Australian & New Zealand Military Aircraft Serials & History

ARMY Auster AOP-9

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(See also RAAF A11 Auster , RAN Auster J5/G Autocar and  454 Sqn, RAAF Taylorcraft Auster)


Another Auster with an Australian military connection is the former British Army Air Corps Auster AOP-9 XP285 which was presented to the Museum of Army Flying in October 1970 as a static exhibit. It was never operated or flown in Australian military service, but was presented to the Australian Army.

ADF.Serial RAF.Serial Type.. c/n Aircraft History
n/a XP285 AOP-9 171

26/09/1961 Taken on Army Air Corps charge as Auster AOP Mk.9 XP285 from Auster Aircraft Ltd at Rearsby,
Allotted 654 Light Aircraft Squadron, Army Air Corps, Hildesheim, West Germany,
Allotted 19 Maintenance Unit, RAF St Athan, Wales, for storage,
Allotted No.6 Liaison Depot Flight, Army Air Corps, Middle Wallop,
Allotted 132 Flight, Army Air Corps,
Allotted 19 Maintenance Unit, RAF St Athan, Wales, for storage,
08/07/1970 Allotted 70 Aircraft Workshop, Middle Wallop for preparation prior to presentation to Australian Army Aviation,
26/08/1970 Struck-off Charge as "Gift to Australian War Museum" (sic).
On static display at the
Australian Army Flying Museum,  Oakey, QLD.




The Author of this page is Brendan Cowan.

Source:, , ,,


Updated 21 February 2020


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