rec CGS ex 14ARD RP
11/09/44. Issued 6AD ex CGS 06/12/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. Installed
RR Merlin M46. Pic held 452 Sqn RAAF |
A58-243 |
F.VC |
MA689 |
in Australia on LS627 02/08/43. Rec 1AP ex UK
08/08/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 26/08/43. Rec 14ARD
RP ex 1AD 19/09/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD
RP 13/10/43. Rec 6AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 17/07/44.
Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 6AD 02/06/45. Rec 6AD ex
85Sqn RAAF 10/10/45. Authorised for write off
22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off
15/11/48. Installed RR Merlin M46. |
A58-244 |
F.VC |
MA697 |
in Australia on SS Cornwall 16/11/43. Rec 1AP
ex UK 23/11/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 16/12/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 09/01/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
14ARD RP 18/01/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 54Sqn
RAF 06/04/44. Coded QY-Y. Involved in
collision, refer A58-232 24/04/44. Rec 457Sqn
RAAF ex 452 Sqn RAAF 15/07/44. Rec CGS ex
14ARD RP 11/09/44. Rec 6AD ex CGS 22/10/45.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. Installed
RR Merlin M46. |
A58-245 |
F.VC |
MA699 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 21/10/43. Rec 1AP
ex UK 25/10/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 05/11/43. Rec
2AP ex 1AD 20/11/43. Rec 1AD ex 2AP 15/12/43.
Rec 14ARD RP ex 1AD 27/01/44. Rec 15ARD RP ex
14ARD RP 11/03/44. Rec 15ARD ex 15ARD RP
12/03/44. Rec 15ARD RP ex 15ARD 25/04/44. Rec
79Sqn RAAF to replace A58-206 ex 15ARD RP
13/05/44. Coded U-V. Non-operational Loss as
Red Leader and 2 of a section of six 79Sqn
RAAF Spitfires flying to conduct mock attacks
on three USAAF B-24s some 70 miles south west
of base 0930hrs 31/07/44. Some time into the
flight, the engine of Red 2 was running rough,
so pilot elected to return to base along with
Red leader. Encountered a weather front on way
back, forcing them down change vector to base.
Red 2's Engine finally quit and the pilot
baled out, and was later picked up by ASR
Catalina some 50 miles from base in the sea.
Red leader continued until fuel starvation, at
1149hrs a further 25 miles on, and baled out.
Pilot; F/Lt W H Wright Serv#402270 was not
injured and was picked up by the same
Catalina.AMSE Approval to write-off per
File#9/16/1867 Min#1 11/08/44. Installed RR
Merlin M46#134161 |
A58-246 |
F.VC |
MA863 |
Horoata 21/10/43.Rec 1AP ex UK 24/10/43. Rec
1AD ex 1AP 19/11/43. Accident 07/12/43 on
delivery to 14ARD RP when aircraft suffered
mishap on cross wind landing at Alice Springs,
damaging port wing and flaps. Temporary
repairs on site. Flown to Gorrie the next
day.NFDs. Rec 14ARD RP ex 1AD 09/12/43. Rec
14ARD ex 14ARD RP 10/12/43. Rec 14ARD RP ex
14ARD 13/12/43. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 14ARd RP
10/01/44. Coded DL-A with 54 Sqn (RAF) where
it was flown by Sqn Ldr E M Gibbs. Flown by
Sqn Ldr R B Newton 54Sqn RAF 18/04/44 on Babar
Island Rhubarb Mission. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
54Sqn RAF 22/04/44. Coded QY-F. Rec 14ARD RP
ex 452 Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Rec CGS ex 14ARD RP
11/09/44. Coded as K. Accident 1400hrs
26/08/45 when aircraft made forced landing
after glycol leak and overheating near Lake
Terangpom. Pilot; F/O G P Williams not
injured. Rec 6AD ex CGS 22/10/45. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP
26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. Installed RR
Merlin M46#115845. Was at Ballarat Under
Restoration in 1998 by Ian Whitney, Melbourne,
Australia (A58-246). To Duxford, UK in
February 2000 Restoration completed at Duxford
for the USAF Museum Dayton, Ohio. Marked still
as MA863,it carries code HL-B per 1942
Operation Torch markings and is in display. |
A58-247 |
F.VC |
MH306 |
in Australia on SS Cornwall 16/11/43. Rec 1AP
ex UK 23/11/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 27/01/44. Rec
15ARD RP ex 1AD 24/02/44. Rec 15ARD ex 15ARD
RP 12/03/44. Rec 15ARD RP ex 15ARD 03/03/44.
Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD RP 03/03/44. Coded
UP-P. Normal A58 Serial block on fuselage,
with odd duplicate black Serial on White tail.
Rec 6AD ex 79Sqn RAAF 05/12/44. Rec 8OTU ex
6AD as replacement of A58-45 27/05/45.
Accident 27/05/45 when aircraft swung on
landing at Parkes Aerodrome on completion of
ferry flight. Pilot; F/O J R Rose 2AD not
injured. Repaired by Unit. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU
28/11/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48.
Installed RR Merlin M46. Pics held 79Sqn/452
Sqn / 8OTU |
A58-248 |
F.VC |
MH566 |
in Australia on SS Durham 18/10/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 28/10/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 18/11/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 16/01/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF ex
14ARD RP 07/02/44. Coded DL-J. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF ex 54Sqn RAF 04/04/44. Coded QY-K. Rec
14ARD RP ex 452 Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Stripped of
paint . Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 14ARD RP 24/09/44.
Coded SH-Z with Sqn Ldr Pennant port side. Rec
17RSU ex 85Sqn RAAF 27/09/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF
ex 17RSU 02/11/44. Accident 1330hrs 16/08/45
(A50 stated 17/08/45), when in landing
pattern, after a post Victory pagaent
formation of 17 Spitfires and one Wirraway
over Perth, the formation leader noticed black
and white smoke emitting from his engine.
Thinking that his engine was on fire, he
switched both fuel and ignition and slide
slipped down to make a perfect wheels up
landing in the middle of aerodrome. Pilot;
S/Ldr Michael S Lewis, CO of 85Sqn RAAF, was
un-injured. S/Ldr Lewis previously flew with
87Sqn NF RAF DAF, (Shooting down a BF109), and
as CO of 32Sqn RAF Italy (Spit MkVIIIs).
Repaired in Unit. Rec 6AD ex 85Sqn RAAF
11/10/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48.
Installed RR Merlin M46#115341 |
A58-249 |
F.VC |
MH585 |
in Australia on SS Durham 18/10/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 25/10/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 19/11/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 09/12/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP 06/01/44. Accident 05/04/44 after
night flying exercise, pilot crashed on
landing at Strauss Strip after he failed to
lower his landing Gear and bellied in. Pilot;
F/O DR Hare not injured. Rec 7RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 05/04/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 7RSU
24/04/44. Usually flown by F/O M Stevenson.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 452 Sqn RAAF 15/07/44. Rec
14ARD RP ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. REc CGS ex
14ARD RP 11/09/44. Rec 6AD ex CGS15/10/45.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. Installed
RR Merlin M46#134371 |
A58-250 |
F.VC |
MH586 |
in Australia on SS Cornwall 16/11/43. Rec 1AP
ex UK 23/11/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 16/12/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD16/01/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP 04/02/44. Coded ZP-Y. Rec 6AD ex
457Sqn RAAF 16/07/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 6AD
06/11/44. Coded SH-K and named "Marge".
Accident 23/05/45, on landing when aircraft
swung off Pearce runway, semi ground looped,
resulting in collapsed undercarriage and bent
fuselage at station 14. Pilot; W/O G H Gray
un-injured. Issued 4CRD ex 85Sqn RAAF
03/06/45. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/2607
Min#1 to convert to components 05/07/45. |
A58-251 |
F.VC |
MH587 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 21/10/43. Rec 1AP
ex UK 25/10/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 24/11/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 09/12/43. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP 17/12/43. Coded ZP-M. F/ Sgt G Jude
flew this aircraft in Babar island Mission
18/04/44. Rec 6AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 04/08/44. Rec
85Sqn RAAF ex 6AD 10/12/44. Rec 6AD ex 85Sqn
RAAF 10/10/45. Authorised for write off
22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off
15/11/48. Installed RR Merlin M46#134575 |
A58-252 |
F.VC |
MH588 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 21/10/43. Rec 1AD
ex UK 26/10/43. Rec 15ARD RP ex 1AD 20/06/44.
Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex 15ARD RP 07/08/44. Coded
UP-A and named "Jen III". Accident 04/10/44
when landing following a practice flight,
starboard tyre burst on landing, causing the
aircraft to swing off the strip and hit a
ditch, which caused the aircraft to rise up on
its nose, then coming down on its tail, at
Momote, Los Negros Island (Coded Merchantile).
Pilot; F/Lt L S Reid DFC was not injured. Rec
12RSU Det ex 79Sqn RAAF 09/10/44. AMSE
approval per File#9/16/2048 Min#2 to convert
to components 07/11/44 at Momote.Installed RR
Merlin M46#134559 |
A58-253 |
F.VC |
MH589 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 21/10/43. Rec 1AP
ex UK 25/10/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 10/11/43.
Issued 2OTU ex 1AD 07/12/43. Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU
01/11/43. Stripped of paint and coded "253".
Rec 6AD ex 8OTU 14/11/45. Authorised for write
off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck
off 15/11/48. Installed RR Merlin M46#134609. |
A58-254 |
F.VC |
MH591 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 21/10/43. Rec 1AP
ex UK 25/10/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 26/11/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 09/12/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP to replace A58-111 15/01/44. Coded
QY-F. Accident 05/02/44 when aircraft overshot
taxiway into dispersal, with pilot trying to
swing the aircraft in, whereup[on
undercarriaged collapsed, at Strauss Strip.
Pilot; F/Sgt E E Hoile not injured. Rec 7RSU
ex 452 Sqn RAAF 17/02/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
7RSU 09/03/44. Re-coded QY-V and named "Rima
II" under the windscreen port side. Flown by
S/L Lou Spence. Flown by F/O R L Sprake on
Babar island Mission 18/04/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF
ex 452 Sqn RAAF 15/07/44. Coded ZP-M. Rec
14ARD RP ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Rec CGS ex
14ARD RP 11/09/44. Still carried aircraft name
"Rima III", sans Codes. Accident 18/04/45 when
aircraft performed a wheels up landing at
Cressy strip Pilot; F/O G Fireash was not
injured. Repaired in Unit. Rec 6AD ex CGS
13/12/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48.
Installed RR Merlin M46#134593 |
A58-255 |
F.VC |
MH642 |
in Australia on SS Durham 18/10/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 25/10/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 18/11/43. Rec 2OTU
ex 1AD 28/11/43. Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/43.
Accident 09/05/44, when engine failed in
flight forcing the pilot to make a wheels up
landing 7 miles north west of Mildura. Pilot;
F/O R N Stevens not injured. Repaired in unit.
Rec 8OTU ex 2OTU 01/11/44. Stripped of paint
and coded "253" with yellow spinner. Accident
0630hrs 16/03/45 undercarriaged collapsed when
aircraft overshot strip on landing at Forbes
Civil Aerodrome NSW. Pilot; Sgt R J Davies was
not injured. Repaired in Unit. Accident during
training flight, when engine failed in flight,
forcing pilot to make a forced landing 60
miles north of Parkes Aerodrome. Pilot; F/Sgt
R. B. Guy was not injured. Rec 2CRD ex 8OTU
11/06/45. AMSE Approval per File#9/16/2626
Min#1 to convert to components 28/06/45.
Installed RR Merlin M46. |
A58-256 |
F.VC |
MH643 |
in Australia on SS Durham 18/10/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 25/10/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 03/12/43. Rec
15ARD RP ex 1AD 09/01/44. Rec 79Sqn RAAF ex
15ARD RP 10/02/44. Coded UP-H with small
Superman "S" or unknown Heraldy Shield like
emblem on starboard side of cockpit. Accident
20/04/44 when starboard tyre blew out on
landing, causing the aircraft, carrying 45 Gal
Slipper tank, to swing to starboard and
lodging in drainage ditch at Momoto Strip, Los
Negros Island. Pilot; F/Lt R Y Brinsley not
injured. Repaired in unit. Accident 25/05/44
when tire blew on landing.Pilot; F/Lt Gawley
not injured. repaired in Unit. Rec 6AD ex
79Sqn RAAF 05/12/44. Rec 8OTU ex 6AD 03/01/45.
Rec 6AD ex 8OTU 20/11/45. Authorised for write
off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 26/11/47. Struck
off 15/11/48. Installed RR Merlin M46#134285 |
A58-257 |
F.VC |
MH644 |
in Australia on SS Durham 18/10/43. Rec 1AP ex
UK 03/11/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 18/11/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 29/11/43. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP 15/12/43. Coded QY-F. Flown by G/Capt
Peter Jeffrey CO 1st FW on Babar Island
18/04/44 Mission. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 15/07/44. Rec 14ARD RP ex 457Sqn RAAF
01/08/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 14ARDRP 24/09/44.
Coded SH-U, with paint stripped. Rec 17RSU ex
85Sqn RAAF 28/09/44. Rec 85Sqn RAAF ex 17RSU
16/11/44. Accident 1455hrs 26/02/45 when on
landing after a Air to Air Gunnery practice
with A58-137, the later overtook A58-257 about
700 yards in landing roll and collided ripping
off the port wing of A58-257, at Guildford WA.
Pilot; F/Sgt J A Doyle Serv#423412 was
seriously injured. Pilot of A58-137; F/O B
OÇonnell Serv#437142 was not injured. Issued
4CRd ex 85Sqn RAAF 08/03/45. AMSE Approval per
File 9/16/2419 Min#2 to convert to components
24/03/45. Installed RR Merlin M46. |
A58-258 |
F.VC |
MH645 |
in Australia on SS Cornwall 16/11/43. Rec 2AD
ex UK 14/11/43. Issued 15ARD vis 2AP ex 2AD
19/02/43. Accident 1500hrs 02/03/44, when
aircraft collided with tree in low level
flight near Chatswood NSW after taking off
from Bankstown NSW. Pilot; F/O T F Clark
Serv#403341 (2AP) not injured. (District Court
Martial held 29/03/44 for offence). Rec 2AD ex
2AP 01/04/44. Rec 2OTU ex 2AD 07/08/44. Rec
1Ad ex 2OTU for W/T fittment 12/08/44. Rec
2OTU ex 1AD 29/08/44. Rec 8OTu ex 2OTU
01/11/44. Rec 6AD ex 8OTU 14/11/45. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP
26/11/47. Struck off 15/11/48. Installed RR
Merlin M46. |
A58-259 |
F.VC |
MH646 |
in Australia on SS Cornwall 16/11/43.Last
Vickers Mk V built by CBAF 31/07/43. Rec 1AP
ex UK 23/11/43. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 30/12/43. Rec
14ARD RP ex 1AD 16/01/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex
14ARD RP 30/01/44. Coded ZP-+. Rec 7RSU ex 452
Sqn RAAF Ferry 22/02/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
7RSU 12/03/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 452 Sqn RAAF
15/07/44. Personal mount of W.Cdr R C
Cresswell Wing Ldr 1st FW. Flown by Cresswell
on Babar Island Mission 18/04/44. Rec 14ARD RP
ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/08/44. Rec 14ARD ex 14ARD RP
03/10/44. Rec 6AD ex 14ARD 21/12/44. AMSE
Approval per File#9/16/2876 to convert to
components 16/10/45. Issued 3CRD ex 6AD
14/11/45. May have flown with personal C-RC or
RC-C markings Port and Starboard sides. 1st
and 80th Wings splitting at this time with
Cresswell and Caldwell as COs respectively. |
A58-300 |
JF620 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 21/10/43. FF
11-8-43 9 MU 13-8-43 215MU 31-8-43 SS
Hororata.Delivered 14/11/43. Rec 3/05/44
549Sqn RAF. Collided with A58-364 over
Truscott WA 16/11/44. Both aircraft assigned
to 549 Sqn (RAF) this aircraft coded ZF-M.
Crew; Woff Ronald Walter Posse 1377971 (RAF),
who was killed. SOC 20/12/44 |
A58-301 |
JF621 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 21/10/43. Delivered
25/10/43.Rec 1AD 12/11/43. Rec CAC for special
inspection 09/12/43 to 17/12/43. Rec 1AD ex
CAC 26/12/43.Rec 452 Sqn 21/03/44. Rec 54Sqn
06/04/44. Coded DL-A . 09/06/44 Rec 7RSU.Rec
54Sqn 19/06/44. 09/12/44 Rec 7RSU. Rec 54Sqn
22/02/45. Coded DL-K named "Nancy". 20/07/45
Rec 549Sqn RAF.18/09/45 Rec 6AD for Storage,
arriving Oaky 24/09/45. Authorised for write
off 05/46, struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-302 |
JF820 |
02/11/43.Delivered 02/11/43.Rec 1AD
13/12/43.Rec 30/03/44 452 Sqn RAAF. Rec 7RSU
04/04/44 as was all Mk8 aircraft due to
Cooling problems.07/05/44 Rec 54Sqn
RAF.02/11/44 crash into sea some 200 yards off
shore while attempting beach belly landing
near Main Jetty, Darwin Harbour NT 11/44,
Converted to Components.Pilot was W/O Sidney
Charles John Laundy RAF Serv# 1147350 54Sqn
A58-303 |
JF821 |
28/10/43 1AP.19/11/43 Rec 1AD.Rec 1APU
11/01/44.Used for several tests during next 10
months, including having RAF Camouflage
removed.14/11/44 used for CAAG Anti G Suit
"High G" trials. 22/03/46 placed into Storage
Cat C.1/10/46 requested to be lowered to Cat E
Storage pending disposal.17/08/48 Storage Cat
C for post war use.22/11/49 lowered to Cat E
Storage. Disposal sent DAP 21/12/49. H Grant
& Co for scrap 06/51. |
A58-304 |
JF822 |
11/43.Rec 11/01/44 452 Sqn RAAF.Rec 30/03/44
54Sqn RAF. Crashed on take-off due to engine
failure and collided with stake at Darwin
Aerodrome 17/06/44. Pilot: Sqn Ldr S B Newton.
19/07/44 rec 7RSU for repairs.Rec 05/11/44
549Sqn RAF and Coded ZF-K. Flown byF/Lt
W.B.Webb, 549Sqn RAF on Rhubarb Sortie to S E
Timor 27/11/44 to destroy a Japanese Radar
Unit.27/03/45 rec 6AD. Authorised for write
off 05/46, struck off 11/48.Originally painted
in normal Grey/Green, it emerged with the
Rudder painted white with the remaining areas
stripped of paint by 7RSU. |
A58-305 |
JF823 |
28/10/43 1AP.18/11/43 Rec 1AD.Undercarriage
Defective. 03/07/44 rec 452 Sqn RAAF. 13/12/44
Rec 9RSU. 10/01/45 Accepted 6AD after Ferry.
Rec 6AD Storage Cat E 01/02/46. Authorised for
write off 05/46, To DAP 07/11/47. struck off
11/48. |
A58-306 |
JF824 |
15/11/43 to 2AD ex UK. Rec 11/09/44 14ARD
NT.23/09/44 Rec 549Sqn RAF. 28/06/45 Modified
to carry TR5043 W/T. 15/07/45 Issued to 54Sqn
RAF. 10/09/45 Issued to 6AD. Rec 6AD 13/09/45
for storage. Into Storage 6AD 22/09/45 Cat C.
01/10/46 downgraded to Cat E. Authorised for
write off 22/05/46, To DAP for Disposal
07/11/47. struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-307 |
JF825 |
25/10/43 1AP ex UK. Rec 1AD 27/03/44.Rec
03/07/44 452 Sqn RAAF.Landing accident at
Sattler Strip 1415hrs 06/08/44.Pilot was Sgt C
S Tapp Ser#420298 who after one attemp at
landing made a high speed flaps up landing,
whereupon near end of roll, without brakes
swung into taxiway causing undercarriage to
collapse, damaging starboard wind and one
prop.Rec 9RSU 07/08/44.26/10/44 rec 452 Sqn
RAAF after period of storage at 9RSU.Rec
457Sqn RAAF 11/11/44.14/12/44 rec 9RSU after
period of unserviceablity.Rec 14ARd 22/01/45
for repairs and servicing. Rec 548Sqn RAF
26/07/45.18/09/45 Rec 6AD Storage. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, struck off
18/11/48.This aircraft was supplied with
extended pointed wing tips (same as MkVII)
when it arrived in Australia.This aircraft was
the only RAAF Spitfire MkVIII to undergo
Spitfire Modification AM 1002, "Removing and
placing of standard tips inlieu of extended
tips". |
A58-308 |
JF845 |
3/11/43 1AP ex UK.Rec 1AD 14/12/43.11/01/44
rec 452 Sqn RAAF. 04/04/44 all Mk8s rec 7RSU
for mods to cooling lines.01/07/44 Rec 549Sqn
RAF.01/08/44 rec by 7RSU.20/09/45 aircraft
alloted to 8CRD as aircraft not economical to
repair. Converted to Components 29/10/45. |
A58-309 |
JF846 |
26/10/43 1AD ex UK. 08/02/44 rec 452 Sqn
RAAF.11/03/44 Rec 54Sqn RAAF.12/03/44 Returned
and rec 452 Sqn RAAF. 3/04/44,Pilot P/O M J
Beaton 452 Sqn RAAF,had landing accident
Katherine NT , Temporary repairs, insitu by
7RSU, and flown to 7RSU for repairs .
20/04/44, rec 54Sqn RAF. Whilst ferrying
aircraft at 9000ft from Gorrie to Darwin on
delivery, it suffered engine failure aircraft
40 miles south of Pine Creek. F/O P G F Brown
Ser# 120926 RAF in A58-309, was accompanied by
W/O I D Ross Ser#1113993 RAF in A58-330. Brown
was advised to find a clearing to put down on.
After gliding down to 1000ft, Brown advised
that he was going "over the side" after
failing to locate a clearing. On exit, the
aircraft pitched down from 400-500ft into a
dive and exploded. Brown's chute opened at
100ft, but lucklessly landed into the burning
wreckage. Pilot was F/O P G F Brown Ser#
120926 RAF who died of injuries. Soc 25/05/44. |
A58-310 |
JF847 |
2/11/43 1AP. Rec 1AD 30/12/43. Rec 14ARD
19/01/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF 09/03/44. 18/03/44 Rec
452 Sqn RAAF. 5/04/44 rec 54Sqn RAF. Rec 14ARD
15/04/44. Rec 54Sqn 15/04/44. 08/08/44 crashed
on night landing exercise at Livingstone
Strip. Pilot was F/Sgt J Blair 54Sqn RAF. To
7RSU for repairs. With 7RSU following repairs,
request for 54Sqn RAF to provide pilot for
test and acceptance following repairs.Pilot
sent was W/O Peter Fox of 54Sqn RAF. Crashed
in Darwin Harbour on test flight 1540hrs
5/10/44 following going into dive from 9000ft
then flatten out before diving into sea some
1000yards from shore. Appeared to be a victim
of blackout from G Forces.Was not wearing CAAG
Mk 1 "Zoot" suit. W/O Peter Fox Ser#1119366
RAF 54Sqn RAF was Killed. |
A58-311 |
JF869 |
2/11/43 1AP. 03/12/43 Rec 1AD. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF 11/01/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF 09/03/44. Coded
DL-P. 18/03/44 Rec 452 Sqn RAAF. 27/03/44 Rec
14ARD. Rec 54Sqn RAF 14/04/44.16/10/44 rec
7RSU for repairs ex 54Sqn RAF.10/03/45 Rec
6AD.Cat C Storage. Authorised for write off
05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-312 |
JF870 |
2/11/43 1AP ex UK.Rec 1AD 25/11/43. Damaged at
Gorrie NT due to tail wheel collapse during
landing run, 1330 hrs10/01/44.Pilot was F/O K
R Simonsen Ser#401677.Damage to tail and
rudder repaired.Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 31/03/44.
Natural Metal to 54Sqn RAF 09/04/44. Coded
DL-R. Flown by F/Lt Gossland 12/07/44 and
credited 0.5 Dinah kill(with F/Lt Meakin who
was flying A58-390). Rec 7RSU 08/08/44. Rec
54Sqn RAF 17/08/44. Camouflaged 7 RSU 11/44.
54Sqn RAF. Rec 7RSU 05/02/45. 30/04/45 rec at
8CRD.No record thereafter. Authorised for
write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-313 |
JF876 |
25/10/43 1AP ex UK. Rec 1AD 15/11/43.06/01/44
issued to 452 Sqn RAAF. With 3 Air Gunnery
School, Engine failure at 5000ft, forced
landed and collided with trees when pilot
undershot forced landing. 6/01/44, 1 mile
north of Narridy SA. Pilot was F/O J R Mowbray
who was slightly injured. Allocated to 6SFTS
for conversion 10/01/44. Aircraft w/o. |
A58-314 |
JF877 |
2/11/43 1AP ex UK. Rec 1AD 24/11/43.Rec 452
Sqn RAAF 11/1/44. Coded QY-F. Rec 54Sqn RAF
09/03/44.Accident 16/03/44 Darwin, F/Lt W J
Thompson 54Sqn RAF overshot landing and
retracted gear to stop aircraft running into
works excavation.Rec 7RSU
18/03/44.Repaired.Rec 10/04/44 54Sqn
RAF.27/05/44 rec 14ARD.No record after being
placed into 14ARDAP. Converted to Components
04/45. |
A58-315 |
JF934 |
25/10/43 1AP ex UK. Rec 1AD 05/11/43. Trials
Aircraft issued to Special Duty Flight ex 1AD
10/11/43.10/01/44 Rec 1Aircraft Performance
Unit. Used in R/T VHF(TR5043) Trials and 300lb
Bomb trials.01/03/46 rec 1AD for storage.
Picture exists. Converted to Components 04/46.
A58-316 |
JF935 |
25/10/43 1AP ex UK. Rec 1AD 24/11/43.Held due
to Oleo leg wear at 1AD for repairs and
trials.Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 03/07/44. Rec 9RSU
13/12/44.Rec 7RSU ex 9RSU 12/02/45.14/07/45
issued to 54Sqn RAF. Rec 6AD 23/09/45.
Authorised for write off 05/46, struck off
11/48. |
A58-317 |
JF936 |
25/10/43 1AP ex UK. 11/43.Rec 1AD 18/11/43.Rec
54Sqn RAF 02/06/44. Coded DL-Y 54Sqn. Taxying
accident at
Livingstone Strip. 03/08/44.Landing gear
collapsed.Pilot was Sgt J Blair 54Sqn RAF. To
7RSU 07/08/44. Returned to 54Sqn RAF 21/09/44.
Rec 548Sqn RAF 19/07/45. Rec 6AD
18/09/45.Authorised for write off 05/46,
struck off 11/48. |
A58-318 |
JF937 |
3/11/43 1AP ex UK.Rec 1AD 25/11/43.Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF 11/01/44. Rec 7RSU 19/01/44.05/02/44 rec
452 Sqn RAAF, then rec 54Sqn RAF 09/03/44. Rec
14ARD 27/03/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF 17/04/44. Coded
DL-F. Heavy Landing at Livingston
14/06/44,with undercarriage collapsing on
Slipper tank.Caused significant Airframe
damage. Pilot Sgt W G Hayward RAF not
injured.Converted to Components 8CRD
24/06/44.. |
A58-319 |
JG105 |
06/12/43 2AD ex UK. Rec 548Sqn RAF
07/05/44.Unrecorded accident sometime mid July
1945. No record per Accident files or per
548Sqn RAF A50 History Sheets.Camouflaged 7RSU
12/44. Converted to Components 10/45.
A58-320 |
JG107 |
16/12/43 2AD. 07/05/44 Rec 548Sqn RAF Coded
TS-W. 08/09/45 W/O J Mitchell Serv#923653(RAF)
548Sqn RAF, on landing run had rubber diaphram
puncture in flap control which resulted in
loss of brakes. Aircraft swung slightly and
stopped in ditch.Repaired and Camouflaged
Foliage Green 7RSU 10/44. 13/09/45 rec at 6AD.
Stored Cat E. Authorised for write off 05/46,
struck off 11/48. |
A58-321 |
JF933 |
5/12/43 2AD ex UK. Rec 549Sqn RAF 04/05/44.
Rec 6AD 11/10/45. Authorised for write off
05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-322 |
JF942 |
5/12/43 2AD ex UK. Rec 549Sqn RAF
04/05/44.24/09/45 Rec 6AD. Authorised for
write off 05/46, struck off 11/48.
A58-323 |
JF945 |
5/12/43 2AD ex UK.Issued 54Sqn RAF 11/03/44.
U/S Mildura on delivery 18/03/44.Returned 2AD
19/03/44. Rec 549Sqn RAF 004/05/44. Coded
ZF-B. Flown by W/O J Beaton, 549Sqn RAF on
Rhubarb Sortie to S E Timor 27/11/44 to
destroy a Japanese Radar Unit.No further
record until Rec 6AD 24/09/45. Authorised for
write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-324 |
JF967 |
5/12/43 2Ad ex UK.Was allocated to 452 Sqn
RAAF but,spent all of its time between 2AD and
2AP.15/11/45 Stored Cat C. Stored until struck
off 11/48. |
A58-325 |
JF966 |
15/12/43 2AD ex UK. 07/05/44 Rec 548Sqn RAF.No
further record until with 452 Sqn RAAF Merauke
Strip 17/12/44, Collision with A58-478 (F/Lt
Sturn killed) and A58-534 (F/Lt Lumley OK)
when the pilot, F/O Chrystal was injured. Rec
6AD 11/09/45.Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Cat E
01/10/46. Authorised for write off 05/46,
struck off 11/48. |
A58-326 |
JG104 |
15/12/43 2AD ex UK. Rec 549Sqn RAF 22/04/44.
Coded ZF-T. 17/07/44 Port undercarriage
collapsed when being towed from dispersal.
Damage to Port Wing at Livingstone Strip.
Repaired returned to 549Sqn RAF 30/07/44.Flown
by F/Lt L F Webster, 549Sqn RAF on Rhubarb
Sortie to S E Timor 27/11/44 to destroy a
Japanese Radar Unit.No further History until
Rec 6AD 24/09/45.22/03/46 Stored Cat C.
Authorised for write off 05/46, struck off
11/48. |
A58-327 |
JF871 |
02/01/44 1AP.Rec 1AD 03/02/44.Rec 54Sqn RAF
04/04/44.Coded DL-J. 04/08/44 during touch and
go accident Darwin RAAF when loose rock thrown
up putting hole in fueslage. Rec 7RSU
04/08/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF 27/08/44. Rec 7RSU
11/01/45. Rec 54Sqn RAF 23/02/45.05/03/45 on
landing Darwin, Port tyre burst after landing
without flaps. Pilot F/Sgt Hicks 54Sqn RAF. To
7RSU 07/03/45.Repaired and returned to 54Sqn
RAF 22/03/45.Rec 6AD 18/09/45. Authorised for
write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-328 |
JF872 |
2/01/44 1AP ex UK.Rec 1AD 03/02/44.With 1AD,
18/03/44 damaged when tail wheel collapsed
after landing at Oonadatta South Australia..
Pilot was P/O J G Hodgetts.Repairs at 14ARD.
Rec 9RSU 01/09/44.Rec 452 Sqn RAF 04/09/44.Rec
14ARD 4/12/44.Rec 54Sqn RAF 04/05/45.Rec 6AD
14/09/46. Authorised for write off 05/46,
struck off 11/48. |
A58-329 |
JF938 |
02/01/44 1AP ex UK. Rec 1AD 01/02/44. Rec
54Sqn RAF 05/04/44.06/02/45 Rec 7RSU. To 8CRD
30/04/45. Converted to Components 04/45.
Collison with A58-330. |
A58-330 |
JF939 |
02/01/44 1AP. Rec 1AD 20/01/44.Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF 21/03/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF 05/04/44. Coded
DL-C. Rec 14ARD 17/04/44.Rec 54Sqn RAF
19/04/44.Rec 7RSU 07/02/45.Rec 8CRD 30/04/45.
Converted to Components 04/45. Collison with
A58-329. |
A58-331 |
JF940 |
02/01/44 1AP.Rec 1AD 20/01/44. 10/02/44 Rec
452 Sqn RAAF.Rec 54Sqn RAF 18/03/44. Coded
DL-L. Rec 14ARD 23/03/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF
11/04/44. F/O I J McRae crashed on landing at
Livingstone Strip 18/09/44. Rec 7RSU
19/09/44.Rec 6AD 10/03/45. 01/02/46 stored Cat
C 6AD.Authorised for write off 05/46, struck
off 11/48. |
A58-332 |
JG174 |
03/ 01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 549Sqn RAF 27/04/44.
Coded ZF-L. 28/10/44 on landing at Darwin
Civil aircraft suffered damaged starboard Oleo
and wing damage.Repaired, rec 549Sqn RAF
16/11/44. 03/07/45 Rec 7RSU. 24/09/45 8CRD
converted to components. |
A58-333 |
JG175 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK.Rec 548Sqn RAF 04/05/44.
07/07/44 at Darwin RAAF,engine mounting frame
buckled requiring repairs to airframe later at
Darwin Civil 13/07/44 per 7RSU.Rec 548Sqn RAF
23/07/44.No further Unit History.F/Lt B L
Price 548Sqn RAF,flew this aircraft Coded TS-C
25/09/44.Rec 6AD 22/09/45. Authorised for
write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-334 |
JG176 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 54Sqn RAF 04/05/44.W/O
M Reid, 548Sqn RAF flew this aircraft, coded
TS-V, 19/09/44. Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU
10/44.Rec 6AD 22/09/45. Authorised for write
off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-335 |
JG177 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK.Rec 11/04/44 549Sqn RAF.
Coded ZF-D. Natural metal.Crash Landed Darwin
Civil 1/11/44, port leg hit ditch. 10/11/44
8CRD was converted to components . |
A58-336 |
JG187 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 549Sqn RAF
07/04/44.22/12/44 Rec 7RSU Camouflaged Foliage
Green/Sky. Rec 549Sqn RAF 19/01/45. No further
history through 1945.Rec 6AD
26/09/45.Authorised for write off 05/46,
struck off 11/48. |
A58-337 |
JG188 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK.Held 3AD. Rec 14ARD
29/08/44. 01/04/45 Rec 549Sqn RAF.Rec 6AD
24/09/45. Authorised for write off 05/46,
struck off 11/48. |
A58-338 |
JG189 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 548Sqn RAF 21/04/44
Coded TS-X.Stripped of Paint.15/07/45 Rec
54Sqn RAF.Rec 23/09/45 6AD. Authorised for
write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-339 |
JG191 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK.Held 3AD. Rec 14ARD
08/08/44.Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 01/09/44.Rec 9RSU
08/12/44 (Along with 16 other used 452 Sqn
RAAF LFMkVIII's). To 7RSU for repairs
12/02/45.03/08/45 Rec 54Sqn RAF.13/09/45 Rec
6AD. Authorised for write off 05/46, struck
off 11/48. |
A58-340 |
JG192 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Held 3AD. 06/06/44 Rec
14ARD. 15/06/44 Rec 452 Sqn RAAF. Rec 9RSU
08/12/44 (Along with 16 other used 452 Sqn
RAAF LFMkVIII's). 10/01/45 Rec 6AD.01/02/46
Cat C Storage. Authorised for write off 05/46,
struck off 11/48. |
A58-341 |
JG239 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec .549Sqn RAF 07/04/44,
Coded ZF-A.No further history except, flown by
Sqn Ldr E P Bocock, C O 549Sqn RAF on Rhubarb
Sortie to S E Timor 27/11/44 to destroy a
Japanese Radar Unit. Rec 6AD
23/09/45.Authorised for write off 05/46,
struck off 11/48. |
A58-342 |
JG264 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK.Held 3AD. Rec 18/06/44 452
Sqn RAAF. 13/12/44 Rec 9RSU .(Along with 16
other used 452 Sqn RAAF LFMkVIII's). 12/02/45
Rec 7RSU.16/03/45 Rec 6AD for overhaul.Held
6AD. Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for
write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-343 |
JG271 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 549Sqn RAF 13/04/44.
Natural Metal.Rec 7RSU 09/11/44 for engine
change.22/01/45 Rec 549Sqn RAF
Camouflaged.28/03/45 Rec 6AD for
overhaul.01/02/46 Stored Cat C. Authorised for
write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-344 |
JG343 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Held 3AD. Rec 14ARD
06/06/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 15/06/44.Rec 9RSU
08/12/44.Rec 6AD 10/01/45 for
overhaul.01/02/46 Cat C storage. Authorised
for write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-345 |
JG346 |
03/01/44 3AD. 03/05/44 Rec 548Sqn RAF in
Natural Metal. Coded TS-E. During transit to
NT, due to heavy weather,aircraft forced
landed 8 miles north of Proserpine NQ
10/06/44.Pilot P/O Davidson RAF. One of four
of nine aircraft of flight that forced landed
that day.14/06/44 Rec 13ARd for conversion.
Authorised for conversion 18/08/44, struck off
22/08/44. |
A58-346 |
JG351 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Held 3AD. Rec 14ARD
06/06/44.Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 15/06/44.Rec 9RSU
13/12/44 (Along with 16 other used 452 Sqn
RAAF LFMkVIII's). 12/02/45 Rec 7RSU.Held 7RSU.
Rec 6AD 18/09/45.Cat C Storage 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 05/46, struck off
11/48. |
A58-347 |
JG352 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 549Sqn RAF 13/04/44.
Coded ZF-F Natural Metal. At 1130hrs 08/11/44,
F/O R A H Palmer (Ser#130639 RAF) Lat
13.27South Long 126.57 East at 0203Z Hrs into
Sea on a 6 aircraft flight from Darwin Civil
to Truscott Strip WA. Site some 60 miles NE of
Strip, the oil pressure was dropping,Palmer
glided down to 100ft, though being told by
Flight Leader to bail out earlier, on touching
down on water into wind, nose of aircraft sunk
and tail went vertical. He was not seen to get
out. Approval for write-off 22/11/44. |
A58-348 |
JG371 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 549Sqn RAF 14/05/44.
Coded ZF-S. 09/10/44 Rec 7RSU. Camouflaged
Foliage Green at 7RSU. Rec Back to 549 Sqn RAF
10/44.No further History. 7RSU 03/07/45. Rec
6AD 01/10/45. Authorised for write off 05/46,
struck off 11/48. |
A58-349 |
JG414 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Held 3AD. Rec 14ARD
22/05/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF07/06/44, Coded DL-O.
Rec 6AD 10/03/45 for overhaul. 17/04/45
aircraft crated and trucked to DAP
Archerfield. 10/06/45 rec 6AD ex DAP
Archerfield.Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised
for write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-350 |
JG416 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 548Sqn RAF 14/04/44.
One of 9 aircraft transiting north with a
Beaufort, (see A58-345) Landing Accident
10/06/44 when P/O Brown landed at Garbutt,
running into 3 Oil Drums causing a ground
loop., Rec 13ARD 19/06/44.Sent 6AD for storage
25/09/45. Converted to Components 11/46. |
A58-351 |
JG417 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 549Sqn RAF 01/05/44
Coded ZF-H, F/Lt Mills flew this aircraft.No
History for period.Rec 6AD 23/09/45. Cat C
Storage 22/04/46. Authorised for write off
05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-352 |
JG421 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Held 3AD. Rec 14ARD
22/05/44.Rec 54Sqn RAF 06/06/44.Coded DL-N.
Accident 11/08/44 when aircraft landed with
rear wheel retracted on landing run at
Livingstone Strip. No further history,.Rec
548Sqn RAF 19/07/45. Rec 6AD 23/09/45. Stored
Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write off
05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-353 |
JG422 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Held 3AD. Rec 14ARD
31/07/44. Rec 04/08/44 548Sqn RAF.Coded
TS-G.Damaged by AAA 07/09/44 on Rhubarb Ops
Timor. Rec 14ARD for repairs.Repaired and
Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU 10/44.Rec
548Sqn RAF 10/10/44. Landing accident 16/10/44
after flight at Darwin RAAF. Rec 7RSU
10/11/44.Engine overhaul performed due to
metal filings. 15/07/45 Rec 54Sqn RAF.Rec 6AD
23/09/45. Cat C Storage 01/02/46. Authorised
for write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-354 |
JF884 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Held 3AD. Rec 54Sqn RAF
21/05/44. No History .Camouflaged Foliage
Green 7RSU 12/44. Rec 6AD 23/09/45. Cat C
Storgae 01/02/46. Authorised for write off
05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-355 |
JF965 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 14ARD 14/05/44. Rec
54Sqn RAF 06/06/44.Camouflaged Foliage Green
7RSU 12/44. Coded DL-Z. No further history.Rec
548Sqn 19/07/45 Rec 6AD 24/09/45. Cat C
Storage 01/02/46. Authorised for write off
05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-356 |
JF885 |
03/01/44 3AD ex UK.Rec 457Sqn RAAF 29/07/44.
Coded ZP-K. Had Helmeted kangaroo with rifle
bayonet motif "Run Tojo Run". Rec 14ARD
04/12/44.Rec 54Sqn RAF 14/04/45. Coded DL-U.
Landing Accident northern end of Hughes Strip
NT 30/04/45 1530hrs,and landed on back. Pilot
was F/Lt K Bellamy 54Sqn RAF who suffered
minor abrasions. W/O converted to components,
30/05/45. |
A58-357 |
JG353 |
23/01/44 3AD ex UK.Rec 14ARD 22/05/44. Rec
54Sqn RAF 06/06/44 Coded DL-M.Rec 7RSU
09/06/44.Accident Converted to Components 8CRD
19/10/45. |
A58-358 |
JG354 |
23/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 457Sqn RAAF 29/07/44.
09/12/44 Rec 9RSU. 23/01/45 Rec 14ARD. Rec
549Sqn RAF 03/05/45.Rec 6AD 24/09/45. Cat C
Storage 01/02/46.Authorised for write off
05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-359 |
JG355 |
23/01/44 3AD ex UK.. Errected 17/04/44 3AD.
Natural Metal Rec 548Sqn RAF 20/04/44.During
flight from Cloncurry to Gorrie with 8 other
aircraft of 548Sqn RAF, aircraft forced Landed
20 miles North East of Daly Water NT 1010 hrs
approx,15/06/44, with aircraft bursting into
flames there after.Pilot was P/O Frederick T
Griffiths Ser# 160936 RAF 548Sqn RAF who was
killed. Possible cause was perhaps failing to
change over from jettison tank to
mains.Converted to Components 03/08/44. |
A58-360 |
JG376 |
23/01/44 3AD ex UK.Rec 14ARD 12/08/44.Rec 452
Sqn RAAF 01/09/44.Accident 11/44.03/01/45
heading to 6AD for overhaul, forced to return
to 14ARD due to fuel leak. Repaired. 08/04/45
Rec 54Sqn RAF.Coded DL-R.Rec 6AD 17/09/45. Cat
C Storage 01/02/46.. Authorised for write off
05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-361 |
JG386 |
23/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 14ARd 06/06/44.Rec 452
Sqn RAAF 14/06/44.Rec 9RSU 09/10/44.Rec 452
Sqn RAAF 22/10/44.Rec 9RSU 13/12/44.Rec 14ARD
22/01/45.Rec 549Sqn RAF 28/04/45.Rec 6AD
24/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised
for write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-362 |
JG419 |
23/01/44 3AD ex UK.Rec 22/05/44 14ARDAP. Rec
54Sqn RAF 06/06/44. Coded DL-X. Accident
05/12/44 Darwin with starboard U/C collapsing
with aircraft running off strip into ditch.Rec
7RSU 06/12/44.Shipped and Rec 6AD
10/03/45.Shipped to DAP Archerfield for
rebuilding arriving 18/04/45.Rec 6AD 10/06/45.
Held Cat C Storage01/02/46. Authorised for
write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-363 |
JG424 |
23/01/44 3AD. To be issued to 549Sqn RAF 4/44,
Coded ZF-B. Canc.Rec 14ARDRP 29/08/44.
Consistent with Coolant Pipe problems beseiged
by this model, held for repairs.Whilst at
14ARD, 23/01/45, a USAAF B-24 taxying past hit
A58-363 with prop, breaking off one prop of
aircraft. Repaired. 21/03/45 delivered to
549Sqn RAF, ex 14ARD Coded ZF-B. Rec 6AD
24/09/45. Cat C Storage 22/03/46. Authorised
for write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-364 |
JG429 |
23/01/44 3AD ex UK.Rec 549Sqn 04/05/44.
Collided with A58-300 ZF-M (Piloted by W/O
Posse)at 2000ft over Truscott WA 16/11/44.
Aircraft in circuit with A58-300 when after
catching up with this aircraft, was struck on
port wing by A58-300. A58-363,coded ZF-L,
caught fire and dived. Crew; W/off Leslie
Bushell 1314286 (RAF)"A" Flight 549Sqn RAF,
who suffered a sprained
knee and shock after bailing out of
aircraft.W/O 20/12/44. |
A58-365 |
JG431 |
23/01/44 3AD ex UK.Rec 14ARDRP 14/08/44.Rec
549Sqn RAF 07/04/45.Rec 6AD 24/09/45. Cat C
Storage 22/03/46. Authorised for write off
05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-366 |
JG468 |
in Australia on SS Fort Phillip 16/01/44.
Delivered 23/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 457Sqn RAAF
29/07/44.Coded ZP-G. Accident 06/08/44 when
20mm cannon barrel had split in two on the
port mainplane in air, damaging
mainplane.Pilot was SqnLdr D R Beattie.Rec
9RSU 09/08/44.Rec 457Sqn RAAF 25/08/44. Crash
Landing Sattler Strip WA 28/08/44 after flaps
retracted up causing a high speed landing due
to pressure loss. Aircraft after touching
down, due to air leak, had no brakes, and
veered off strip and ending up in ditch. Pilot was Sgt K
Peacock Ser#437440 457Sqn RAAF, who was
un-injured. Beyond economical repair, and
issued to 8CRD 05/09/44.Conversion to
Components 23/09/44.
A58-367 |
JG472 |
in Australia on SS Fort Phillip 16/01/44.
Delivered 23/01/44 3AD ex UK. Belly Landing
23/04/44 at Amberley Qld after test flight due
to undercarriage fault. Pilot P/O Lushby, 3AD.
Rec 6AD 23/05/44. Authorised and Converted to
Components 20/11/45 2CRD. |
A58-368 |
JG473 |
in Australia on SS Fort Phillip 16/01/44.
Delivered 23/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 14ARDRP
08/08/44.Consistent with Fuel and Coolant Pipe
problems beseiged by this model, held for
repairs.Appears to be not used by any
Squadron.Rec 6AD 01/10/45.Storage Cat C
22/03/46.01/10/46 Cat E. Authorised for write
off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-369 |
JG474 |
in Australia on SS Fort Phillip 16/01/44.
Delivered 23/01/44 3AD ex UK.Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
15/07/44.Rec 9RSU 09/10/44.Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
20/10/44.Rec 9RSU 11/12/44.Rec 14ARDRP
26/12/44.Consistent with Fuel and Coolant Pipe
problems beseiged by this model, held for
repairs. Rec 54Sqn RAF 10/06/45 coded as DL-F.
Rec 6AD 22/09/45.Cat C 22/03/45. Authorised
for write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-370 |
JG603 |
in Australia on SS Fort Phillip 16/01/44.
Delivered 23/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 14ARDRP
08/08/44.Consistent with Fuel and Coolant Pipe
problems beseiged by this model, held for
repairs. Rec 03/04/45 54Sqn RAF and Coded
DL-W. Rec 6AD 23/09/45. Cat C
22/03/46.Authorised for write off 05/46,
struck off 11/48. |
A58-371 |
MD221 |
in Australia on SS Fort Phillip 16/01/44.
Delivered 23/01/44 3AD ex UK. Rec 14ARDRP
08/08/44. Consistent with Fuel and Coolant
Pipe problems beseiged by this model, held for
repairs.Rec 27/07/45 54Sqn RAF.Rec 6AD
23/09/45.Cat C Storage 22/03/46. Authorised
for write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-372 |
JG106 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 21/01/44. Delivered
03/02/44 2AD ex UK.Rec 1AD ex 2AD 09/02/44.Rec
548Sqn RAF 08/04/44. Natural Metal, 548Sqn.
Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU 11/44.Coded
TS-J. Engine cut out and aircraft seen to dive
into sea, with pilot, W/O B Clinton
Ser#1615960 (RAF)548Sqn RAF not bailing out.
Aircraft crashed into Clarence Strait off some
16 miles north of Cape Hotham 1650hrs
31/07/45.Approved W/O 06/12/45. |
A58-373 |
JG262 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 21/01/44. Delivered
31/01/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 21/04/44 549Sqn RAF.
Coded ZF-W. Damaged 23/07/44 during taxying.
24/07/44 Rec 7RSU.Camouflaged Foliage Green
7RSU 15/08/44.Rec 549Sqn RAF 25/08/45. Rec 6AD
26/09/45. Cat C Storage 22/03/46. Authorised
for write off 05/46, struck off 11/48. |
A58-374 |
JG263 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 21/01/44. Delivered
25/01/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 548Sqn RAF
03/05/44.Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU 10/44.
Rec 6AD ex 548Sqn RAF 11/09/45. Authorised for
write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-375 |
JG265 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 21/01/44. Delivered
03/02/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 14ARD 30/03/44.Rec 452
Sqn RAAF 31/03/44. Rec54Sqn RAF06/04/44. Rec
7RSU01/05/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF 24/07/44.Rec 7RSU
26/01/45.Rec 54Sqn RAF 12/02/45. Coded DL-S.
Rec 6AD ex 54Sqn RAF 10/03/45.Stored 6AD
16/11/45.Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-376 |
JG266 |
31/01/44 2AD ex UK.Rec 548Sqn RAF
03/05/44.Natural Metal. Accident 29/06/44
Crashed after takeoff in practice
scramble,near Livingstone NT 29/06/44 after
engine failure at 15 feet with aircraft
stalling, then striking strip and breaking up,
causing the aircraft to catch fire. P/O Noel
Colenso Brown Serv#159498 (RAF), 548Sqn RAF
was thrown clear of wreckage and severely
injured and would die of injuries on the
01/07/44. Rec 7RSU ex 548Sqn RAF Aircraft
destroyed by fire.Rec 8CRD 30/06/44.Converted
to Components SOC 08/08/44. |
A58-377 |
JG267 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 21/01/44. Delivered
31/01/44 2AD ex UK. Rec. Allocated 548Sqn RAF
22/04/44. Canc. Rec 14ARD ex 2AD 10/06/44. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF 14/06/44.Accident 1620hrs
02/11/44 whilst flying as Blue 4 during a
practice dive bombing sortie on a wrecked B-25
at Blaze point, was climbing past 5500feet
when engine stopped with black smoke coming
out of both stacks. Pilot, F/SGT B O'Conner
Serv#410134 feathered airscrew, switched on
his IFF distress transmitter and tightened his
harness for landing deadstick on beach. His
glidepath steepened and he soon realised that
he would not make it.When aircraft touched
down on the sea, some 100 yards from shore, he
released his harness and was thrown out of the
cockpit as the aircraft bucked, injuring his
right arm and landed in the sea. He released
his parachute and swam to sure.Airframe
salvaged 10/11/44 by marine craft and issued
to 8CRD. SOC 04/12/44. |
A58-378 |
JG269 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 21/01/44. Delivered
31/01/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 548 Sqn RAF
03/05/44.Natural Metal. Camouflaged Foliage
Green 7RSU 10/44. Rec 6AD ex 548Sqn RAF
18/09/45.Stored 6AD 16/11/45. Authorised for
write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-379 |
JG270 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 21/01/44. Delivered
31/01/44 2AD ex UK. Natural Metal, 549Sqn.
Coded ZF-Z (F/Lt Glaser flew this aircraft
regularly) with
18th Century Buccaneer/Players Motif.Yellow
Spinner with cavilier Camouflaged Foliage
Green 7RSU 11/44.Rec 6AD ex 549Sqn RAF
24/09/45. Stored 6AD 16/11/45. Authorised for
write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48.
A58-380 |
JG332 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 21/01/44. Delivered
31/01/44 2AD ex UK. Issued 54Sqn RAF11/03/44,
but on delivery, U/S at Mildura 18/03/44. Rec
2AD ex 54Sqn RAF 19/03/44.Rec 2AP ex 2AD
16/11/44.Rec 2AD ex 2AP 02/01/45. Stored Cat
E. Approved for Write-off 24/05/46. SOC
30/09/49. |
A58-381 |
JG345 |
in Australia on SS Tabora 30/12/43. Delivered
31/01/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 549Sqn RAF 29/04/44.
Rec 7RSU ex 549Sqn RAF 03/07/45.Rec 6AD ex
7RSU 29/10/45. Authorised for write off
22/05/46, SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-382 |
JG347 |
in Australia on SS Tabora 30/12/43. Delivered
31/01/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
30/06/44.Rec 9RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
13/12/44.Engine Damage in flight 05/01/45 when
aircraft being ferried from 9RSU and 6AD. To
14ARD for repairs. Rec 54Sqn RAF 26/03/45. Rec
7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF 20/04/45. Rec 548Sqn RAF
25/06/45.Coded TS-M. Rec 6AD ex 548Sqn RAF
11/09/45. Stored Cat E 22/03/46. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-383 |
JG415 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 21/01/44. Delivered
03/02/44 2AD ex UK. Issued 548Sqn RAF
05/05/44. Accident 10/06/44, when aircraft
crash landed on beach near Giru QLD. Pilot,
F/Sgt Hopkins 548Sqn RAF.Issued 13ARD
12/06/44. SOC 21/08/44 and converted to
components. |
A58-384 |
JG275 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 29/01/44. Delivered
07/02/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 54Sqn RAF
06/06/44.Accident 16/07/44 when aircraft
landed short heavily on south end of
Livingstone strip causing both mains to
colapse.Pilot,F/O K J Bellamey
Serv#150062(RAF) slightly injured. Repaired.
Rec 54Sqn RAF 24/10/44. Rec 7RSU 10/07/45.Rec
6AD ex 7RSU 27/09/45. Authorised for write off
22/05/46, SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-385 |
JG356 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 29/01/44. Delivered
07/02/44 2AD ex UK. Stripped of Camouflage.Rec
457Sqn RAAF 02/08/44. Coded ZP-O. Rec
9RSU13/09/44.Rec 457Sqn RAAF ex 9RSU 12/10/44.
Rec 7RSU for Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU
08/12/44 Issued to 548Sqn RAF 08/12/44(Error?
should be 457Sqn RAAF) Rec 54Sqn RAF ex 7RSU
Darwin 29/06/45. Rec 6AD ex 54Sqn RAF
26/09/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
SOC 15/11/48. Aircraft had Pegasus Motif
coming out of circle. |
A58-386 |
JG372 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 29/01/44. Delivered
07/02/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 14ARD 22/05/44. Rec
54Sqn RAF 27/05/44. Rec 7RSU 21/06/45 for
service for ferry south to 6AD.Deemed
uneconomical to repair and issued to 8CRD for
conversion. SOC 29/10/45. |
A58-387 |
JG382 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 29/01/44. Delivered
31/01/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
15/07/44.Rec 9RSU 13/12/44 along with 16 other
LFMKVIII's from 452 Sqn RAAF.Rec 7RSU ex 9RSU
10/02/45.Rec 6AD ex 7RSU 01/10/45. Cat E
Storage. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-388 |
JG387 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 29/01/44. Delivered
31/01/44 2AD ex UK. Stripped of Camouflage.
Rec 548Sqn RAF 15/05/44.Coded TS-U.
Camouflaged Forest Green 10/44 at 7RSU. Rec
548Sqn 16/10/44.Rec 6AD ex 548Sqn RAF
11/09/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-389 |
JG430 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 29/01/44. Delivered
07/02/44 2AD ex UK. Stripped of Camouflage.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 19/09/44.Rec 9RSU
8/12/44.with 16 other LF MKVIII's.Rec 6AD ex
9RSU 04/01/45. Stored. Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-390 |
JG465 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 29/01/44. Delivered
31/01/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 54Sqn RAF 23/05/44.
Coded DL-M. Accident 0745hrs 28/07/44 when the
aircraft after taking off from Livingstone
Strip accompanying 5 other aircraft of 54Sqn
RAF, crashed when banking low over forested
area and striking tree tops with port wing,
near Hughes Strip killing the pilot, F/LT
Frederick Meakin Serv#1234140 (RAF).The
aircraft disintegrated on contact and
exploded, with the wreckage strewn over a 310
yard area on the eastern side of the strip.
Meakin had only a week before in A58-390 as
White 2, shared a kill in a Dinah with Sqn Ldr
Gossland on the 20/07/44.He was buried on the
29th July 1944 at Adelaide River Cemetery.
Aircraft SOC 21/08/44. |
A58-391 |
JG471 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 29/01/44. Delivered
31/01/44 to 1AD ex UK .23/05/44 Rec 54Sqn
RAF.Coded DL-Z. Damaged on landing 17/11/44
Austin Strip Snake Bay NT. Spinner , airscrew
and cowl.Pilot was F/Lt M W Grierson-Jackson
Serv#67092 (RAF) 20/11/44 Rec 7RSU for
repairs. Rec 54Sqn 23/11/44 repaired. 21/06/45
Rec 7RSU. 21/09/45 Rec 8CRD.Converted to
Components 10/45. |
A58-392 |
JG342 |
in Australia on SS Perth 03/02/44. Delivered
07/02/44 1AD ex UK. 548Sqn RAF Pilot Sgt A V
Chandler RAF Ser#1319672, was killed when his
aircraft collided with A58-393 four miles
north west of A1 Strip at Strathpine
19/04/44.TTHRs18.40. Red Section consisted of
Red 1F/O Hilton in A58-399,Red 2 F/Lt Price in
A58-394 (TS-G) and Red 3 Sgt Chandler in
A58-392. These three aircraft involved, were
part of Red Section with Sqn Ldr Wright
joining up as an unauthorised test flight.
Crash Site's Page
on the loss of A58-392 and 393.
A58-393 |
JG350 |
in Australia on SS Perth 03/02/44. Delivered
07/02/44 1AD ex UK. Rec 548Sqn RAF. Coded
TS-V. Pilot Sqn Ldr W H A Wright RAF Ser#70834
was killed when he collided with A58-392 four
miles north west of A1 Strip at Strathpine
19/04/44.TTHRs 19.15 Red Section consisted of
Red 1F/O Hilton A58-399,Red 2 F/Lt Price and
Red 3 Sgt Chandler. These three aircraft
involved, were part of Red Section with Sqn
Ldr Wright joining up as an unauthorised
flight. He stated befor ethe flight that he
wanted to go up and test the aircraft before
he would consider accepting this aircraft as
his own.
Crash Site's Page
on the loss of A58-392 and 393.
A58-394 |
JG373 |
in Australia on SS Perth 03/02/44. Delivered
07/02/44 1AD ex UK. 548 Sqn RAF 11/04/44.
Coded TS-G. Stripped of camouflage. All
Natural Metal with Black Glare panel, Coded
TS-G.Accident 1615hrs 31/07/44 when aircraft,
following engine failure, crashed on takeoff
at Livingston NT, injuring pilot, F/Sgt R I
Buchan Serv#658955 (RAF). Rec 8CRD 22/09/44.
Converted to Components. |
A58-395 |
JG377 |
in Australia on SS Perth 03/02/44. Delivered
07/02/44 1AD ex UK. Rec 548Sqn RAF stripped of
camouflage and coded TS-I. Rec 7RSU Darwin
Civil, 31/07/44 for engine change. Rec 548Sqn
RAF 10/08/44.Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU
04/12/44. Returned to 548 Sqn RAF. Rec 6AD
23/09/45. Cat C Storage 22/03/46. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, SOC 15/11/48.
A58-396 |
JG420 |
07/02/44 1AD ex UK.Camouflaged stripped.
Allocated 548Sqn RAF 04/04/44. Accident
06/04/44 when on landing at Strathpine Strip
as the first MkVIII to be delivered to 548Sqn
RAF, overshot strip on landing and went
through fence. Pilot was F/O L Burchard.Rec
6Ad 05/05/44 for repairs. Allocated CFS
30/08/44. Canc. Stayed with 6AD stored due to
corrosion. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-397 |
JG423 |
in Australia on SS Perth 03/02/44. Delivered
07/02/44 1AD ex UK.Natural Metal.Rec 548Sqn
RAF 11/04/44.Rec 6AD 23/09/45 Camouflaged
Foliage Green 7RSU 24/10/44. Issued 54Sqn RAF
15/07/45. Rec 6AD 23/09/45. Authorised for
write off22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-398 |
JG425 |
in Australia on SS Perth 03/02/44. Delivered
07/02/44 1AD ex UK..Natural Metal,Rec 07/04/44
548 Sqn RAF Coded TS-Q. Camouflaged Foliage
Green 7RSU 7/11/44. Rec 6AD ex 548Sqn RAF
23/09/45. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-399 |
JG432 |
in Australia on SS Perth 03/02/44. Delivered
07/02/44. Rec 1AD 08/02/44 ex UK. Allocated to
54Sqn RAF 10/03/44. Suspended.30/03/44
Allocated to 548Sqn RAF and rec 11/04/44.
Aircraft hit obstruction on take-off at
Livingstone Strip 06/10/44 on night take-off
and landed at Darwin RAAF wheels up at
00.20hrs.Aircscrew damaged with all props
broken, with excessive damage to Main Plane
and cowl. Pilot, R/T Call sign"Bellboy 36",
Warrant Officer H T Hopkins Ser#1334614 (RAF)
"A" Flight 548Sqn RAF not injured. Repaired
and rec by 548Sqn RAF 12/03/45 ex 7RSU.
Completely burnt out after a wheels up landing
on undershoot at Truscott Field (Deployed for
two weeks from 10/05/45 with three other
squadron aircraft) WA 20/05/45.The Pilot was
extracted from burning aircraft. The Appliance
ran out of foam and had to re-store some three
miles away from fire, returning some 30
mininutes later to a burnt out wreck.Pilot was
Warrant Officer H J Vassie (RAF) who suffered
first degree burns.Aircraft total write-off.
Rec 8CRD 27/05/45.SOC 10/07/45. |
A58-400 |
MD223 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 29/02/44. Delivered
22/02/44 2AD ex UK.Rec 457Sqn RAAF 08/08/44.
Coded ZP-M .Rec 9RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF28/12/44. Named "Hopsy". Accident
08/01/45 when Brake Seized on takeoff at
Morotai causing aircraft to swing around and
skid into embankment. P/O A J Proctor
Serv#418174 not injured.Rec 09/02/45 at
9RSU.SOC 15/03/45 and converted to components. |
A58-401 |
MD226 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 29/02/44. Delivered
17/02/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
15/07/44.On flight from Sattler to Gorrie,
F/LtA G McNaughton Serv#416061 made forced
landing at Kathrine Civil Aerodrome NT at
1850hrs,after diverting due to severe raining
weather on the 04/12/44 . McNaughton made
three circuits of strip prior to engine
failing through icing up. HE was forced to
land on the grass parallel some 200 yards from
the W to E strip. Towards the end of his
landing run, his aircraft hit a 1 foot stump
in unprepared patch of ground causing the
aircraft lose its starboard wheel and eleo.
The aircraft flipped over. Rec 14ARD 08/12/44.
Rec 8CRD 11/12/44.SOC 15/03/45 and converted
to components. |
A58-402 |
MD232 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 29/02/44. Delivered
09/03/44 1AD ex UK. Rec 549Sqn RAF
16/04/44.Natural Metal.Coded ZF-C. Repainted
Forrest Green in October 1944. W/O Posse (Died
in Mid Air A58-300)flew this a/c regularly.
Rec 6AD 26/09/45.Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Cat E
01/10/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48. |
A58-403 |
MD238 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 29/02/44. Delivered
17/02/44 2AD ex UK.Rec 549Sqn RAF
05/05/44.Coded ZF-P. Due to engine failure,
forced landing with wheels up at Darwin Civil,
1130hrs, 21/11/44. Tore starboard mainplane
off, and after second impact, port mainplane
was torn off. Fuselage overturned. Pilot P/O J
P Maguire Ser# 158914 (RAF) 549Sqn RAF injured
, broken collar bone, lacerations and slight
concussion. SOC 8CRD 14/12/44 and converted to
components. |
A58-404 |
MD241 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 29/02/44. Delivered
22/02/44 2AD ex UK. Issued 549Sqn RAF
06/05/44. Rec 549Sqn RAF 05/05/44.Natural
Metal.Flown on intercept 21/08/44 buy F/O J P
Maguire Serv# 158914 (RAF). Rec 6AD ex 549Sqn
RAF 26/09/45 into storage. Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised for write off 27/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 through DAP. |
A58-405 |
JG467 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 29/02/44. Rec 1AD ex
UK 09/03/44. Issued and Rec 548 Sqn RAF
21/04/44 and coded TS-D. Camouflaged Foliage
Green 7RSU 10/44. Issued 54Sqn RAF 15/07/45 ex
548Sqn RAF. Rec 6AD Storage ex 54Sqn RAF
19/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.Authorised for
write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via
DAP. |
A58-406 |
JG481 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 29/01/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 09/03/44. Issued and Rec 549 Sqn RAF
03/05/44.Coded ZF-R. F/O Wareing flew this
aircraft.Camouflaged 7RSU 11/44. Rec 6AD
Storage ex 549 Sqn RAF 24/09/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46.Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-407 |
JG482 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 29/02/44. Delivered
09/03/44 1AD ex UK.Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
03/07/44.Rec 9RSU Res Pool 13/12/44.Rec 7RSU
ex 9RSU 13/02/45.Rec 6AD Storage ex 7RSU
18/09/45. Cat C Storage 01/02/46. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48
via DAP. |
A58-408 |
JG484 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 29/02/44. Rec
22/02/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 54Sqn RAF 06/06/44
Natural Metal. Coded DL-T. Camouflaged Foliage
Green 7RSU 11-12/44. Rec 7RSU ex 54Sqn RAF
18/06/45. Issued 6AD ex 7RSU 27/09/45. Rec
13ARD ex 6AD 03/10/45 after breakdown at
Cloncurry when flown by F/Lt Henry, with parts
from A58-414 at Cloncurry for repairs. Issued
6AD ex 13ARD 19/11/45. Rec 6AD into storage
20/11/45. Cat C Storage 01/02/46.Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48
via DAP. |
A58-409 |
JG604 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 29/02/44. Rec 1AD ex
UK 09/03/44. Issued and Rec 548 Sqn RAF
21/04/44 Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU 10/44.
Rec 6AD Storage ex 548 Sqn RAF 13/09/45.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46.Authorised for write off
22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via
DAP.Delivered 03/44. |
A58-410 |
JG607 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 29/02/44. Rec
22/02/44 2AD ex UK. Rec 14ARD 12/06/44 Natural
Metal.Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 15/06/44.Rec 457Sqn
RAAF ex 452 Sqn RAAF 06/12/44.Rec 9RSU Res
Pool 12/12/44.Rec 7RSU ex 9RSU 06/02/45. 7RSU
Survey report requests airframe to be
converted to components 21/02/45. Issued 8CRD
30/04/45 and Converted to Components. |
A58-411 |
JG611 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 29/02/44. Rec 1AD ex
UK 09/03/44. Issued and Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
03/07/44. Stalled on port wingtip on landing
at Satler Strip, 1020hrs 26/08/44 . Pilot F/Lt
A S Jones Serv#407003, 452 Sqn RAAF, caught
his G Suit on camera fire button when flaring,
and was unable to place forward his control
stick to prevent stall. Un-injured. Rec 452
Sqn ex 9RSU 09/09/44.Camouflaged Foliage Green
7RSU 10/44. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn RAAF
04/12/44. Rec 6AD Storage ex 14ARD 20/09/45.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46.Authorised for write off
22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-412 |
MD250 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 13/03/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 16/03/44. Issued and Rec 548 Sqn RAF
10/05/44 Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU 10/44.
Rec 6AD Storage ex 548 Sqn RAF 18/09/45.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46.Authorised for write off
22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via
DAP.Delivered 03/44. |
A58-413 |
MD281 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 13/03/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 16/03/44. Issued and Rec 548 Sqn RAF
11/05/44. Coded TS-L. Flown by W/O R Whichalo
25/09/44. Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU
10/44. Rec 6AD Storage ex 548 Sqn RAF
24/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.Authorised for
write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via
DAP. |
A58-414 |
MD283 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 13/03/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 16/03/44. Issued and Rec 549 Sqn RAF
07/05/44. Coded ZF-N. Camouflaged Foliage
Green 7RSU 10/44. W/O Merick 549Sqn RAF. Rec
7RSU ex 549Sqn RAF 03/07/45. Rec 6AD Storage
ex7RSU 01/10/45. Rec 13ARD ex 6AD as on route,
flown by F/Lt Tainton, had broken down at
Cloncurry Repaired by 11/12/45. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Converted to components 05/07/46. |
A58-415 |
MD300 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 13/03/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 16/03/44. Issued and Rec 549 Sqn RAF
10/05/44. Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU
10/44. Rec 6AD Storage ex 549Sqn RAF 26/09/45.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write
off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-416 |
MD317 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 13/03/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 16/03/44. Issued and Rec 549 Sqn RAF
10/05/44. Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU
10/44. Rec 6AD Storage ex 549Sqn RAF 24/09/45.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write
off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-417 |
JG485 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 07/04/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 26/04/44.Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool
29/08/44.Coolant Pipe repairs. Issued 22 RSU
Reserve Pool 26/01/45.Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
10/02/45 after ferrying to Morotai by F/Lt B L
Price Serv#70814 (RAF).Rec 9RSU 06/05/45. Rec
60 OBU (Morotai) ex 9RSU 30/10/45. Approval
requested to be converted to components due to
storage in tropicial area causing excessive
deterioration, 07/11/45. Approved to Convert
to Components 12/02/46. |
A58-418 |
JG533 |
3AD ex UK 26/04/44.Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool
08/08/44.Coolant Pipe repairs.Rec 457 Sqn RAAF
30/09/44.Coded ZP-Y. Rec 9RSU 02/01/45. Rec 7
RSU 14/02/45. Rec 549Sqn RAF 04/08/45. Rec
7RSU ex 549Sqn RAF 13/09/45. Rec 6AD Storage
ex 7RSU 22/09/45.Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-419 |
JG549 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 07/04/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 26/04/44.Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool
08/08/44.Coolant Pipe repairs.Rec 457 Sqn RAAF
14/09/44.Coded ZP-Y and named "Blondie". Rec
452 Sqn RAAF 10/12/44. Allocated 22RSU ex 452
Sqn RAAF for Service 21/12/44. Issued to 452
Sqn RAAF 23/12/44. Lost on operations when
aircraft forced landed on shore near
Dyawboelaon Termate Island, 13/01/45. F/Sgt E
M Stevenson Serv#432589. Missing presumed POW. |
A58-420 |
MD217 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 07/04/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 26/04/44.Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool
29/08/44.Coolant Pipe repairs. Issued 22RSU
25/01/45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 10/02/45. Rec 6AD
Storage ex 452 Sqn RAAF 06/11/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-421 |
MD234 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 07/04/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 26/04/44.Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool 29/08/44.
Rec 9RSU 23/10/44.Rec 14ARD RP
23/11/44.Coolant Pipe repairs. Rec 549Sqn RAF
28/04/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 549 Sqn RAF
24/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.Authorised for
write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via
DAP. |
A58-422 |
MT524 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 07/04/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 26/04/44.Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool 29/08/44.
Rec 14ARD 16/1244.Coolant Pipe repairs. Rec
14ARD RP 23/11/44.Coolant Pipe repairs.Rec
548Sqn RAF 20/08/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 548
Sqn RAF 13/09/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46.Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-423 |
MT525 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 07/04/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 26/04/44. Allocated 14ARD RP 20/09/44.
Allocation cancelled 06/11/44. Held 3AD.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write
off 22/05/46, to DAP 07/10/48. Sold 13/08/49. |
A58-424 |
LV647 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 07/04/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 26/04/44. Allocated to 14ARD Reserve Pool
02/08/44. Deferred until October 1944. Rec
Eagle Farm 05/08/44 by Joint RAAF/USAAF Unit -
Technical Air Intelligence Unit (TAIU). Flown
by S/Ldr Ken James RAAF used for comparison
tests with Captured Japanese "Tony" aircraft
at Eagle Farm up to 28/09/44. Issued14ARD RP
14/10/44. Aircraft damaged on transit at
15OBU. Rec 6AD ex 15OBU 27/10/44. Approval to
convert to components 24/10/45 at 6AD by 3CRD.
A58-425 |
LV649 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 07/04/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 26/04/44. Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool 08/08/44.
Landing Accident at Gorrie Airstrip 07/08/44,
W/O W K Eldrid. Approved convert to components
24/10/44.Issued to 8CRD 17/11/44. |
A58-426 |
LV740 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 07/04/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 26/04/44. Accident to tail Unit
24/09/44.Replaced with parts from A58-542. Rec
6AD for temporary storage 14/10/44. Allocated
79Sqn RAAF 01/11/44, cancelled 09/11/44.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write
off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-427 |
LV652 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 07/04/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 26/04/44. Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool 12/08/44.
Re-painted Foliage Green with Sky under, after
Cooler Pipe Repairs, 16/12/44. Rec 9RSU
10/03/45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 16/03/45.Coded
QY-Q, later QY-X. Rec 6AD Store ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 06/11/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP.
A58-428 |
MD286 |
in Australia on SS Clan MacIver 18/04/44. Rec
1AP ex UK 08/06/44.Rec 1AD ex 1AP 29/08/44.
Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool 06/09/44. Rec 457Sqn
RAAF 30/09/44. Rec 9RSU 02/01/45. Rec 7RSU ex
9RSU for repairs 10/02/45. Rec 54Sqn RAF
11/07/45. Coded DL-B. Rec 6AD Store ex 54Sqn
RAF 23/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-429 |
MD339 |
in Australia on SS Clan MacIver 18/04/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 20/04/44. Issued 452 Sqn RAAF
02/07/44. Rec 14ARD ex 452 Sqn RAAF 12/07/44
on route due to breakdown. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
30/07/44 ex 14ARD. Rec 9RSU 13/12/44.Rec 7RSU
ex 9RSU 12/02/45. Rec 54Sqn RAF 11/07/45. Rec
6AD Store ex 54Sqn RAF 23/09/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-430 |
MD341 |
in Australia on SS Clan MacIver 18/04/44. Rec
3AD ex UK 26/04/44.Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool
08/08/44.Coolant Pipe repairs.Rec 457 Sqn RAAF
14/09/44.Coded ZP-Y and named "Blondie". Rec
452 Sqn RAAF 10/12/44. Allocated 22RSU ex 452
Sqn RAAF for Service 21/12/44. Issued to 452
Sqn RAAF 23/12/44. Lost on operations when
aircraft forced landed on shore near
Dyawboelaon Termate Island, 13/01/45. F/Sgt E
M Stevenson Serv#432589. Missing presumed POW. |
A58-431 |
MD391 |
in Australia on SS Clan MacIver 18/04/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 21/04/44.Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool
12/08/44. Rec 14ARD fro minor airscrew repairs
08/09/44. Held for use by Wing Commander
Jeffrey and Coded "V" 12/10/44. Rec 7RSU
13/10/44. Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU
10/44. Fitted with 4 x 20mm Cannon Dec 1944
along with A58-482 at 7RSU. Rec 548Sqn RAF
06/08/45. Rec 6AD Store ex 548Sqn RAF
13/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48
via DAP. |
A58-432 |
MD396 |
in Australia on SS Clan MacIver 18/04/44. Rec
1AP ex UK 08/06/44.Rec 1AD ex 1AP 18/07/44.
Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool 05/08/44. Rec Natural
Metal to 54Sqn 13/08/44.Camouflaged 7 RSU
11/44.Rec 548 Sqn 19/07/45. Rec 6AD Store ex
548Sqn RAF 18/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-433 |
MD399 |
in Australia on SS Clan MacIver 18/04/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 21/04/44.Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
28/06/44.Rec 457Sqn RAAF 06/12/44.Rec 9RSU
12/12/44. Rec 7RSU 12/02/45 ex 9RSU. Rec 6AD
ex 9RSU 27/03/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-434 |
JG556 |
in Australia on SS Clan MacIver 18/04/44. Rec
1AP ex UK 08/06/44.Rec 1AD ex 1AP 31/08/44.
Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool 19/09/44. Rec 14ARD ex
14ARD RP for Fuel tanks and Gycol Pipes
repairs 16/12/44. Rec 79Sqn RAAF 27/01/45. Rec
9RSU 14/02/45.Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 17/02/45.
Missing on operations 09.50hrs 27/03/45 when
on two aircraft section sweep between Cape
Salimoeli and Kaoe in Halmaheras area. Other
Spitfire Pilot F/O W J Basey Serv#407613,
reported A58-434's pilot, F/O R H Cameron
Serv#401741 missing after he was lost sight of
and subsequently seemed to have disappeared
near Tobela Villiage. It was found later in
Japanese 37th Division records that the
aircraft had crashed at the south end of
Tobela Villiage some 500 metres from the
surrounding wall, after clipping coconut
trees. The pilot was seriously injured and
taken to the HQ of Wassia smaller section and
died. He was buried nearby.SOC 29/03/45. Body
Exhumed and returned to Morotai in 1946. |
A58-435 |
JG622 |
in Australia on SS Clan MacIver 18/04/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 21/04/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 07/07/44.
Coded ZP-B and named "Pegasus". Collided with
a B-24 one mile east of Cape Van Dieman,
Melville Island 1015hrs 18/09/44. Pilot, F/O A
K Kelly Serv#401968, Red Two, was killed.
Whilst on a Head attack, Red Three noticed
parts of a B-24 falling off and Red Two
spiralling down with his outer port wing from
the guns, missing. The aircraft crashed into
the sea without the pilot abandoning his
aircraft. Kelly had only been with 452 Sqn
RAAF for a week.SOC 23/09/44.The B-24 safely
landed. |
A58-436 |
MD380 |
in Australia on SS Kit Park 19/06/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 06/07/44. Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool
06/09/44. Rec 79Sqn RAAF 27/01/45. Enemy
action, 0730hrs 18/03/45 aircraft damaged by
Small arms fire in centre section, port and
starboard mainplanes, and perspex hood when on
straffing mission over Gelela Strip N W
Halmahera. Pilot, W/O E C Eccleston
Serv#412412 received bullet wound in left
thigh. Rec 9RSU 12/04/45. Rec 79Sqn RAAF
28/04/45. Accident when aircraft , suffering
gycol leak, groundlooped and hit embankment on
takeoff Pitoe Strip, Morotai 04/05/45. Pilot,
F/O W J Basey Serv#407613 not injured. Rec
9RSU 07/05/45. Converted to Components
12/07/45. |
A58-437 |
MD381 |
in Australia on SS Kit Park 19/06/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 06/07/44. Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool
06/09/44. Rec 9RSU 26/10/44. Rec 14ARD RP ex
9RSU 26/12/45. Rec 14ARD ex 14ARD RP 03/03/45.
Rec 54 Sqn RAF 10/04/45. Rec 6AD ex 54 Sqn RAF
13/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48
via DAP. |
A58-438 |
MD388 |
in Australia on SS Kit Park 19/06/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 06/07/44. Rec14ARD Reserve Pool
19/09/44. Allocated 14ARD repairs, cooling
system 16/12/44.Flown by W/O Franks to 549Sqn
RAF ex 14ARD. Rec 549Sqn RAF 22/04/45. Coded
ZF-V. Rec 6AD ex 54 Sqn RAF 24/09/45. Stored
Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write off
22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-439 |
JG664 |
in Australia on SS Mit Park 19/06/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 06/07/44. Rec14ARD Reserve Pool
25/09/44.Allocated 14ARD repairs, cooling
system 16/12/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF27/07/45. Rec
6AD ex 54 Sqn RAF 23/09/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-440 |
JG665 |
in Australia on SS Mit Park 19/06/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 06/07/44. Rec14ARD Reserve Pool
06/09/44. Rec 9RSU Reserve Pool 06/12/44. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF 13/12/44.Allocated 452 Sqn RAAF
23/12/44. Enemy action, afternoon of 07/01/45
when on straffing run was hit by ground fire
over Halmaheras. Hit behind in the cockpit
seat, the aircraft immediately cut out but
resumed. The Pilot, P/O Hugh Southerland
MacNeill Serv# 432834, assumed that his gycol
lines had been damaged. He tried to nurse his
aircraft back but crashed some three miles
from the Pitoe Strip in heavily forrested
jungle at Cape Gela, Morotai NEI, 1836hrs
07/01/45.With canopy slide back, the pilot was
thrown clear of aircraft on landing and was
dragged away from the burning wreck by Lt John
L Ranney USAAF of the 822 Bomb Squadron, 38th
Bomb Group. He was sent to the 155th American
Station Hospital were he underwent immediate
surgery on a fractured skull and other
injuries. Rec 11RSU 16/01/45. Issued for
Conversion 9RSU 03/03/45. |
A58-441 |
JG668 |
in Australia on SS Mit Park 19/06/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 06/07/44. Rec14ARD Reserve Pool
06/09/44.Rec 9RSU ex 14ARD RP 23/10/44. Rec
14ARD RP 23/11/44. Rec 14ARD 16/12/44. Rec 6AD
ex 14ARD 01/10/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. Restoration underway UK to
be registerd G-CFGA owned by The Pembrokeshire
Spitfire Aeroplane Company located at
Withybush Airfield, Wales. |
A58-442 |
PA954 |
in Australia on SS Kitailana Park 19/06/44.
Rec 1AD ex UK 06/07/44. Allocated 14ARD
Reserve Pool 20/09/44. Cancelled. Allocated to
2OTU for CAAG Suit (Cotton Airman Anti
Gravity) training 20/10/44.Cancelled
27/10/44.Rec 8OTU 27/11/44. Rec 6AD Store ex
8OTU 28/11/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-443 |
PA957 |
in Australia on SS Kitailana Park 19/06/44.
Rec 1AD ex UK 06/07/44. This aircraft was
equipped with different airscrew governor,
type CGR/1A, linked to throttle arm of
carburettor. Also not fitted with
undercarriage horn alarm. Rec 6AD ex 1AD fro
temporay storage, 24/08/44. Allocated 79Sqn
RAAF 01/11/44. Cancelled 09/11/44. Held 6AD.
Allocated 8OTU 13/08/45. 2AD ferried aircraft
to 1AD 13/08/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 1AD
24/08/45. Allocation to 8OTU cancelled
25/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48
via DAP. |
A58-444 |
PA958 |
in Australia on SS Kitailana Park 19/06/44.
Rec 1AD ex UK 06/07/44. Rec 6AD ex 1AD for
storage 24/08/44.Allocated to 79Sqn RAAF
01/11/44. Allocation cancelled 09/11/44. With
6AD in Cat B Storage (flyable), Accident F/Lt
F R McCann crashed off the western perimeter
during attempted forced landing Oakey 2707/45
following engine failure. Issued 3CRD 14/11/45
for conversion to components. |
A58-445 |
MD228 |
in Australia on SS Hindustan 29/4/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 24/04/44. Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool
23/09/44. Rec 14ARD ex 14ARD RP for Fuel tanks
and Gycol Pipes repairs 16/12/44. Rec 6AD
Storage ex 14 ARD 01/10/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. Merlin 66 Engine
#158217. In store with Robert Eastgate,
Melbourne. |
A58-446 |
MD231 |
in Australia on SS Hindustan 29/4/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 01/05/44. Allocated 2AP ex 2AD for
co-operation with 162 Radar Station 05/07/44.
Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool 02/08/44. Rec 548 Sqn
RAF 10/08/44.Coded TS-P. Camouflaged Foliage
Green 7RSU 9/44. Issued 54Sqn RAF 15/07/45.
Rec 6AD Storage ex 54 Sqn RAF 23/10/45. Stored
Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write off
22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-447 |
MD253 |
in Australia on SS Hindustan 29/4/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 26/04/44.Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
19/08/44.Rec 14ARD ex 14ARD RP for Fuel tanks
and Gycol Pipes repairs 16/12/44. Rec 6AD
storage ex 14ARD 01/10/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-448 |
JG385 |
in Australia on SS Hindustan 18/04/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 21/04/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 15/07/44.Rec
9RSU 13/12/44.Rec 6AD storage ex 9RSU
04/01/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48
via DAP. |
A58-449 |
JG566 |
in Australia on SS Miss Clu 18/04/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 26/04/44. Allocated 2AP ex 2AD for
co-operation with 162 Radar Station 05/07/44.
Issued 14ARd Reserve Pool 07/08/44. Rec 1AD ex
14 ARD RP on-route, 21/08/44 after taxying
accident at Broken Hill which damaged
propellor 12/08/44.Pilot, F/O Gray, 2AP, not
injured. Allocated 1AD fro repairs
29/08/44.Allocated to 2OTU for CAAG Suit
(Cotton Airman Anti Gravity) training
20/10/44.Cancelled 27/10/44. Allocated 8OTU
27/10/44. Cancelled 05/06/45. Issued and
received 1AD store 01/02/46. Allocated School
Air Support for ground instruction(Must not be
flown) Williamtown, 04/03/47. Approval for
conversion to Instructional Airframe
18/04/47.Delivered ex Laverton to S.C.L.A.W.
Williamtown 09/12/48. Held by S.C.L.A.W.
02/02/51. Converted to Components 23/04/51.
Last Spitfire MKVIII held by RAAF. |
A58-450 |
JG605 |
in Australia on SS Miss Clu 18/04/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 25/04/44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
02/08/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 08/08/44. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF ex 457Sqn RAAF 16/08/44. Accident
1825hrs 01/12/44 when aircraft in company with
three other Spitfires of a ferry flight from
Sattler to Gorrie(See A58-401) landed at
Katherine due to weather. Holding off and
making several dummy runs, due to the crash of
A58-401 on strip, made a landing on a runway
that was partially under repair at one end.
The pilot, F/O R L Logan Serv#412298,
following a successful landing, applied brakes
to avoid a ground collision with steam roller.
The aircraft continued roll and hit it at 20
mph.Damage to airscrew, starboard main plane,
undercarriage and engine. Rec 14ARD 08/12/44.
Rec 7RSU ex 14ARD 07/02/45. Issued 8CRD for
conversion to components 30/04/45. |
A58-451 |
JG609 |
2AD ex UK 26/04/44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
02/08/44. Rec 548 Sqn RAF 10/08/44.Camouflaged
Foliage Green 7RSU 8-9/44. Issued 54 Sqn RAF
15/07/45. Rec 6AD storage ex 54 Sqn RAF
23/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48
via DAP. |
A58-452 |
JG613 |
2AD ex UK 24/04/44. Rec 6 AD for temporary
storage 08/09/44. Allocated 79Sqn RAAF
01/11/44. Cancelled 09/11/44. Held 6AD.
Allocated 8OTU 13/08/45. Allocation cancelled
13/08/45 on route with 2AD ferry flight. Rec
6AD ex 2AD Ferry 08/09/45.Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-453 |
LV644 |
2AD ex UK 26/04/44. Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool
02/08/44. Rec 548Sqn RAF 06/08/44.Coded TS-A.
Camouflaged Foliage Green 7RSU 9/44.W/O
Shorland Serv#1315721 (RAF) flew it 20/03/45
with Radio Call Sign "Bellboy 32". Rec 6AD ex
548Sqn RAF ferry 22/09/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP.
A58-454 |
LV657 |
2AD ex UK 26/04/44. Rec 14ARD Reserve Pool
29/08/44. Rec 548Sqn RAF 06/11/44. Rec 7RSU ex
548Sqn RAF 06/11/44 for personal aircraft of
Group Captain B Walker DSO, Wing Commander,
1st Fighter Wing 1944-45.Rec 548Sqn RAF ex
7RSU 12/03/45. Issued 54Sqn ex 548Sqn RAF
15/07/45. Rec 548Sqn RAF ex 54 Sqn RAF
27/08/45. Rec 6AD ex 548 Sqn RAF ferry
18/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised
for write off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48
via DAP. |
A58-455 |
LV727 |
2AD ex UK 01/05/44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
11/09/44. Rec 14ARD ex 14ARD RP for Fuel tanks
and Gycol Pipes repairs 16/12/44. Issued 6AD
storage ex 14ARD 01/10/45. Rec 13ARD ex 14ARD
(6AD Ferrry) for repairs 13/10/45.Rec 6AD ex
13ARD 26/11/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-456 |
MD251 |
1AP ex UK 29/05/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP
23/06/44.Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 03/07/44.Rec
14ARD ex 452 Sqn RAAF 04/12/44. Held 14ARD
Storage. Rec 6AD ex 14 ARD 01/10/45. Stored
Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write off
22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-457 |
MD296 |
1AP ex UK 25/05/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP
23/06/44.Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD
02/07/44.Coded ZP-Z as S/Ldr T H Trimble's a/c
"Sweet as a song" under pennant and black
spinner with white ring at rear. Rec 9 RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 09/01/45. Rec 7RSU ex 9RSU
10/02/45 for Fuel tanks and Gycol Pipes
repairs. Alocated 9RSU ex 7 RSU 16/05/45.
Cancelled. Rec 6AD ex 7 RSU 18/09/45. Stored
Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write off
22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP.
A58-458 |
MD297 |
1AP ex UK 29/05/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 30/06/44.
Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 17/07/44.Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF 10/12/44. Rec 9RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
06/05/45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 9RSU 21/06/45.
Accident 17/07/45 when on abortive flight from
Morotai, via Zamboanga to Tarakan, was making
a landing when after a abortive landing
commenced another circuit. Carrying a 90
gallon slipper tank, he jettisoned it out to
sea and made a emergency landing with a hung
starboard main gear at Pitoe Strip, Morotai.
The Pilot, F/Sgt B F Gurney Serv#439285,
kepted the starboard wing up as long as
possible using his rudder, dropped the wing
and ran up onto the bank of 002 Runway and
stopped. Allocated 14RSU 22/09/45. Approved
Converted to Components 19/09/45. |
A58-459 |
MD298 |
1AP ex UK 12/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP
30/06/44.Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 17/07/44.Rec
14ARD ex 457Sqn RAAF 04/12/44. Held 14ARD
Storage. Rec 6AD ex 14 ARD 01/10/45. Stored
Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write off
22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-460 |
MD299 |
1AP ex UK 25/05/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP
21/06/44.Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 02/07/44.Rec
9 RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 09/01/45. Rec 9 RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 09/01/45. Rec 7RSU ex 9RSU
10/02/45 for Fuel tanks and Gycol Pipes
repairs. Rec 54 Sqn RAF 01/07/45. Rec 6AD ex
54 Sqn RAF 13/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-461 |
MD315 |
1AP ex UK 25/05/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP
28/06/44.Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 17/07/44.Rec
14 ARD for Fuel tanks and Gycol Pipes repairs
ex 457Sqn RAAF 04/12/44.Held storage. Rec 548
Sqn RAF 20/08/45 and coded TS-P. Rec 6AD ex
548 Sqn RAF 22/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-462 |
MD337 |
1AP ex UK 25/05/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP
19/07/44.Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool ex 1AD
10/08/44.Natural Metal to 54Sqn.Camouflaged 7
RSU 11/44. Accident 19/07/45, at auxilary
Centre Fighter Strip, Darwin when aircraft ran
off strip due to high cross winds.Pilot was
P/O F R Booker Serv#1316094 (RAF) uninjured.
Rec 7 RSU ex 54 Sqn RAF 23/07/45. Issued 8CRD
for conversion 17/09/45. Approval for
conversion 18/10/45. |
A58-463 |
JG466 |
1AP ex UK 29/05/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP
23/06/44.Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 17/07/44.Rec
9 RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 09/01/45. Rec 9 RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 09/01/45. Rec 7RSU ex 9RSU
13/02/45 for Fuel tanks and Gycol Pipes
repairs. Rec 6AD ex 7 RSU 15/10/45. Stored Cat
C 01/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-464 |
JG557 |
1AP ex UK 29/05/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 30/08/44.
Allocated 14ARD Reserve Pool 20/09/44.
Cancelled. Allocated to 2OTU for CAAG Suit
(Cotton Airman Anti Gravity) training
20/10/44.Cancelled 27/10/44. Rec 8OTU
02/11/44. Rec 6AD Store ex 8OTU 28/11/45.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write
off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-465 |
MT545 |
1AP ex UK 29/05/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 28/06/44.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF 17/07/44.Coded ZP-H. Rec 9 RSU
19/12/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 10/02/45. Allocated
9 RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 02/05/45. Allocated 452
Sqn RAAF 04/05/45. Lost following a straffing
attack on Japanese Huts on the Somba Keoang
River, North East Borneo area 02/07/45. Pilot,
F/Lt A J Proctor Serv#418174 radioed that his
engine oil pressure was gone. He was seen
trying to gain altitude to bail out, but
crashed into enemy occupied hills and
exploded. Post war, his remains were recovered
at site near Noenoekan, North East Borneo and
interned at the Batavia Military Cemetary,
Mentang Pulao, NEI on 08/02/46. SOC 18/07/45.
A58-466 |
MD252 |
1AP ex UK 12/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 23/06/44.
Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 17/07/44.Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF 10/12/44. Accident 0150hrs 13/01/45 when
aircraft was taking off on night patrol from
Pitoe Strip Morotai. The pilot, F/O F L Lumley
Serv#411587, was distracted by bright
torchlight on starboard side of strip.
Thinking that it was a signal to warn of water
truck or a vehicle traffic on strip, he swund
port and crashed.Pilot suffered lacerations
and burns. Rec
11RSU 16/01/45. Approval to convert to
components 03/03/45. |
A58-467 |
MD338 |
1AP ex UK 13/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 13/07/44.
Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 29/07/44. Camouflage
Foliage Green with White leading edge white .
Accident 06/11/44 with 457Sqn , F/Lt L A
Leeming took off 09.20hrs on shadow and
aerobatics over Shoal Bay NT. After some
aerobatics, the fuel pressure system failed
causing the engine to stop. He made a
successful wheels down landing on Shoal Bay
Beach at 11.00 hrs. After contacting local
Army unit by 105CU, aircraft was located and
repairs made with F/Lt Leeming taking off at
1710hrs. There is a AWM picture of this landed
aircraft on the beach. AWM Neg#PO2499006. Rec
14 ARD ex 457Sqn RAAF 04/12/44.Held Storage.
Issued 8CRD 03/09/45. Converted to components
01/10/45. |
A58-468 |
MD372 |
1AP ex UK 02/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 25/06/44.
Issued 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 25/07/44. Aircraft
damaged in ferry flight. Rec 14 ARD 31/07/44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 21/10/44. Rec 9 RSU
23/10/44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 23/11/44.
Rec 14 ARD for Fuel tanks and Gycol Pipes
repairs 16/12/44. Rec 6AD ex 14 ARD 01/10/45.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write
off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-469 |
MD376 |
1AP ex UK 13/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 23/06/44.
Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 29/07/44. Rec 9 RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 09/01/45. Rec 7 RSU ex 9RSU
13/02/45. Rec 54 Sqn RAF 04/08/45. Rec 6AD ex
54 Sqn RAF 23/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-470 |
JG558 |
1AP ex UK 12/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 11/07/44.
Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 17/07/44. Rec 9 RSU ex
457Sqn RAAF 09/01/45. Rec 7 RSU ex 9RSU
10/02/45. Rec 54 Sqn RAF 02/07/45. Rec 6AD ex
54 Sqn RAF 23/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-471 |
LV750 |
1AP ex UK 02/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 25/06/44.
Issued 457 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 02/07/44. Rec 14
ARD for Fuel tanks and Gycol Pipes repairs
04/12/44. Held Storage. Survey report
17/08/45. Issued 8CRD 03/09/45. Converted to
components 01/10/45. |
A58-472 |
MB960 |
1AP ex UK 02/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 27/07/44.
Issued 14 ARD Reserve Pool ex 1AD 11/08/44.
Accident 16/08/44 at Broken Hill. Pilot F/O C
G Fraser un-injured. Rec 6AD ex 14ARD RP
23/09/44. Approved to convert to components in
situ by 3 CRD Detachment Oakey
24/10/44.Recorded on RAAF File as a MKVII.
Refer File Spit File P116.jpg. |
A58-473 |
MD344 |
1AP ex UK 19/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 05/07/44.
Allocated 457 Sqn RAAF 20/07/44. Accident
21/07/44 on test flight when on landing at
Laverton RAAF, undercarriage collapsed. Pilot,
F/Lt R G Bennett escaped un-injured as
aircraft caught on fire. Issued 1 CRD to be
converted to components. SOC 22/08/44. |
A58-474 |
MD355 |
1AP ex UK 20/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 17/07/44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 05/08/44. Rec 54 Sqn
RAF 06/08/44.Natural Metal, coded DL-J.
Camouflaged Forest Green at 7RSU 24/11/44.
Accident 25/03/45 when F/O F F Thomas
Serv#155264 (RAF) 54Sqn RAF coming into land
at DARWIN Civil, damaged aircraft on landing
following airframe somersault. He was not
iunjured. Rec 7 RSU ex 54 Sqn RAF 26/03/45.
Issued 8CRD to be converted to components
06/04/45. SOC 24/04/45. |
A58-475 |
MD385 |
1AP ex UK 19/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 13/07/44.
Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 29/07/44.Rec 9 RSU ex 457Sqn
RAAF 02/01/45. Rec 7 RSU ex 9RSU 14/02/45. Rec
6AD ex 7 RSU 18/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-476 |
MT539 |
1AP ex UK 20/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 23/07/44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 05/08/44.Rec 54 Sqn
RAF Natural Metal Coded DL-W 09/08/44.
Camouflaged 7 RSU 11/44. Rec 6AD ex 54 Sqn RAF
10/03/45. Not to be issued pending further
instruction, HQ RAAF 10/08/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-477 |
MT541 |
1AP ex UK 19/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 19/07/44.
Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 15/08/44 Coded ZP-Q.Rec 452
Sqn RAAF 14/12/44 Coded QY-X. Rec 6AD ex 452
Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised for write off 22/05/46, struck off
15/11/48 via DAP. Photo Held QY-X at Oakey
Forrest Green, no White. |
A58-478 |
MT542 |
1AP ex UK 19/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 11/07/44.
Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 29/07/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
10/12/44. Accident 1054Hrs 17/12/44 at Merauke
Strip when being ferried to Morotai when
Pilot, F/Lt Sturn was involved in ground
collision on landing with A58-534 &
A58-325. He was killed. Aircraft was destroyed
by fire. SOC 01/02/45. |
A58-479 |
MT543 |
1AP ex UK 27/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 24/07/44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 05/08/44. Rec 54 Sqn
RAF Natural Metal Coded DL-H 13/08/44.
Camouflaged 7 RSU 11/44. Accident 0937hrs
17/06/45 during a 15 minute test flight at
Darwin. On completion of two circuits of
Darwin Strip, was coming in at 1250 feet with
gear down, when pilot throttled back which
resulted in engine coughing with a resultant
sheet of flames from engine. Pilot, F/O F F
Thomas Serv#155264 (RAF), appeared to turn
aircraft over to bale out as aircraft dived
into ground, exploding some 1/2 mile from
runway threshold. F/O Thomas buried at
Adelaide River War Cemetary on the 18/06/45.
Aircraft remains Converted to Components at
8CRD. SOC 11/07/45. He's previously was
involved in A58-474 Accident. |
A58-480 |
JG652 |
1AP ex UK 20/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 17/07/44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 05/08/44.Rec 54 Sqn
RAF Natural Metal Coded DL-Y 09/08/44.
Camouflaged 7 RSU 9/44. Rec 54Sqn RAF
06/10/44. Rec 6AD ex 54 Sqn RAF 23/09/45.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised for write
off 22/05/46, struck off 15/11/48 via DAP.
A58-481 |
JG653 |
1AP ex UK 27/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 17/07/44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool Natural Metal
05/08/44. Accident 05/08/44 landing accident
at Gorrie Strip when Port Eleo collapsed.
Pilot F/Lt I Thompson uninjured. Rec 14 ARD
for repairs 09/08/44.Held not repaired. Issued
8CRD 03/09/45. SOC 01/10/45. |
A58-482 |
JG655 |
1AP ex UK 19/06/44.Rec 1AD ex 1AP 05/07/44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 29/07/44. Rec 548 Sqn
RAF natural metal and coded TS-M 24/08/44.
Flown Darwin Civil 09/09/44 to be camouflaged
7RSU. 4 20 mm cannons fitted at 7RSU 11/44
along with A58-431 12/44. Re-Coded TS-V as
personal aircraft of Sqn Ldr E D Glaser DFC.
Rec 6AD ex 548 Sqn RAF 13/09/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP.
A58-483 |
JG659 |
1AP ex UK 19/06/44. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 11/07/44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 15/08/44.Rec 9 RSU ex
14 ARD RP 16/12/44. Rec 549 Sqn RAF 28/04/45.
Rec 6AD ex 549 Sqn RAF 24/09/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised for write off 22/05/46,
struck off 15/11/48 via DAP. |
A58-484 |
JG543 |
1AP ex UK 20/06/44. Accident 06/07/44 at
Laverton when on take-off, engine cut, forcing
Test Pilot, F/O C M Sinclair (1AP) to make
forced landing. Rec 1AD ex 1AP 17/07/44. Rec
457 Sqn RAAF 19/09/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
08/11/44. Rec 9 RSU 14/11/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
10/12/44. Coded CR-C for personal use of 1st
Fighter Wing Commander and coded CR-C.
Allotted 6AD ex 452 Sqn for crating and then
transport to storage 27/10/45.Cancelled.
Allocated 13 ARD for engine change to be
ferried to 6AD, 09/11/45.Cancelled. Approved
to be converted to components 25/01/46 on site
at Morotai. SOC 31/01/46. RAAFSpitfire VIII,
A58-484 (British serial JG543) at Morotai in
March 1945; one of three Spitfire MkVIII's
allocated to Clive R Caldwell. Pilot initials
'CR-C' were sky blue, spinner and fuselage
band in white with black bands.
A58-485 |
JG650 |
3AD ex UK 04/07/44.Allocated 6AD for temporary
storage 30/08/44. Rec 6AD 29/09/44.Allocated
79 Sqn RAAF 01/11/44. Cancelled 09/11/44.
Issued Test and Flight Squadron, 1AD 27/12/44.
Allocated AIU(Air Intercept Unit) for F/Lt
Whetters 25/02/45. Rec 1AD Storage ex T&F
Squadron 12/03/46. Cat C Storage 22/03/46. Cat
E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised for write off
22/05/46, Passed to DAP 19/05/48. SOC
08/08/49. |
A58-486 |
JG666 |
3AD ex UK 04/07/44.Allocated 6AD for temporary
storage 30/08/44. Rec 6AD 29/09/44.Allocated
79 Sqn RAAF 01/11/44.Issued 8OTU ex 6AD
24/08/45. Rec 2AD storage ex 8OTU 26/02/46.
Authorised Write-off 24/05/46. Passed to DAP
24/06/48. SOC 16/09/49. |
A58-487 |
JG689 |
3AD ex UK 04/07/44.Allocated 6AD for temporary
storage 30/08/44. Rec 6AD 14/10/44.Allocated
79 Sqn RAAF 01/11/44. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
06/12/44. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF 15/01/45. Rec
79 Sqn RAAF and coded UP-S 09/03/45. Damaged
in engine by light enemy AA 1830hrs 01/05/45
over west side of Galela Strip at 2500 feet.
Pilot, F/Lt E Luckie Serv#401705 made a safe
return and landing without injury. Repaired.
Accident 1000 hrs 17/09/45 at Pitoe Airstrip
when A58-526 piloted by F/Lt R B McPherson
Serv#407245 collided with A58-487 piloted by
W/O K Dunstan Serv#427988, on landing. Dunstan
suffered contrusions, abrasions and severe
shock. Alloted to 60OBU for conversion
19/10/45. SOC 02/01/46. |
A58-488 |
PA953 |
3AD ex UK 04/07/44.Allocated 6AD for temporary
storage 30/08/44. Rec 6AD 29/09/44.Held Stored
6AD 01/10/44. Allocated 79 Sqn RAAF 01/11/44.
Allocation cancelled 01/12/44, replaced by
A58-545. Held Stored 6AD. Stored Cat C
01/02/46. Authorised Write-off 24/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-489 |
MT509 |
3AD ex UK 04/07/44.Allocated 6AD for temporary
storage 30/08/44. Rec 6AD 06/10/44. Allocated
79 Sqn RAAF 01/11/44. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
06/12/44. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF 15/01/45. Rec
79 Sqn RAAF and Coded UP-L 23/03/45. Damaged
slightly by enemy AA Fire 1430 hrs 10/05/45 to
starboard mainplane over Doro Villiage. Pilot,
F/Lt J D Rumbold Serv#408704 not injured. Rec
9RSU 15/05/45. Post war accident 0930hrs
22/09/45 when aircraft, now coded as UP-E, was
flying low over Galela Lake piloted by W/O C W
Leahy Serv#431683. Aircraft's airscrew struck
water with the aircraft breaking up on contact
and sinking. |
A58-490 |
MT511 |
3AD ex UK 04/07/44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
16/10/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 12/12/44. Rec 9RSU
ex 452 Sqn RAAF 06/05/45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex
9RSU 15/09/45. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF
02/11/45.Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised
Write-off 24/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-491 |
MT517 |
3AD ex UK 04/07/44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve
Pool 30/08/44. Cancelled 06/11/44. Held at 3AD. Stored
Cat C 22/03/46. Authorised Write-off 24/05/46.
Passed to DAP 10/12/48. SOC 13/08/49. |
A58-492 |
MT518 |
3AD ex UK 04/07/44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve
Pool 30/08/44.Cancelled 06/11/44. Rec 6AD
Store 14/11/44. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 06/12/44. Rec
6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF 15/01/45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
and coded UP-B 09/03/45. With 79 Sqn, named
"Mac III" by it's pilot, Flying Officer Hugh
Kennare. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF 30/10/45.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised Write-off
22/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
A58-493 |
MT593 |
3AD ex UK 04/07/44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve
Pool 30/08/44. Cancelled 06/11/44.Held at 3AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Authorised Write-off
24/05/46. Passed to DAP 10/12/48. SOC
13/08/49. |
A58-494 |
MB959 |
3AD ex UK 04/07/44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
25/10/44. Rec 54 Sqn RAF 01/12/44.Rec 6AD ex
54 Sqn RAF 13/09/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP
07/11/47. SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-495 |
MT510 |
1AD ex UK 14/07/44. Allocated 6AD for
temporary storage 21/08/44. Rec 6AD 24/08/44.
Allocated 79 Sqn RAAF 01/11/44. Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF 03/01/45. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF
15/01/45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex 6AD and coded
UP-J 09/03/45. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF
05/11/45. Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Authorised
Write-off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-496 |
MT596 |
1AD ex UK 16/07/44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
15/08/44. Rec 9 RSU 11/12/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
13/12/44. Allocated 22 RSU for service
21/12/44. Allocated 452 Sqn RAAF 23/12/44. Rec
6AD ex 452 Sqn RAAF 06/11/45. Stored Cat C
01/02/46.Cat E Storage 01/10/46. Authorised
Write-off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-497 |
MT607 |
1AD ex UK 12/07/44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
15/08/44. Rec 9 RSU 12/10/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF
and coded RG-V for 80 Fighter Wing CO
07/11/44. Rec 9 RSU 17/11/44. Accident 0815
hrs 04/12/44 when aircraft in circuit over
Sattler Strip had engine cut in flight, whilst
piloted by WgCdr R H Gibbs. A fire started at
100ft. He forced landed the aircraft on
Sattler Strip. Unable to extract himself out
of the moving aircraft as the fire worsen, he
kicked the rudder to throw himself out of
aircraft, successfully. He suffered burns to
his face and hands. Aircraft was destroyed by
fire. Issued to 8CRD 19/12/44.Converted to
components. SOC 22/12/44. |
A58-498 |
MT624 |
1AD ex UK 12/07/44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
15/08/44. Rec 54 Sqn RAF and coded DL-D
07/12/44. Rec 6AD ex 54 Sqn RAF 13/09/45.
Stored Cat C 01/02/46. Cat E Storage 01/10/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Passed to DAP
07/11/47. SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-499 |
MT626 |
1AD ex UK 12/07/44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve
Pool 10/08/44.Cancelled 11/08/44. Accident
13/08/44 when aircraft nosed over on soft
ground, damaging airscrew. NFDs. Rec 1 APU
Laverton 22/08/44 for TR5043 radio
installation trials. Accident 21/05/45 when
testing Radio installation in flight at
Laverton when aircraft was forced landed by
S/Ldr B E Hughes due to engine problems. Pilot
un-injured but aircraft heavily damaged.
Issued 1CRD ex 1 APU 22/05/45. SOC 05/07/45. |
A58-500 |
MT649 |
1AD ex UK 16/07/44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
15/08/44. Rec 9 RSU 26/10/44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
and coded QY-D 10/12/44. Rec 9 RSU 06/05/45.
Rec 60 OBU ex 9 RSU 30/10/45.Authorised
Write-off in location, Morotai 12/02/46. |
A58-501 |
JG691 |
on SS Port M Q 21.05.44Rec 1AD ex UK 12.07.44.
Allocated 6AD for temporary storage 21.08.44.
Rec 6AD 24.08.44. Allocated 79 Sqn RAAF
01.11.44. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 06.12.44. Rec 6AD ex
79 Sqn RAAF 15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex 6AD
and coded UP-H 09.03.45.Rec 9RSU 20.08.45. Rec
79 Sqn RAAF 15.10.45. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF
05.11.45. Stored Cat C 01.02.46. Authorised
Write-off 22.05.46. Passed to DAP 07.11.47.
SOC 15.11.48. |
A58-502 |
MB970 |
on SS Fort McLaurie 07.07.44Rec 1AD ex UK
12.07.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 06.09.44.
Rec 9 RSU 26.10.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 10.12.44.
Rec 22 RSU for service 21.12.44. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF 23.12.44.Landing Accident Croydon Strip
Tarakan 14.07.45, when aircraft overshot most
of strip and landed and flipped over on back.
Pilot, F.O Dennert lucky to have escaped as
cockpit was in water filled hole. Rec 11 RSU
18.07.1945. Authorised Write-off in location,
Morotai 12.02.46.
A58-503 |
MB972 |
on SS Fort McLaurie 07.07.44Rec 1AD ex UK
16.07.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 19.09.44.
Rec 9 RSU 05.12.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
10.12.44.Accident Croydon Strip Tarakan
10.09.45 when on take-off, lost boost and
aborted take-off and crashed off strip
damaging airscrew, mainplanes and cowl. Pilot
, F.Sgt D Halliday Serv#437662 uninjured. Rec
11 RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF 13.09.45. Conversion
completed before approval on 08.10.45.
Approval 03.12.45.
A58-504 |
MB974 |
on SS Fort McLaurie 07.07.44Rec 1AD ex UK
12.07.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 06.09.44.
Rec 9 RSU 05.12.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 10.12.44
and coded QY-R. Allocated 22 RSU for servicing
21.12.44. Allocated 452 Sqn RAAF 23.12.44.
Flown by F.Sgt Tapp, W.O Byrnes,F.O Barton,
P.O Weger, F.L McNaughton and F.L Cormack
regularly on operations.Accident 14.04.45 Rec
9 RSU 17.04.45 ex 452 Sqn RAAF. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF Rec 6AD ex 452 Sqn RAAF 06.11.45. Stored
Cat C 01.02.46. Cat E Storage 01.10.46.
Authorised Write-off 22.05.46. Passed to DAP
07.11.47. SOC 15.11.48.
A58-505 |
MT502 |
on SS Sapperton Park 10.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
21.07.44. Rec 6AD ex 2AD 19.08.44.Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF and Coded UP-D 20.12.44.Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn
RAAF 15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex 6AD and
Coded UP-S 21.04.45. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF
30.10.45. Stored Cat C 01.02.46. Cat E Storage
01.10.46. Authorised Write-off 22.05.46.
Passed to DAP 07.11.47. SOC 15.11.48. |
A58-506 |
MT503 |
on SS Sapperton Park 10.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
21.07.44. Rec 6AD ex 2AD 09.10.44. Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF and Coded UP-U 06.12.44. Rec 6AD ex 79
Sqn RAAF 15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex 6AD
21.04.45. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF 30.10.45.
Stored Cat C 01.02.46. Cat E Storage 01.10.46.
Authorised Write-off 22.05.46. Passed to DAP
07.11.47. SOC 15.11.48. |
A58-507 |
MT508 |
on SS Sapperton Park 10.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
20.07.44. Rec 6AD ex 2AD 25.08.44. Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF 06.12.44. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF
15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex 6AD 15.03.45. Rec
6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF 30.10.45. Stored Cat C
01.02.46. Cat E Storage 01.10.46. Authorised
Write-off 22.05.46. Passed to DAP 07.11.47.
SOC 15.11.48. |
A58-508 |
MT512 |
on SS Sapperton Park 10.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
11.07.44. Rec 6AD ex 2AD 19.08.44. Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF and Coded UP-E 09.01.45. Rec 6AD ex 79
Sqn RAAF 15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex 6AD
23.03.45. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF 30.10.45.
Stored Cat C 01.02.46. Cat E Storage 01.10.46.
Authorised Write-off 22.05.46. Passed to DAP
07.11.47. SOC 15.11.48. |
A58-509 |
MT513 |
on SS Sapperton Park 10.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
21.07.44. Rec 6AD ex 2AD 06.09.44. Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF and Coded UP-T 06.12.44. Rec 6AD ex 79
Sqn RAAF 15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 26.03.45.
Issued 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF 26.10.45. Accident
29.10.45 during ferry flight to 6AD by 79Sqn
RAAF when aircraft suffered brake failure when
landing at Rockhamption. Pilot, F.Lt W J Basey
Serv#407613 uninjured (His fourth Spitfire
accident 1943-1945). Allocated 6AD ex 79 Sqn
RAAF 26.10.45. Allocated 6CRD ex 6AD 30.10.45.
Converted to Components 05.02.46. |
A58-510 |
MT540 |
on SS Sapperton Park 10.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
21.07.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool ex 2AD
11.09.44. Allocated 549 Sqn RAF 18.11.44.
Allocation Cancelled 30.12.44. Allocated 14
ARD for Fuel tanks and Gycol Pipes repairs
16.12.44.Allocated 22 RSU Reserve Pool
30.12.44.Issued 22 RSU 09.01.45.Accident
Darwin 30.01.45 following test flight. Rec 452
Sqn RAAF 10.02.45. Accident 16.10.45 when
apilot, W.O R J Webb made heavy landing at
Croydon Strip, Tarakan, collapsing
undercarriage legs. Rec 22RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
22.10.45. Approval to convert to components
27.11.45. |
A58-511 |
JG684 |
on SS Sapperton Park 10.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
19.07.44. Rec 6AD ex 2AD 19.08.44. Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF 30.12.44. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF
15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 12.04.45. Damaged in
flight during recovery from highspeed dive,
place undue stress on airframe, 30.04.45.
Aircraft at 44OBU. NFDs. To be crated and sent
to 6AD 04.05.45. Rec 6AD (CMU) ex 79 Sqn RAAF
16.05.46. Authorised Write-off 22.05.46.
Passed to DAP 07.11.47. SOC 15.11.48. |
A58-512 |
JG685 |
on SS Sapperton Park 10.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
21.07.44. Rec 6AD ex 2AD 31.08.44. Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF and coded UP-Y 01.01.45. Rec 6AD ex 79
Sqn RAAF 15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex 6AD
09.03.45. Rec 9 RSU ex 79 Sqn RAAF 20.08.45.
Allocated 60 OBU 23.10.45. Approval on site,
Tarakan, to convert to components 13.12.45. |
A58-513 |
JG687 |
on SS Sapperton Park 10.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
21.07.44. Rec 6AD ex 2AD 21.08.44. In tempoary
storage.Resprayed in Forrest Green. Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF and coded UP-X 06.12.44. Australian
Victory Bonds first Spitfire purchase.Forward
cockpit "AVB, The 1st." . Flown by S.Ldr Ron
Susans on occasions. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF
15.01.45.Rec 79 Sqn RAAF ex 6AD 26.03.45.
Allocated 60 OBU 23.10.45 for storage.
Approval on site, Tarakan, to convert to
components 13.12.45. |
A58-514 |
MB968 |
on SS Sapperton Park 10.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
19.07.44. Rec 6AD ex 2AD 09.09.44.Resprayed in
Forrest Green. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 06.12.44. Rec
6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF 15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
29.03.45. Accident 1135hrs 16.05.45 on landing
at Pitoe Strip Tarakan, following a sortie to
Galela Strip with 12 other Spitfires of 79 Sqn
RAAF. Undercarriaged collapsed after 100 yard
run with the aircraft swinging off strip.
Pilot, F.Lt R B McPherson Serv#407245
un-injured. Rec 9 RSU 18.05.45. Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF 15.09.45. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF
02.11.45. Stored Cat C 01.02.46. Authorised
Write-off 22.05.46. Passed to DAP 07.11.47.
SOC 15.11.48. |
A58-515 |
MT519 |
on SS Leaside Park 17.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
24.07.44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve Pool
01.09.44. Cancelled 06.11.44. Rec 9 RSU
Reserve Pool ex 2AD 23.07.45. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF
ex 9 RSU RP and coded ZP-Q 02.08.45. Accident
on landing at Labaun Strip whilst on delivery
to 457 Sqn RAAF 02.08.45.Pilot F.Sgt P D Cogan
un-injured. Rec 9RSU ex 457 Sqn RAAF 11.08.45.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF 18.09.45. Rec 1 RSU ex 457 Sqn
RAAF 01.11.45. Issued to 84 OBU with approval
requested to convert to components 17.12.45.
SOC 11.01.46. Nb: This was an odd allocation
in late 1945 since it was a MkVIII LF, whereas
all of the operational aircraft of 457Sqn RAAF
were MkVIII HFs(A58-600 plus) in 1945. |
A58-516 |
JG690 |
on SS Tee Park 21.05.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
24.07.44. Rec 2AP ex 2AD 13.09.44. Rec 2AD ex
2AP 30.09.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
16.10.44. Rec 9 RSU 07.12.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
and coded QY-T 10.12.44. Damaged during
strafing by 40mm explosion, but landed safely.
Pilot, WgCdr R H Gibbs un-injured. Rec 9 RSU
for repairs 12.04.45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
15.06.45. All over Fr Green with Sky unders.
Accident 17.07.45 when F.Sgt B F Gurney
returning from Sepinggan Strip misjudged
landing and touch short of threshold at
Balikpapan. Aircraft burned after pilot
escaped. Rec 9RSU 19.07.45. Issued 09.08.45 to
be converted to components. SOC 06.09.45.
A58-517 |
MT594 |
on SS Rimu 15.07.44. Rec 1AD ex UK 19.07.44.
Rec 6AD Storage ex 2AD 24.08.44. Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF and coded UP-F 10.12.44. Australian
Victory Aircraft 2nd donated Spitfire a.c
named " HAVA-GO-JO".F.O Norman Smithell's flew
it regularly.Allocated 6AD 13.01.45. Rec 6AD
15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 09.03.45. Rec 9 RSU
ex 79 Sqn RAAF 02.08.45.Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
15.09.45. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn RAAF 30.10.45.
Stored Cat C 01.02.46. Authorised Write-off
22.05.46. Stored Cat E 01.10.46. Passed to DAP
07.11.47. SOC 15.11.48. |
A58-518 |
MT618 |
on SS Rimu 15.07.44. Rec 1AD ex UK 19.07.44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 06.09.44. Rec 9 RSU
20.10.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 10.12.44. One of
WgCdr Caldwells spare aircraft coded CR-C
.Usually flown by F.Lt McCormack mid 1945.
Missing on divebombing and strafing operations
over Tawao in North East Borneo 10.07.45. F.Lt
Norman J Cullen Serv#406070 missing.SOC as
Missing on Ops 25.07.45.
A58-519 |
MT620 |
on SS Rimu 15.07.44. Rec 1AD ex UK 19.07.44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 22.09.44. Rec 9 RSU
Reserve Pool ex 06.12.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
9 RSU RP 14.12.44. Accident 24.12.44 Ten
minutes after take-off from Morotai Strip and
at 4500 feet, the pilot reported that the
engine stopped. After unsuccessfully trying to
re-start engine, the pilot baled out at 2000
feet and was seen to land successfully in the
sea near the impact site. When ASR arrived,
all they found was the parachute. Pilot, F.O I
A Markwell Serv#414054 missing, presumed
drowned. SOC 19.12.45. |
A58-520 |
MT655 |
on SS Rimu 15.07.44. Rec 1AD ex UK 19.07.44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 06.09.44. Rec 9 RSU
Reserve Pool ex 23.10.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
9 RSU RP 18.12.44. Accident 18.12.44 when
aircraft was on ferry flight to 452 Squadron
RAAF, aircraft returned to Merauke New Guinea,
due to bad weather. On landing , the port eleo
was torn out of wing and the aircraft crashed
after colliding with other Spitfires. Pilot,
F.O I A Markwell Serv#414054 was not injured
(see A58-534.378.525). Issued 6CRD ex 452 Sqn
RAAF for conversion to components 22.02.45. |
A58-521 |
MD351 |
on SS Lycaon 13.06.44. Rec 2AD ex UK 29.07.44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 23.09.44. Rec 9 RSU
Reserve Pool ex 29.10.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex
9 RSU RP 14.12.44. Allocated 22 RSU for
servicing 21.12.44. Allocated 452 Sqn RAAF
23.12.44. Rec 11 RSU ex 452 Sqn RAAF
14.11.45.Converted to Components 13.11.45. SOC
14.12.45. |
A58-522 |
MT514 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
29.07.44. Rec 6AD Storage ex 2AD 08.09.44. Rec
79 Sqn RAAF, coded UP-A and named "HAL-FAR"
06.12.44. Allocated 6AD 13.01.45 for fuel tank
and coolant pipes repairs. Rec 6AD 15.01.45.
Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 21.04.45. Rec 6AD ex 79 Sqn
RAAF 05.11.45. Stored Cat C 01.02.46.
Authorised Write-off 22.05.46. Stored Cat E
01.10.46. Passed to DAP 07.11.47. SOC
15.11.48. |
A58-523 |
MT547 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
03.08.44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve Pool
20.09.44.Cancelled 22.09.44. Rec 5OTU ex 2AD
10.10.44. Rec 8OTU ex 5OTU 27.11.44. Accident
1030hrs 16.07.45, at 700 feet over Parkes
Airbase whilst performing aerobatics the
engine failed due to suspected air lock to
fuel system. Pilot, W.O C R Johnstone
performed forced landing with wheels
retracted. Rec 6AD storage ex 8OTU 30.11.45.
Stored Cat C 01.02.46. Authorised Write-off
22.05.46. Stored Cat E 01.10.46. Passed to DAP
07.11.47. SOC 15.11.48. |
A58-524 |
MT549 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
11.08.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 16.10.44.Rec
9 RSU Reserve Pool 07.12.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
10.12.44.Accident 2110 hrs 18.01.45 when
returning from night patrol to Morotai, with
Squadron CO, when the aircraft crashed on the
western end of Pitoe Strip. Pilot, F.Lt L A
Leeming Serv#400992 was killed. OBU Witnesses
stated that the pilot was making a dead stick
landing due to engine failure on
approach.Issued 11RSU 25.01.45. Issued 9RSU
07.02.45. Converted to Components and SOC
03.03.45. |
A58-525 |
MT550 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
29.07.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 16.10.44.Rec
9 RSU Reserve Pool 07.12.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
10.12.44. Accident Landing Collision Merauke
20.12.44 with three other Spitfires
(A58-534.378.520), NFDs. Approved for
conversion on site at Merauke with engine to
be sent to 6AD 10.01.45. Issued 6CRD 23.02.45. |
A58-526 |
MT552 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
29.07.44. Rec 6AD Storage ex 2AD 09.09.44. Rec
79 Sqn RAAF, coded UP-R and named "AVA Grog"
as Australian Victory Aircraft 3rd donated
Spitfire, 06.12.44. Allocated 6AD 13.01.45 for
fuel tank and coolant pipes repairs. Rec 6AD
15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 21.04.45. Accident
17.09.45 when collided with A58-487 on ground
at Morotai.NFDs. Approval to convert to
components 17.12.45. SOC 18.12.45. |
A58-527 |
MT632 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
11.08.44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve Pool
20.09.44. Cancelled 06.11.44.Rec 9 RSU Reserve
Pool ex 2AD 27.06.45. Allocated 452 Sqn RAAF
30.07.45. Allocated 457 Sqn RAAF 01.08.45.
Allocation cancelled 20.09.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
15.09.45. Rec 6AD storage ex 79 Sqn RAAF
02.11.45. Stored Cat C 01.02.46. Authorised
Write-off 22.05.46. Stored Cat E 01.10.46.
Passed to DAP 07.11.47. SOC 15.11.48. |
A58-528 |
MT675 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
29.07.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 11.09.44.
Rec 457 Sqn RAAF ex 14 ARDRP
26.12.44.Allocated 14 ARD 16.12.44 for fuel
tank and coolant pipes repairs. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF 26.12.44. Used by 80 Wing Commander as
reserve aircraft. Painted White Spinner with
black band, and coded CRC rear of roundel.
Accident crashed on landing at Clarke Field,
Phillipines 03.05.45. NFDs per Pilot. Rec 9RSU
29.05.45. Converted to Components 12.07.45. |
A58-529 |
MT682 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
29.07.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 23.09.44.
Allocated 14 ARD 16.12.44 for fuel tank and
coolant pipes repairs.Not issued to an
operational Squadron. Issued to 8CRD 03.09.45.
Approved to be converted to components
01.10.45 on site. |
A58-530 |
MT703 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
29.07.44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve Pool
11.09.44. Cancelled 06.11.44.Rec 9 RSU Reserve
Pool 12.10.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 10.12.44.
Allocated 9 RSU 09.03.45 for fuel tank and
coolant pipes repairs. Crashed on take-off
from Pitoe Strip Morotai 03.45 following
starboard tyre blow-out and collapsed
undercarriage at around 80-100 mph. Pilot,
F.Lt A G McNaughton Serv# 416061
un-injured.Rec 9RSU 10.03.45. Converted to
Components. SOC 09.04.45. |
A58-531 |
MT672 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
30.07.44. Rec 6AD ex 2AD 02.10.44. Rec 79 Sqn
RAAF 03.01.45 and coded UP-C. Rec 6AD ex 79
Sqn RAAF 15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 09.03.45.
Hit fuel drum whilst taxying on runway Morotai
01.09.45 during a formation take-off. Pilot,
F.O G R Patterson un-injured. Allocated 60OBU
19.10.45. Approved conversion 17.012.45.
Converted to Components 18.12.45. |
A58-532 |
MT771 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
29.07.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 23.09.44.
Issued 9 RSU Reserve Pool 16.12.44 for fuel
tank and coolant pipes repairs. Rec 452 Sqn
RAAF and coded QY-W, 26.12.44. Accident
1130hrs 30.08.45 when engine failed forcing
F.Lt W M Mc Coombs to ditch in sea after
take-off. Pilot un-injured. Salvaged by 9RSU
01.09.45. Converted to Components 10.10.45.
SOC 12.10.45. |
A58-533 |
MT778 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
29.07.44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve Pool
07.09.44. Rec 2AP ex 2AD 13.09.44. Rec 2AD ex
2AP 02.10.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool
16.10.44. Rec 9 RSU 05.12.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
10.12.44. Accident 1100 hrs 22.05.45 whilst on
foramtion approach as Blue 4 to the west end
of Pitoe Strip Morotai, the aircraft hit a
coral outcrop as he under approached, and
burst into flames killing the pilot instantly.
Pilot was F.O C E Miller Serv#420424. Rec 9RSU
ex 452 Sqn RAAF 23.05.45. Converted to
Components. SOC 15.06.45. |
A58-534 |
MT781 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
11.08.44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve Pool
07.09.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 16.10.44.
Rec 9 RSU 05.12.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF and coded
QY-R, 10.12.44. Accident Landing Collision
Merauke 20.12.44 with three other Spitfires
(A58-525.378.520). Allocated 13ARD 27.12.44.
Issued 13ARD by Shipping 23.01.45 ex Merauke.
Not repaired. Converted to Components
04.09.46. |
A58-535 |
MT782 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
11.08.44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve Pool
20.09.44.Cancelled 22.09.44. Rec 5OTU ex 2AD
02.10.44. Accident at Williamtown 20.10.44
when engine failed on take-off.Pilot, F.Lt M
Burrows un-injured in forced landing.
Allocated 8OTU ex 5OTU 21.11.44. Cancelled.
REc 2RSU 02.07.45. Rec 2AD ex 2RSU 27.08.45.
Stored Cat C 22.03.46. Approved to Write-off
22.05.46. Stored Cat E 01.10.46. Passed to DAP
24.06.49. SOC 06.09.46. |
A58-536 |
MT788 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
11.08.44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve Pool
20.09.44.Cancelled 22.09.44. Rec 5OTU ex 2AD
02.10.44. Rec 8OTU ex 5OTU 27.11.44. Rec 6AD
ex 8OTU for storage 28.11.45. Stored Cat C
22.03.46. Authorised Write-off 22.05.46.
Stored Cat E 01.10.46. Passed to DAP 07.11.47.
SOC 15.11.48. |
A58-537 |
MT794 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
29.07.44. Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 23.09.44.Rec
9 RSU Reserve Pool 20.10.44. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
13.12.44. Accident 1305hrs 14.07.45 when the
"A" Flight aircraft was on a test flight
overshot and landed at 30 mph past Croydon
Strip, Tarakan, onto road and then turning on
its back at the roadside ditch. Pilot F.O J W
Dehnert Serv#410149 slightly injured with a
cut above the right eye.Rec 9 RSU 17.07.45.
Rec 16ARD 28.07.45 and converted to
components. SOC 07.08.45. |
A58-538 |
LV672 |
on SS Lanarkshire 27.07.44. Rec 2AD ex UK
29.07.44. Allocated 14 ARD Reserve Pool
20.09.44.Cancelled 22.09.44. Rec 5OTU ex 2AD
01.11.44. Rec 8OTU ex 5OTU 27.11.44. Accident
23.05.45, piloted by F.Lt K M Gamble,
collided, when taxying, into a parked Wirraway
A20-362 at Parkes New South Wales Australia.
Allocated to 2CRD 27.05.45. Issued by road
15.06.45 to 2CRD. Converted to Components. SOC
15.06.45. Photo exists of damaged aircraft.
NB: LV643-LV756 down as PRXI, advised that
Supermarine records to 31st Dec 43 show 40
produced as LFVIII, including LV672 per AM78
[Delivery card].RR Merlin 66 Eng#161669
installed. |
A58-539 |
MT548 |
on SS Tekoa 09.08.44. Rec 3AD ex UK 21.08.44.
Rec 6AD Storage 14.11.44. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF and
coded UP-M 06.12.44. Allocated 6AD 13.01.45
for fuel tank and coolant pipes repairs. Rec
6AD 15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 26.03.45. Issued
9 RSU 23.07.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 29.07.45. Rec
6AD Store 02.11.45. Stored Cat C 01.02.46.
Authorised Write-off 22.05.46. Stored Cat E
01.10.46. Passed to DAP 07.11.47. SOC
15.11.48. |
A58-540 |
MT621 |
on SS Tekoa 09.08.44. Rec 3AD ex UK 21.08.44.
Rec 14 ARD Reserve Pool 08.11.44. Allocated 9
RSU Reserve Pool 24.11.44. Cancelled 15.01.45.
Allocated 14 ARD 16.12.44 for fuel tank and
coolant pipes repairs.Issued 22 RSU ex 14ARD
27.01.45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF ex 22 RSU RP
10.02.45. Rec 6AD Store ex 452 Sqn RAAF
06.11.45. Stored Cat C 22.03.46. Authorised
Write-off 22.05.46. Stored Cat E 01.10.46.
Passed to DAP 07.11.47. SOC 15.11.48.
A58-541 |
MT622 |
on SS Tekoa 09.08.44. Rec 3AD ex UK 21.08.44.
Rec 3AD Store 9.44. Stored Cat C 22.03.46.
Authorised Write-off 22.05.46. Stored Cat E
01.10.46. Passed to DAP 07.10.47. Completed
13.09.49. Struck off 16.09.49. |
A58-542 |
MT630 |
on SS Tekoa 09.08.44. Rec 3AD ex UK 21.08.44.
Allocated 14 ARD Reserve Pool
20.09.44.Cancelled Rec 6AD Store 11.44. Stored
Cat C 22.03.46. Authorised Write-off 22.05.46.
Stored Cat E 01.10.46. Passed to DAP 07.10.47.
Completed 13.09.49. Struck off 16.09.49. |
A58-543 |
MT635 |
on SS Tekoa 09.08.44. Rec 3AD ex UK 21.08.44.
Rec 6AD for store 14.11.44. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
and Coded UP-N 06.12.44. Rec 6AD 15.01.45 for
fuel tank and coolant pipes repairs. Rec 79
Sqn RAAF and coded UP-? 09.03.45. Rec 6AD
Store ex 79 Sqn RAAF 30.10.45. Stored Cat C
22.03.46. Authorised Write-off 22.05.46.
Stored Cat E 01.10.46. Passed to DAP 07.11.47.
SOC 15.11.48.
A58-544 |
MT650 |
on SS Tekoa 09.08.44. Rec 3AD ex UK 21.08.44.
Rec 6AD for store 15.11.44. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
01.01.45. Issued 6AD 15.01.45 for fuel tank
and coolant pipes repairs. Accident on
delivery to 6AD Oakey ex 79Sqn, 10.02.45,
0922hrs. A58-544 made a forced landing on
Gorrie Strip NT,following a ferry flight from
Sattler Strip NT with A58-427 and A58-631,
escorted by RAAF B-25 A47-1. Pilot was F.Lt
Rumbold . Merlin 66 Engine #162641.Aircraft
damaged beyond repair. Rec 14ARD ex 79Sqn RAAF
12.02.45. Issued 8CRD to be converted to
Components 16.07.45. |
A58-545 |
MT658 |
on SS Tekoa 09.08.44. Rec 3AD ex UK 21.08.44.
Rec 6AD Storage 11.12.44. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF to
replace A58-488 20.12.44. Allocated 6AD
13.01.45 for fuel tank and coolant pipes
repairs. Rec 6AD 15.01.45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
09.03.45. Shot Down by 20mm anti-aircraft fire
in port radiator over Hammaheras near Miti
Island on the 11th April 1945. Pilot F.Lt L S
Reid DFC Serv#400735 baled out after climbing
to 3500feet. He was later collected by USN
Catalina. SOC 23.04.45. |
A58-546 |
MT673 |
on SS Tekoa 09.08.44. Rec 3AD ex UK 21.08.44.
Rec 6AD for store 29.11.44. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
09.01.45. Rec 6AD 15.01.45 for fuel tank and
coolant pipes repairs. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
23.03.45. Missing on a 13 aircraft ferry
flight (originating Oakey Qld) on leg between
Marauke and Hollandia area 28.04.45. F.O R V
Day Ser#437476 took off 0730hrs from Merauke.
Aircraft last seen in steep spiral dive in a
position of 8 degrees 15mins South and 140
degrees 36 mins East near Merauke River
between Dowi and Saiwa.SOC 31.05.45. |
A58-547 |
MT681 |
on SS Tekoa 09.08.44. Rec 3AD ex UK 21.08.44.
Rec 6AD for store 14.11.44. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
and Coded UP-O 03.01.45. Rec 6AD 15.01.45 for
fuel tank and coolant pipes repairs. Rec 79
Sqn RAAF 09.03.45. Rec 6AD Store ex 79 Sqn
RAAF 06.11.45. Stored Cat C 22.03.46.
Authorised Write-off 22.05.46. Stored Cat E
01.10.46. Passed to DAP 07.11.47. SOC
15.11.48. |
A58-548 |
MT767 |
on SS Tekoa 09.08.44. Rec 3AD ex UK 21.08.44.
Rec 3AD Store 9.44. Stored Cat C 22.03.46.
Authorised Write-off 22.05.46. Stored Cat E
01.10.46. Passed to DAP 07.10.47. Completed
13.09.49. Struck off 16.09.49. |
A58-549 |
MT779 |
on SS Tekoa 09.08.44. Rec 3AD ex UK 21.08.44.
Rec 3AD Store 9.44. Stored Cat C 22.03.46.
Authorised Write-off 22.05.46. Stored Cat E
01.10.46. Passed to DAP 07.10.47. Completed
13.09.49. Struck off 16.09.49. |
A58-550 |
MT787 |
in Australia on SS Tekoa 09/08/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 21/08/44. Rec 3AD Store 9/44. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/47.
Completed 13/09/49. Struck off 16/09/49. |
A58-600 |
MV113 |
in Australia on SS Sanauca 07/09/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 11/09/44. Originally Serialed A58-551
11/09/44 Renumbered A58-600 05/10/44. Rec 457
Sqn RAAF 20/12/44 and coded ZP-X. Rec 6AD ex
457Sqn RAAF 30/10/45.Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
A58-601 |
MV119 |
in Australia on SS Sanauca 07/09/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 11/09/44. Originally Serialed A58-552
11/09/44 Renumbered A58-601 05/10/44. Issued 1
APU 31/10/44. Performance tests 14/11/44. Rec
6AD Storage ex 1APU 15/10/45. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-602 |
MV133 |
in Australia on LS 1964 25/10/44. Rec 1AD ex
UK 04/11/44. Rec 9RSU Reserve Pool 23/12/44.
Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 09/01/45. Rec 9RSU ex 457 Sqn
RAAF 11/03/45. Coded RG-V for use by WgCdr R
Gibbs. Damaged in wing and starboard radiator
flap in operations by AAA 07/04/45 over the
island of Ternate when flown by WgCdr R G
Gibbs DSO DFC Serv#260714. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
25/05/45. Accident 22/07/45 when tire burst on
landing at Croydon Strip damaging airscrew.
Repaired at unit. NFDS. Rec 6AD Storage ex 452
Sqn RAAF 06/11/45. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. Photo Held.
Spitfire A58-758
VH-HET is marked as A58-602 and flown as
A58-603 |
MT684 |
in Australia on SS Claudia 12/09/44. Rec 3AD
ex UK 19/09/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 20/12/44.
Accident 12.00hrs 17/09/45 when aircraft crash
landed at Labaun airstrip following engine
failure whilst on radar calibration flight.
Pilot, P/O D W Finley Serv#418260 was slightly
injured. Issued 1RSU ex 457 Sqn RAAF 27/09/45.
Approval to convert to components 18/10/45. |
A58-604 |
MT816 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/09/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF and coded ZP-D
20/12/44. Accident at Labuan, 1405hrs
11/08/45, when the engine failed on take-off.
F/Sgt C K McRae Serv#433628 suffered slight
abrasions. Repaired. Issued 6AD 22/10/45.
Accident pitoe Strip Morotai 21/10/45 on ferry
flight when aircraft suffered starboard
undercarriage collapse. Rec 60OBU 30/10/45.
Approval to convert to components 11/12/45. |
A58-605 |
MT817 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/09/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 20/12/44. Rec 9
RSU ex 457 Sqn RAAF 04/05/45.Rec 457 Sqn RAAF
19/05/45. Rec 9RSU for engine change 03/06/45.
Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 24/06/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex
457 Sqn RAAF 30/10/45. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-606 |
MT819 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 18/09/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF and coded ZP-W
20/12/44. Damaged by shrapnel when Liberator
exploded on take-off at Morotai Strip
24/02/45. Repaired by unit. Landing accident
on 14/07/45 ,when aircraft was belly landed at
Labuan strip following damage from AAA over
Keningau. Pilot was Sqn Ldr B D Watson . Rec 9
RSU 03/08/45. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 04/08/45 for
repair. Rec 6AD Storage ex 457 Sqn RAAF
30/10/45. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Authorised
Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46.
Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC 15/11/48.
A58-607 |
MT820 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/09/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 20/12/44.Rec 9
RSU ex 457 Sqn RAAF 07/05/45.Rec 457 Sqn RAAF
01/06/45. Aircraft lost on ferry flight to
Biak after crashing into the sea 40 miles
south east of Morotai, on 23/10/45 when
piloted by W/O C Beech Serv#426450 who bailed
out at 5000 feet after turning back. He was
picked up later by ASR. SOC 10/12/45. |
A58-608 |
MT821 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/09/44. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
05/01/45. Cancelled. Stored Cat C 22/03/46
3AD. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 07/10/48. SOC 16/09/49. |
A58-609 |
MT822 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/09/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF and coded ZP-S
20/12/44. Collided with A58-612 on landing at
Hallinan, N E I 27/06/45. Sgt Norman Vidler
Serv#402815 not injured.Pilot of A58-612,
F/Sgt Ron Reuter was not injured. Damage to
wing tip. Repaired. Rec 6AD Storage ex 457 Sqn
RAAF 30/10/45. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-610 |
MT825 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/09/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 20/12/44. Rec 9
RSU 04/08/45. Red 457 Sqn RAAF 17/09/45. Rec 1
RSU 02/11/45. Rec 89 OBU ex 1 RSU 17/12/45.
Converted to Components 11/01/46. |
A58-611 |
MT829 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/09/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF and coded ZP-B
15/12/44. Accident 19/04/45 when the aircraft
landed from a patrol at North Strip at Pitoe
when on taxying back to the squadron bays,
suffered a port main blowout at 10-15 miles
per hour and collided with a RAAF B-24
(A72-78)despite selecting wheels up to halt
his speed. Damage to both aircraft. Pilot, Sgt
B Miels Serv#442430 was not injured. Rec 1 RSU
01/11/45. Converted to Components 11/01/46.
photo exists of collision. |
A58-612 |
MT830 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/09/44. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
05/01/45. Cancelled. Stored Cat C 22/03/46
3AD. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. Passed to DAP 07/10/48. SOC
13/09/49. |
A58-613 |
MT831 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/09/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF 20/12/44.
Accident 05/05/45 at Pitoe Strip when aircraft
following familiarity flight, braked hard on
landing and ground looped. Damaged to airscrew
and undercarriage. Pilot, Sgt L J Skinner
Serv# 438794 not injured. Rec 9RSU ex 457 Sqn
RAAF 07/05/45. Allocated 14 RSU ex 9RSU
22/09/45. Rec 60OBU 30/10/45. Surveyed to be
unrepairable due to tropical conditions.
Approval to convert to components 12/02/46. |
A58-614 |
MT833 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/09/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF and coded ZP-Q
15/12/44. Accident 08/05/45 when aircraft
landing gear collapsed on landing at Labaun
following combat sortie to Galela Strip.
Pilot, F/Lt R B McPherson not injured. Rec
9RSU 07/07/45. Rec 457Sqn RAAF 17/09/45. Rec
1RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF. Surveyed . Rec 84 OBU.
Approval to convert to components 11/01/46. |
A58-615 |
MT834 |
in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/09/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF and coded ZP-Y
15/12/44.NFD on a Accident. Rec 9 RSU
07/05/45. Allocated 14 RSU ex 9RSU 22/09/45.
Rec 60OBU ex 9RSU 30/10/45. Approval to
convert to components 12/02/46.
A58-616 |
MV112 |
on L1968 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 26/09/44. Rec
457Sqn RAAF 15/12/44. Crash Landed Labaun
Strip 1120hrs 18/06/45 during heavy rain.
Pilot F/Sgt R C Blacklock not injured. Rec 9
RSU Approval to convert to components
13/07/45.Nb: E/E88 states MV123"extended main
planes" |
A58-617 |
MV115 |
12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 16/09/44. Rec 457Sqn
RAAF and coded ZP-G 15/12/44. Accident
24/03/45, when aircraft nosed over in ditch on
landing at Pitoe Strip.Pilot, F/Lt L Compton
not injured. Rec 9RSU 11/04/45. Rec 79Sqn RAAF
ex 9RSU 15/09/45. Rec 6AD Storage ex 79 Sqn
RAAF 30/10/45. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
A58-618 |
MV123 |
12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 16/09/44. Rec 457Sqn
RAAF 15/12/44. Crash Landed Labaun Strip
1120hrs 18/06/45 during heavy rain. Pilot
tried to land in servicable section of
strip(650yards long) but in attempt to go
around, undercarriage sunk into mud and
airscew dug in causing the aircraft to crash
and break in half. Pilot, F/Sgt B Miels Serv#
442430 not injured. Rec 9 RSU Approval to
convert to components 13/07/45. Nb: E/E88
states MV123"extended main planes" |
A58-619 |
MV135 |
in Australia on LS 1964 25/10/44. Rec 1AD ex
UK 28/10/44. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool 08/05/45.
Rec 452 Sqn RAAF and coded QY-G 16/05/45.
Allocated 6AD for storage 27/10/45. Aircraft
unable to be ferried to destination 30/10/45.
Authority to abandoned at Middleburgh Island
03/05/46. |
A58-620 |
MV136 |
in Australia on LS 1964 25/10/44. Rec 1AD ex
UK 07/11/44. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool 27/12/44.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF 05/01/45. Shared kill in last
Japanese Dinah recon aircraft to be shot down
on 20/06/45 with A58-631(F/Lt Scrimgeour
457Sqn RAAF) Pilot was F/Lt G Campbell 457 Sqn
RAAF. Rec 60 OBU as aircraft was used for
spares by 457Sqn RAAF. Approval to convert to
components 13/12/45. |
A58-621 |
MV138 |
in Australia on LS 1964 25/10/44. Rec 1AD ex
UK 04/11/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 20/12/44. Rec
9RSU 04/05/45. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 29/05/45. Rec
1RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/11/45. Allocated 84 OBU
ex 1RSU 17/12/45. Approved for conversion to
components 11/01/46.
A58-622 |
MV139 |
in Australia on LS 1964 25/10/44. Rec 1AD ex
UK 03/11/44. Issued 457Sqn RAAF 15/12/44.
Damaged in transit to 457 Sqn RAAF at
Oonadatta SA when aircraft collided with flare
path lights. Rec 1AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 12/01/45
for repairs. Repaired, held by 1AD for use.
Crashed shoreline at Corio Bay VIC 04/10/45
near Geelong . F/O D C Gordon was killed.
Issued 1CRD 22/10/45 and was converted to
Components. SOC 15/11/45. |
A58-623 |
MV141 |
in Australia on LS 1964 25/10/44. Rec 1AD ex
UK 07/11/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF 20/12/44. Rec 6AD
ex 457Sqn RAAF 30/10/45. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48.
A58-624 |
MV144 |
in Australia on LS 1964 25/10/44. Rec 1AD ex
UK 07/11/44. Rec 9RSU Reserve Pool 27/12/44.
Rec 457Sqn RAAF 02/01/45. Rec 7RSU 22/01/45.
Rec 54Sqn RAF 21/04/45. Allocated 9RSU RP
following coolant pipe repairs 16/05/45.Rec
548Sqn RAF 23/08/45. Rec 6AD ex 548Sqn RAF
29/09/45. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Authorised
Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46.
Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-625 |
MV149 |
in Australia on LS 1964 25/10/44. Rec 1AD ex
UK 07/11/44. Issued 9RSU Reserve Pool
25/12/44. Rec 1AD ex 9RSU RP 01/01/45. Rec
9RSU ex 1AD 11/07/45. Accident 10/07/45 when
aircraft damaged during taxying at Sentani??
Strip, Hollandia after test flight after being
received ex 1AD. Pilot was W/O Helgenbaur?.
Allocated 1RSU ex 9RSU 22/09/45. Cancelled.
Rec 49OBU ex 9RSU 17/10/45. SOC on site
12/03/46. |
A58-626 |
MV114 |
in Australia on SS ???? 12/11/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/11/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 26/12/44. Rec 9
RSU ex 457 Sqn RAAF 02/01/45. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF
08/05/45. Rec 1 RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF 01/11/45.
Allocated 84 OBU ex 1RSU for conversion to
components 17/12/45.SOC 11/01/46. |
A58-627 |
MV117 |
in Australia on SS ???? 12/11/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 14/11/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF and coded ZP-Z
26/12/44. Rec 6AD ex 457 Sqn RAAF
30/10/45.Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Authorised
Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46.
Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC 15/11/48.
A58-628 |
MV120 |
in Australia on SS ???? 12/11/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/11/44. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
05/01/45. Cancelled, held 2AD. Rec 6AD ex 2AD
13/12/45. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Authorised
Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46.
Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-629 |
MV121 |
in Australia on SS ???? 12/11/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/11/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 26/12/44.
Accident 17/07/45 when landing at
Labuan.Pilot; F/Lt D F Evans wasn't injured.
Rec 9 RSU ex 457 Sqn RAAF 26/07/45. Rec 457
Sqn RAAF 17/09/45. Rec 1 RSU ex 457Sqn RAAF
01/11/45. Allocated 84 OBU ex 1RSU for
conversion to components 17/12/45.SOC
11/01/46. |
A58-630 |
MV124 |
in Australia on SS ???? 12/11/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 14/11/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 26/12/44.
Landing Accident Pittoe, Morotai 08/05/45,
F/Lt D F Evans wasn't injured (Later
crashlands A58-629 in July 45). Rec 9 RSU ex
457 Sqn RAAF 09/05/45. Approval to convert to
components 15/06/45. Issued for conversion and
SOC 25/06/45. |
A58-631 |
MV125 |
in Australia on SS ???? 12/11/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 14/11/44. Rec 457Sqn RAAF and coded ZP-V
26/11/45. Rec 9 RSU 09/05/45.Rec 457 Sqn RAAF
12/06/45.Shared kill in last Japanese Dinah
recon aircraft to be shot down on 20/06/45
near Sipitang Village Borneo with A58-620(F/Lt
G Campbell). Dinah crashed 55 miles SE of
Labuan. Pilot was Flt-Lt Scrimgeour 457Sqn
RAAF Rec 6AD ex 457Sqn RAAF 29/09/45. Stored
Cat C 22/03/46. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-632 |
MV128 |
in Australia on SS ???? 12/11/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 15/11/44. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
05/01/45. Cancelled, held 2AD. Rec 6AD Store
ex 2AD 06/12/45. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-633 |
MV129 |
in Australia on SS ???? 12/11/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/11/44. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
05/01/45. Rec 457Sqn RAAF 22/01/45. Lost on
sortie 1710hrs 11/07/45 near Techilian Village
in British North Borneo. Some 30 minutes after
take-off and at 6500ft , the engine failed.
F/O F J Inger Serv#408583, turn aircraft on a
heading towards the coast in a hope to glide
to the sea. Approximately some 12-15 miles
from the coast, he was forced to bail out over
some heavily timbered countryside. He stayed
on site overnight and travelled the next day
to Suliman Lake where he was picked up by a
RAAF Catalina Flying Boat piloted by F/Lt W
Mills DFC. SOC 22/07/45. |
A58-634 |
MV132 |
in Australia on SS ???? 12/11/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/11/44. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
05/01/45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 22/02/45. Rec
457Sqn RAAF 15/04/45. Rec 9RSU 02/05/45. Rec
Allocated and Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 02/05/45. Rec 9
RSU 22/05/45. Rec 457Sqn RAAF 24/06/45. Rec
6AD Store 457 Sqn RAAF 30/10/45. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-635 |
MV169 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 29/11/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 27/12/44. Rec
6AD Store 457 Sqn RAAF 30/10/45. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48.
A58-636 |
MV170 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/11/44. 11/01/45. Issued to No1 ES for
an exhibition for the RAAF Locker Fund. Rec
1AD ex 1ES 12/02/45. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool
08/05/45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 16/05/45. Allocated
6AD Ferry Flight 27/10/45. Accident on landing
Pitoe Strip, Morotai 01/11/45 when port main
tyre burst causing the aircraft to swing off
the strip and crash. Pilot W/O D Halliday was
not injured. Approval to convert to components
13/12/45. |
A58-637 |
MV172 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/11/44. 11/01/45. To CAC 21/01/45 to
be used as prototype coolant pipe replacement
tests for whole MkVIII fleet which were
suffering from corroded pipes on arrival ex
UK. Rec 1AD ex CAC 06/11/45. Placed in 1AD
Store 22/01/46. Per recommendation of 4th
Maintenance Group Report, aircraft to be
converted to components 11/02/46. SOC
12/02/46. |
A58-638 |
MV173 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 29/11/44. Accident during engine ground
run 16/01/45 Laverton when wiring caught fire.
Aircraft airframe not damaged. Rec 9 RSU
Reserve Pool 02/07/45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF
29/07/45. Allocated 6AD Ferry Flight to Oakey
25/10/45. A/c was unserviceable and was
re-allocated to 60OBU 26/10/45. Approval to be
converted to components12/11/45 on site. SOC
13/12/45. |
A58-639 |
MV174 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/11/44. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool
26/06/45. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF and coded ZP-V
03/08/45. Issued 6AD Ferry Flight
22/10/45.Takeoff Accident Mokmer Strip Biak
26/10/45, piloted by F/Lt H "Fred" O'Brien
(457Sqn RAAF) when engine seized on take-off
forcing pilot to put down and ground loop at
the end of the runway. Approval to be
converted to components 04/02/46. SOC
06/02/46. NB: E/E88 has MV184 with hand
written MV174 cancelled out above it. MV184 is
A58-717 per E/E/88 Card. |
A58-640 |
MV175 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 29/11/44. Rec 9RSU Reserve Pool
25/06/45. Rec 79Sqn RAAF and coded UP-W
29/07/45. Rec 6AD Store 79 Sqn RAAF 30/10/45.
Stored Cat C 01/03/46 RMBI. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-641 |
MV182 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/11/44. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool
02/07/45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 27/07/45. Rec 6AD
Store 452 Sqn RAAF 07/11/45. Stored Cat C
01/03/46 RMBI. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-642 |
MV321 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/11/44. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool
22/06/45. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 01/07/45. Rec 6AD
Store 457 Sqn RAAF 30/10/45. Stored Cat C
01/03/46 RMBI. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-643 |
MV466 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/11/44. Rec 9RSU Reserve Pool
26/06/45. Rec 79Sqn RAAF and coded UP-K
08/07/45. Maybe later coded UP-G. Rec 6AD
Store 79 Sqn RAAF 05/11/45. Stored Cat C
01/03/46 RMBI. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-644 |
MV472 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/11/44. Held by 1AD 1944-45. Stored ex
1AD 17/02/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised to write off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
10/08/47. Passed to DAP 19/05/48. SOC
08/08/49. |
A58-645 |
MV473 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 29/11/44. Rec 9RSU Reserve Pool
08/05/45. Rec 79Sqn RAAF and coded UP-V
26/05/45. Rec 6AD Store 79 Sqn RAAF 30/10/45.
Stored Cat C 01/03/46 RMGI. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-646 |
MV474 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/11/44. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool
22/06/45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 03/07/45.Rec 6AD
Ferry Flight ex 452 Sqn RAAF 30/10/45. Damaged
at Garbutt 05/11/45 when taxying, striking
tarmac with airscrew. Pilot, F/Lt L S Reid 452
Sqn RAAF not injured. Rec 13ARD ex 6AD. Stored
10/05/46 . Approval to convert to components
A58-647 |
MV476 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/11/44. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool
22/06/45. Issued 452 Sqn RAAF and coded QY-V
02/07/45. Lost on Bombing Operation North West
Borneo 12/07/45 when pulling out of 3000 ft
dive, bottoming out at 1500feet was hit by AAA
near Tawao area. Gained height to 6000 feet
when oild pressure dropped. Pilot, Acting
S/Ldr Kelvin Milne Barclay DFC Serv#407662
(Commanding officer of 452 Sqn RAAF) bailed
out midway between Sebatik and Boekay Islands
in the sea. He was picked up three hours later
by ASR Launch. SOC 25/07/45. |
A58-648 |
MV477 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/11/44. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool
22/06/45. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 01/07/45. Rec 6AD
Ferry Flight ex 457 Sqn RAAF 30/10/45.
Aircraft U/S, rec 60 OBU 12/11/45. Approved to
convert to components 11/12/45. SOC 13/12/45. |
A58-649 |
MV478 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 29/11/44. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool
22/06/45. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF and coded QY-G
01/07/45. Rec 1 RSU ex 457 Sqn RAAF 01/11/45 .
Aircraft U/S. Approved to convert to
components 19/12/45. SOC 11/01/46. |
A58-650 |
MV479 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 24/11/44. Rec 9 RSU Pool Reserve
22/06/45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 28/07/45. Accident
on take off 04/08/45, Croydon Strip. Pilot,
F/O K H Lee collided with truck on the side of
the strip. He was taken to hospital for
observation. Approval for conversion to
components 21/09/45. SOC 01/11/45. |
A58-651 |
MV486 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 29/11/44. Rec 9RSU Reserve Pool
08/05/45. Rec 79Sqn RAAF and coded UP-Z as Sqn
Ldr Ken James aircraft 14/05/45. Rec 9RSU
27/07/45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 11/08/45. Rec 6AD
Store 79 Sqn RAAF 05/11/45. Stored Cat C
01/03/46 RMBI. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-652 |
MT896 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 25/11/44. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool
25/06/45. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF 03/08/45. Not to be
issued , held 1 RSU for survey 14/08/45.
Aircraft U/S, rec 84 OBU 17/12/45. Approved to
convert to components 17/12/45. SOC 11/01/46.
A58-653 |
MT897 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 29/11/44. Rec 9 RSU Pool Reserve
08/05/45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF 16/05/45. Damaged
by Enemy AAA near Saraminda when flown by F/O
Pretty, engine was struck by 25mm shell as
well as a 0.50cal bullet hole in the starboard
mainplane, 29/07/45. Approval for conversion
to components 17/10/45. Rec 18 RSU ex 452 Sqn
RAAF 25/10/45. SOC 04/12/45. |
A58-654 |
MT900 |
in Australia on SS Horoata 30/11/44. Rec 1AD
ex UK 24/11/44. Rec 9RSU Reserve Pool
22/06/45. Rec 79Sqn RAAF 29/07/45. Lost on
Operations 2/08/45 near Teba River, Halmaheras
area . F/O B B Newman 79Sqn a/c hit by AAA and
broke up. This was 79 Sqn RAAF final war
loss.Wreckage and body retreival (Cremated and
remains buried 5 metres nearby by Japanese)
made in 1948 near the head waters of the Tebai
River near Titilegon Kampong. SOC 09/08/45. |
A58-655 |
MV116 |
08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 13/11/44.A/c
re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44. Held 3AD Amberley
1944-45. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 3AD. Authorised
for disposal 33/05/46. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49. |
A58-656 |
MV137 |
08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 13/11/44.A/c
re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44. Held 3AD Amberley
1944-45. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 3AD. Authorised
for disposal 33/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48.
Struck off 16/09/49. |
A58-657 |
MV140 |
08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 13/11/44.A/c
re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44. Allocated 9 RSU
Reserve Pool 07/07/45.Held 3AD Amberley
1944-45. Canc 17/08/45. Rec 3AD 26/11/45.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46 3AD. Authorised for
disposal 33/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48.
Struck off 16/09/49. |
A58-658 |
MV146 |
08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 13/11/44.A/c
re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44. Held 3AD Amberley
1944-45. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 3AD. Authorised
for disposal 33/05/46. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49. |
A58-659 |
MV147 |
08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 13/11/44.A/c
re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44. Held 3AD Amberley
1944-45. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 3AD. Authorised
for disposal 33/05/46. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49. |
A58-660 |
MV148 |
08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 13/11/44.A/c
re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44. Allocated 9 RSU
Reserve Pool 09/01/45. Held 3AD Amberley
1944-45. Canc 17/08/45. Stored Cat E 01/10/46
3AD. Authorised for disposal 33/05/46. Merlin
70 Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. Passed to DAP 07/10/48.
Struck off 16/09/49. |
A58-661 |
MV151 |
08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 13/11/44.A/c
re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44. Held 3AD Amberley
1944-45. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 3AD. Authorised
for disposal 33/05/46. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49. |
A58-662 |
MV152 |
08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 13/11/44.A/c
re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44. Held 3AD Amberley
1944-45. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 3AD. Authorised
for disposal 33/05/46.Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49. |
A58-663 |
MV155 |
in Australia on LS 1966 08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 13/11/44.A/c re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44.
Held 3AD Amberley 1944-45. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 3AD. Authorised for disposal
33/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off
16/09/49. |
A58-664 |
MV460 |
in Australia on LS 1965 08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 13/11/44.A/c re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44.
Held 3AD Amberley 1944-45. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 3AD. Authorised for disposal
33/05/46.Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for
use after modification in CAC Mustang
manufacture due to short fall in supply along
with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. Passed to DAP
07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49. |
A58-665 |
MV461 |
in Australia on LS 1965 08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 13/11/44.A/c re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44.
Held 3AD Amberley 1944-45. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 3AD. Authorised for disposal
33/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off
16/09/49. |
A58-666 |
MV463 |
in Australia on LS 1965 08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 13/11/44. A/c re-numbered RAAF 16/12/44.
Held 3AD Amberley 1944-45. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 3AD. Authorised for disposal
33/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off
16/09/49. |
A58-667 |
MV464 |
in Australia on LS 1965 08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 13/11/44.A/c re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44.
Held 3AD Amberley 1944-45. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 3AD. Authorised for disposal
33/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off
16/09/49. |
A58-668 |
MV467 |
in Australia on LS 1965 08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 13/11/44.A/c re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44.
Held 3AD Amberley 1944-45. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 3AD. Authorised for disposal
22/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off
16/09/49. |
A58-669 |
MT892 |
in Australia on LS 1965 08/11/44. Rec 3AD ex
UK 13/11/44.A/c re-numbered RAAF 07/12/44.
Alolocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool. Held 3AD
Amberley 1944-45. Accident on test flight
06/04/45 when following engine failure, pilot
crash landed Amberely. Pilot was F/Lt Filshie
of 3AD who suffered minor injuries. Rec 3 CRD
20/04/45. Converted to Components 19/06/45. |
A58-670 |
MV153 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 04/12/44.A/c re-numbered RAAF
09/12/44. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
05/01/45. Held 2AD Richmond 1944-45. Canc
17/08/45. Rec 6AD ex 2AD 06/12/45. Stored Cat
C 01/03/46 RMBI. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-671 |
MV154 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 28/11/44. A/c re-numbered RAAF
09/12/44. Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. Authorised for disposal
24/05/46. Passed to DAP 24/06/48. Struck off
06/09/49. An instructor at the Sydney
Technical College named Mark Leech,
successfully negotiated a donation of 2
Spitfires, 1 Vultee Vengeance and 1 Mosquito
to the College to be used for teaching
aircraft apprentices. MV154 was assembled at
the Technical College and was used until 1961.
Both Spitfires were acquired by Syd Marshall
at Bankstown in the early sixties. After his
death, MV154 was sold to R. Lamplough UK as
G-BKMI, 23/12/82,1989. Restoration by John
Hart, Bristol 1993 Marked as MT928 G-BKMI Robs
Lamplough & Pete John, Filton, Dec 1995.
Was in the WW2 film Dark Blue World.
Currently flies in Germany
A58-672 |
MV156 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 05/12/44.Rec 9 RSU Reserve pool
13/05/45. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF and coded ZP-Y
22/02/45. Rec 9RSU ex 457 Sqn RAAF 18/03/45.
Issued 457 Sqn RAAF 07/05/45. Rec 1 RSU ex 457
Sqn RAAF 01/11/45. Allocated 84 OBU 17/12/45.
Approval to convert to components 11/01/46. |
A58-673 |
MV468 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 28/11/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 12/10/48.
The Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-674 |
MV469 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 28/11/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage17/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised for
disposal 24/05/46. Passed to DAP 24/06/48.
Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-675 |
MV470 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 05/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-
09/12/44. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
05/01/45. Cancelled. Issued and rec 2AD
storage 19/11/45. Issued and rec 6AD storage
06/12/45 ex 2AD storage. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-676 |
MV471 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 29/11/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 7/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-677 |
MV475 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 29/11/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 7/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-678 |
MT748 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 29/11/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 7/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-679 |
MT893 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 05/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/12/44. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
05/01/45. Cancelled. Issued and rec 2AD
storage 15/11/45. Issued and rec 6AD storage
13/12/45 ex 2AD storage. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47.
SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-680 |
MT894 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 28/11/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 7/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-681 |
MT895 |
in Australia on SS Port Fairley 24/11/44. Rec
2AD ex UK 29/11/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 19/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-682 |
MV150 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 17/12/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 29/11/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 19/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-683 |
MV176 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 17/12/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-684 |
MV189 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 17/12/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-685 |
MV322 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 17/12/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 09/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-686 |
MV487 |
in Australia on LS 1972 17/02/45. Rec 2AD ex
UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 20/10/48.
The Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-687 |
MV503 |
in Australia on LS 1972 17/02/45. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/12/44. A/c renumbered A58- series
27/12/44. Issued and rec 6AD storage 12/12/45
ex 2AD storage. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-688 |
MV504 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 17/12/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/12/44. A/c renumbered A58- series
27/12/44. Rec 2AD storage 07/05/45 ex 2AD .
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Authorised Write-off
22/05/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP
07/11/47. SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-689 |
MV505 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 17/12/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/12/44. A/c renumbered A58- series
27/12/44. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool ex 2AD
15/08/45. Rec 79 Sqn RAAF 15/09/45. Rec 6AD ex
79 Sqn RAAF 05/11/45. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-690 |
MV508 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 23/12/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 22/12/44. A/c renumbered A58- series
27/12/44. Issued and rec 2AD ex 2AD Storage
22/11/45. A/c allocated to SMSO, 4MG for
communications purposes 29/11/45. Rec 1AD ex
2AD storage 05/02/46. Rec 1AD storage
17/04/46. Stored Cat C 17/04/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Authorised Write-off 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 19/05/48. SOC 08/06/49. |
A58-691 |
MV510 |
in Australia on SS Ajax 17/12/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 12/10/48.
The Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-692 |
MV179 |
in Australia on LS 1973 23/12/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-693 |
MV240 |
in Australia on LS 1973 23/12/44. Rec 2AD ex
UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-694 |
MV324 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 23/12/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 09/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-695 |
MV484 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 23/12/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-696 |
MV502 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 23/12/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-697 |
MV507 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 23/12/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-698 |
MV509 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 23/12/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 14/10/48.
The Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-699 |
MV511 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 23/12/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-700 |
MV512 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 23/12/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 12/10/48.
The Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-701 |
MV513 |
in Australia on SS Suffolk 23/12/44. Rec 2AD
ex UK 26/12/44. A/c renumbered A58-series
27/12/44. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-702 |
MV177 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-703 |
MV178 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-704 |
MV183 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-705 |
MV323 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-706 |
MV325 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-707 |
MV499 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-708 |
MV481 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-709 |
MV500 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-710 |
MV501 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-711 |
MV506 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-712 |
MT899 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-713 |
MV171 |
in Australia on SS Sapperton Park 13/01/45.
Rec 2AD ex UK 22/01/45. A/c renumbered
A58-series 23/01/45. Rec at 2AD Storage
07/05/46 ex 2AD. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored
Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal
24/05/46. Passed to DAP 24/06/48. Struck off
06/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated
for use after modification in CAC Mustang
manufacture due to short fall in supply along
with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-714 |
MV465 |
in Australia on SS Sapperton Park 13/01/45.
Rec 2AD ex UK 22/01/45. A/c renumbered
A58-series 23/01/45. Rec at 2AD Storage
07/05/46 ex 2AD. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored
Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal
24/05/46. Passed to DAP 24/06/48. Struck off
06/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated
for use after modification in CAC Mustang
manufacture due to short fall in supply along
with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-715 |
MT890 |
in Australia on SS Sarp 01/01/45. Rec 2AD ex
UK 22/01/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
23/01/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-716 |
MV485 |
in Australia on SS Sussex 06/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 12/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
09/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-717 |
MV184 |
in Australia on SS Parpar 06/02/45. Rec 2AD ex
UK 13/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
18/02/45. Rec 1 APU ex 2AD 19/04/45. Rec
Darwin RAAF ex 1 APU 22/05/47. Approved for
conversion to components 15/09/47. RR Merlin
70s #154473. |
A58-718 |
MV200 |
in Australia on SS Parpar 06/02/45. Rec 1AD ex
UK 13/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
17/02/45. Accident 23/03/45 when aircraft
crashed landed at Laverton Vic on test flight
when undercarriage folded. Pilot, F/O B M
Cardwell not injured. Repaired. Allocated 9
RSU Reserve Pool 09/08/45. Cancelled. Rec 1AD
storage 13/05/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 22/05/46. Passed to
DAP 19/05/48. Struck off 08/08/49. |
A58-719 |
MV241 |
in Australia on SS Parpar 06/02/45.Rec 1AD ex
UK 13/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
17/02/45. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool 25/06/45. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF 07/07/45. Coded QY-Q. Rec 6AD
Store 452 Sqn RAAF 06/11/45. Stored Cat C
01/03/46 RMGI. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-720 |
MV244 |
in Australia on SS Parpar 06/02/45.Rec 1AD ex
UK 13/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
17/02/45. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool 29/06/45. Rec
452 Sqn RAAF 28/07/45.Coded QY-O. Issued 16ARD
ex452 Sqn RAAF 07/08/45. Rec 452 Sqn RAAF
15/10/45. Rec 6AD Store 452 Sqn RAAF 06/11/45.
Rec CFS 06/12/45. Rec Point Cook Store ex CFS
09/05/46. Stored Cat B 01/10/46. Issued GTS
Wagga 06/04/49 by road ex Point Cook. Approval
to convert to components 14/04/49. |
A58-721 |
MV243 |
in Australia on LS 2495 10/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
17/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-722 |
MV514 |
in Australia on LS 2495 16/02/45. Rec 3AD ex
UK 16/02/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
17/02/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-723 |
MV342 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 05/03/45. Rec
3AD ex UK 12/03/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
12/03/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-724 |
MT835 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 05/03/45. Rec
3AD ex UK 12/03/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
12/03/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-725 |
MT910 |
in Australia on SS Brisbane Star 05/03/45. Rec
3AD ex UK 12/03/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
12/03/45. Allocated to Rosewood(near Amberley)
05/04/46. Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 22/05/46.
Passed to DAP 07/10/48. Struck off 16/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-726 |
MV187 |
in Australia on SS City of Calcutta 27/02/45.
Rec 3AD ex UK 16/03/45. A/c renumbered
A58-series 19/03/45. Allocated to
Rosewood(near Amberley) 05/04/46. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised
for disposal 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48.
Struck off 16/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-727 |
MV192 |
in Australia on SS City of Calcutta 27/02/45.
Rec 3AD ex UK 16/03/45. A/c renumbered
A58-series 18/03/45. Allocated to
Rosewood(near Amberley) 05/04/46. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised
for disposal 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48.
Struck off 16/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-728 |
MV199 |
in Australia on SS City of Calcutta 27/02/45.
Rec 3AD ex UK 04/04/45. A/c renumbered
A58-series 19/03/45?. Allocated to
Rosewood(near Amberley) 05/04/46. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised
for disposal 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48.
Struck off 16/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-729 |
MV235 |
in Australia on SS City of Calcutta 27/02/45.
Rec 3AD ex UK 04/04/45. A/c renumbered
A58-series 19/03/45?. Allocated to
Rosewood(near Amberley) 05/04/46. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised
for disposal 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48.
Struck off 16/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-730 |
MV482 |
in Australia on SS City of Calcutta 27/02/45.
Rec 3AD ex UK 16/03/45. A/c renumbered
A58-series 18/03/45. Allocated to
Rosewood(near Amberley) 05/04/46. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised
for disposal 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48.
Struck off 16/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-731 |
NH614 |
in Australia on SS City of Calcutta 27/02/45.
Rec 3AD ex UK 04/04/45. A/c renumbered
A58-series 19/03/45?. Allocated to
Rosewood(near Amberley) 05/04/46. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised
for disposal 22/05/46. Passed to DAP 07/10/48.
Struck off 16/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-732 |
MV180 |
in Australia on SS Martaban 28/03/45. Rec 1AD
ex UK 27/03/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
31/03/45. Rec 9 RSU Reserve Pool 29/06/45. Rec
79 Sqn RAAF 15/09/45. Rec 6AD Store 79 Sqn
RAAF 02/11/45. Stored Cat C 01/03/46 RMGI.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Authorised Write-off
22/05/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46. Passed to DAP
07/11/47. SOC 15/11/48. |
A58-733 |
MT914 |
in Australia on SS ???? 28/04/45. Rec 2AD ex
UK 10/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
11/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 25/10/48.
The Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-734 |
MV181 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 25/10/48.
The Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-735 |
MV185 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Issued 9 RSU Reserve Pool 09/07/45.
Rec 13ARD 17/09/45 for fuel pump repairs. Rec
6AD Store ex 13ARD 02/10/45. Stored Cat C
01/03/46 RMGI. Stored Cat C 22/03/46.
Authorised Write-off 22/05/46. Stored Cat E
01/10/46. Passed to DAP 07/11/47. SOC
15/11/48. |
A58-736 |
MV186 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
23/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 25/10/48.
The Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-737 |
MV190 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-738 |
MV191 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-739 |
MV193 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-740 |
MV194 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-741 |
MV196 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 20/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Issued 9 RSU Reserve Pool 24/07/45.
Accident 1040hrs due to fuel starvation ,
piloted by F/O Dalton crashed landed at
Gogango on the 25th July 1945. Held by 9RSU.
Rec 6CRD ex 9RSU 20/08/45. Allocated 13ARD
13/02/46. Approval to convert to components
09/07/46. Merlin 70 Series Engine was
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-742 |
MV197 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 20/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
06/07/45. Cancelled 17/08/46. Accident 1040hrs
11/01/46 at Richmond RAAF Base , piloted by
F/Lt J B Anderson crashed landed. This was the
last Spitfire accident recored in RAAF
Service. Rec 2AD ex 2AD Erection 12/04/46.
Stored Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised for
disposal 24/05/46. Passed to DAP 24/06/48.
Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-743 |
MV198 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-744 |
MV202 |
2AD ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-745 |
MV206 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
23/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 27/10/48.
The Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-746 |
MV237 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
06/07/45. Cancelled 17/08/45. Rec at 2AD
Storage 01/03/46 ex 2AD. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised
for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to DAP 24/06/48.
Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-747 |
MV242 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 17/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-748 |
MV344 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
23/04/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 14/10/48.
The Spitfire'swere taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-749 |
MT898 |
in Australia on SS NZ Star 17/04/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 28/04/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
20/04/45. Allocated 9 RSU Reserve Pool
06/07/45. Cancelled 17/08/45. Rec at 2AD
Storage 01/03/46 ex 2AD. Stored Cat C
22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 . Authorised
for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to DAP 24/06/48.
Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-750 |
MV188 |
in Australia on SS Clan Farquaha 04/05/45. Rec
2AD ex UK 11/05/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
17/05/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 20/10/48.
The Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-751 |
MV195 |
in Australia on SS Clan Farquaha 04/05/45. Rec
2AD ex UK 11/05/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
17/05/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 01/03/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-752 |
MV203 |
in Australia on SS Clan Farquaha 04/05/45. Rec
2AD ex UK 14/05/45. A/c allocated A58-series,
but not carried 17/05/45. Rec at 2AD Storage
07/05/46 ex 2AD. Merlin 70 Series Engine
allocated for use after modification in CAC
Mustang manufacture due to short fall in
supply along with 88 other stored MkVIII HFs.
Approval to transfer to RAN FAA 11/06/48.
Issued to RAN 27/10/48. Marked AH3. The
Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy deck
at Nowra and used to train ground handling
staff. Marked as AH3. They were all used on
the fire ground in the 1950's and remains
reported to have been bulldozed into the
A58-753 |
MV204 |
in Australia on SS Clan Farquaha 04/05/45. Rec
2AD ex UK 14/05/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
17/05/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 20/10/48.
The Spitfire'swere taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-754 |
MV207 |
in Australia on SS Clan Farquaha 04/05/45. Rec
2AD ex UK 11/05/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
17/05/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Approval to transfer
to RAN FAA 11/06/48. Issued to RAN 25/10/48.
The Spitfire's were taxied around the dummy
deck at Nowra and used to train ground
handling staff. They were all used on the fire
ground in the 1950's and remains reported to
have been bulldozed into the ground. |
A58-755 |
MV233 |
in Australia on SS Clan Farquaha 04/05/45. Rec
2AD ex UK 11/05/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
17/05/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-756 |
MV346 |
in Australia on SS Clan Farquaha 04/05/45. Rec
2AD ex UK 11/05/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
17/05/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-757 |
MT891 |
in Australia on SS Fondadab 14/06/45. Rec 2AD
ex UK 16/06/45. A/c renumbered A58-series
19/06/45. Rec at 2AD Storage 07/05/46 ex 2AD.
Stored Cat C 22/03/46. Stored Cat E 01/10/46 .
Authorised for disposal 24/05/46. Passed to
DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49. Merlin 70
Series Engine allocated for use after
modification in CAC Mustang manufacture due to
short fall in supply along with 88 other
stored MkVIII HFs. |
A58-758 |
MV239 |
on test flight 6 MU 20/03/45 UK. Shipped to
Australia 23/04/45 on Landing Ship LS2820
arriving 19/06/45 in Australia. Rec 2AD ex UK
24/06/45. A/c re-numbered A58- series
26/06/45. Rec 2AD Storage 07/05/46. Stored Cat
E 01/10/46 . Authorised for disposal 24/05/46.
Passed to DAP 24/06/48. Struck off 06/09/49.
Merlin 70 Series Engine allocated for use
after modification in CAC Mustang manufacture
due to short fall in supply along with 88
other stored MkVIII HFs. Acquired by Sydney
Tech College in 1949 .1961 Sid Marshall,
Bankstown AUS,1983. Sold & restored for
ground runs only. 29.12.85 Airworthy as VH-HET
with Col Pay, Australia Flying
as VH-HET, previously painted as A58-758 but
now painted as A58-602 and now located and
flown by Temora Aviation Museum NSW.May 2000
Acquired by David Lowy and in the Temora
Aviation Museum, New South Wales, Australia,
on extended loan.